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Digital Mammography

9th International Workshop, IWDM 2008 Tucson, AZ, USA, July 20-23, 2008 Proceedings

  • Conference proceedings
  • © 2008


Part of the book series: Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS, volume 5116)

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Conference proceedings info: IWDM 2008.

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About this book

This volume (5116) of Springer’s Lecture Notes in Computer Science contains the th proceedings of the 9 International Workshop on Digital Mammography (IWDM) which was held July 20 – 23, 2008 in Tucson, AZ in the USA. The IWDM meetings traditionally bring together a diverse set of researchers (physicists, mathematicians, computer scientists, engineers), clinicians (radiologists, surgeons) and representatives of industry, who are jointly committed to developing technologies to support clinicians in the early detection and subsequent patient management of breast cancer. The IWDM conference series was initiated at a 1993 meeting of the SPIE Medical Imaging Symposium in San Jose, CA, with subsequent meetings hosted every two years at sites around the world. Previous meetings were held in York, England; Chicago, IL USA; Nijmegen, Netherlands; Toronto, Canada; Bremen, Germany; Durham, NC USA and Manchester, UK. th The 9 IWDM meeting was attended by a very international group of participants, and during the two and one-half days of scientific sessions there were 70 oral presentations, 34 posters and 3 keynote addresses. The three keynote speakers discussed some of the “hot” topics in breast imaging today. Karen Lindfors spoke on “Dedicated Breast CT: Initial Clinical Experiences. ” Elizabeth Rafferty asked the question is “Breast Tomosynthesis: Ready for Prime Time?” Finally, Martin Tornai discussed “3D Multi-Modality Molecular Breast Imaging.

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Table of contents (104 papers)

  1. Breast Density, Texture and Risk I

    1. Clinical Experiences

    2. Breast Imaging Physics

Other volumes

  1. Digital Mammography

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