This chapter presents an introduction to the different artistic design domains that make use of interactive evolutionary design approaches, the techniques they use, and many of the challenges arising. After a brief introduction to concepts and terminology common to most artificial genetic design, there is a survey of artistic evolutionary systems and related research for evolving images and forms. While the focus is primarily on purely aesthetic fitness landscapes, the survey also ventures into areas such as product design and architecture. The overview shifts from technique to application as organizational strategies, as appropriate. After briefly surveying additional information sources, the chapter concludes with a discussion of major topics of relevance to evolutionary system designers, providing context for the following chapters. It is hoped that this snapshot of the state of the field will increase exposure to projects and issues, discussion amongst participants, and ultimately the accessibility of these techniques and approaches.
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Lewis, M. (2008). Evolutionary Visual Art and Design. In: Romero, J., Machado, P. (eds) The Art of Artificial Evolution. Natural Computing Series. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.
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