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A Rigorous Analysis of the Pattern of Intron Conservation Supports the Coelomata Clade of Animals

  • Conference paper
Comparative Genomics (RECOMB-CG 2007)

Part of the book series: Lecture Notes in Computer Science ((LNBI,volume 4751))

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Many intron positions are conserved in varying subsets of eukaryotic genomes and, consequently, comprise a potentially informative class of phylogenetic characters. Roy and Gilbert developed a method of phylogenetic reconstruction using the patterns of intron presence-absence in eukaryotic genes and, applying this method to the analysis of animal phylogeny, obtained support for an Ecdysozoa clade ([1]). The critical assumption in the method was the independence of the rates of intron loss in different branches of the phylogenetic. Here, this assumption is refuted by showing that the branch-specific intron loss rates are strongly correlated. We show that different tree topologies are obtained, in each case with a significant statistical support, when different subsets of intron positions are analyzed. The analysis of the conserved intron positions supports the Coelomata topology, i.e., a clade comprised of arthropods and chordates, whereas the analysis of more variable intron positions favors the Ecdysozoa topology, i.e., a clade of arthropods and nematodes. We show, however, that the support for Ecdysozoa is fully explained by parallel loss of introns in nematodes and arthropods, a factor that does not contribute to the analysis of the conserved introns. The developed procedure for the identification and analysis of conserved introns and other characters with minimal or no homoplasy is expected to be useful for resolving many hard phylogenetic problems.

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Zheng, J., Rogozin, I.B., Koonin, E.V., Przytycka, T.M. (2007). A Rigorous Analysis of the Pattern of Intron Conservation Supports the Coelomata Clade of Animals. In: Tesler, G., Durand, D. (eds) Comparative Genomics. RECOMB-CG 2007. Lecture Notes in Computer Science(), vol 4751. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.

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  • Print ISBN: 978-3-540-74959-2

  • Online ISBN: 978-3-540-74960-8

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