There are more and more documents produced and exchanged on both public and private networks. At the same time, the tools proposed to access their content do not fully satisfy the users. Most of them do not really take into account the user’s point of view or knowledge. The aim of the works we describe in this chapter is to fill this gap between users and the collections of documents they browse through. Thus, we propose a user-centered model of lexical knowledge as well as related graphical interfaces. The application of this model for access to textual information is realised by the ProxiDocs platform. This tool provides users with interactive maps and hypertexts improved with mark-up directly related to their own choices and preferences.
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Roy, T., Ferrari, S. (2008). User Preferences for Access to Textual Information: Model, Tools and Experiments. In: Wallace, M., Angelides, M.C., Mylonas, P. (eds) Advances in Semantic Media Adaptation and Personalization. Studies in Computational Intelligence, vol 93. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.
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