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An investigation of the effectiveness of advanced modeling tools on the forecasting of daily PM10 values in the Greater Athens Area

  • Conference paper
  • First Online:
Information Technologies in Environmental Engineering

Part of the book series: Environmental Science and Engineering ((ENVENG))

  • 2497 Accesses


The present paper discusses the effectiveness of advanced modeling tools as a means of forecasting daily PM10 values, presenting as a case study the Greater Athens Area. The effectiveness of the described approaches is judged against mature forecasting approaches (e.g. linear regression and neural networks) in terms of absolute prediction error metrics and the confusion matrix, which shows the ability to correctly predict exceedances of the regulatory limit. Finally, a new approach is presented that incorporates the short-term dynamics of the PM10 time series into the forecasting model as explanatory variable.

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The authors acknowledge partial funding for the presented work by the EU project “PERL”, Grant agreement no.: 229773.

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Sfetsos, A., Vlachogiannis, D. (2009). An investigation of the effectiveness of advanced modeling tools on the forecasting of daily PM10 values in the Greater Athens Area. In: Athanasiadis, I.N., Rizzoli, A.E., Mitkas, P.A., Gómez, J.M. (eds) Information Technologies in Environmental Engineering. Environmental Science and Engineering(). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.

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