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Challenges for Next Generation Network Operations and Service Management

11th Asia-Pacific Network Operations and Management Symposium, APNOMS 2008, Beijing, China, October 22-24, 2008. Proceedings

  • Conference proceedings
  • © 2008


Part of the book series: Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS, volume 5297)

Part of the book sub series: Computer Communication Networks and Telecommunications (LNCCN)

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Conference proceedings info: APNOMS 2008.

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About this book

th We are delighted to present the proceedings of the 11 Asia-Paci?c Network Operations and Management Symposium (APNOMS 2008) which was held in Beijing, China, during October 22–24, 2008. TheOrganizingCommittee(OC)selectedthethemeofthisyear’ssymposium as “Challenges for Next-Generation Network Operations and Service Mana- ment. ” Research and development on next-generation networks (NGNs) have been carried out over the last few years and we are already seeing their - ployment and operations in many parts of Asia-Paci?c countries. We are also beginning to experience new and interesting services that utilize these NGNs. We are certain that we will see more deployment of NGNs and NGN services in the next few years. Thus, the operations and management of NGNs and their services are very important to the network operators and service providers. At the same time, they are also concerned about new and more e?ective ways of performing the operations and management. This year, the APNOMS call for papers received 195 paper submissions from 19di?erentcountries,includingcountriesoutsidetheAsia-Paci?cregion(Europe, Middle-East, North and South America). Each paper was carefully reviewed by at least three international experts. Based on review scores, the APNOMS 2008 Technical ProgramCommittee discussed the selection of papers, and selected 43 high-quality papers (22. 1% of submissions) as full papers and 34 papers as short papers. Accepted papers were arrangedinto ten technical sessions and two short paper sessions (poster presentation).


Table of contents (77 papers)

  1. Session 1: Routing and Topology Management

  2. Session 2: Falut Management

  3. Session 3: Community and Virtual Group Management

  4. Session 4: Autonomous and Distributed Control

  5. Session 5: Sensor Network Management

Other volumes

  1. Challenges for Next Generation Network Operations and Service Management

Editors and Affiliations

  • Network Information Center, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Beijing, China

    Yan Ma

  • School of Electronic & Computer Engineering, Chonnam National University, Gwangju, Republic of Korea

    Deokjai Choi

  • Graduate School of Engineering Osaka City University, Osaka, Japan

    Shingo Ata

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