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Active and Programmable Networks

IFIP TC6 7th International Working Conference, IWAN 2005, Sophia Antipolis, France, November 21-23, 2005, Revised Papers

  • Conference proceedings
  • © 2009


Part of the book series: Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS, volume 4388)

Part of the book sub series: Computer Communication Networks and Telecommunications (LNCCN)

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Conference proceedings info: IWAN 2005.

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About this book

This volume contains the proceedings of the 7th International Working Conference on Active and Programmable Networks (IWAN 2005) that was held during November 21–23, 2005, in Sophia Antipolis, Cote d’ Azur, France, jointly organized by Hitachi Europe and INRIA. IWAN 2005 took place against a backdrop of questions about the viability and - cessity of a conference that deals with an area perceived by many as having run its full course. The Organizing Committee, during the preparations of the conference, took these concerns seriously and reflected them in the theme of this year’s event, entitled “Re-incarnating Active Networking Research,” and expanding the scope of past calls for papers into topics that have emerged from active and programmable networks. The result was a success because we received 72 submissions, a number that - ceeded our expectations and in fact is one of the highest in the history of the conf- ence. The distinguished Technical Program Committee set high standards for the final program; each one of the submitted papers received three peer reviews with detailed comments and suggestions for the authors. In total, 13 papers were accepted for the main program sessions with 9 papers accepted unconditionally and the remaining 4 papers being conditionally accepted with shepherding by selected Program Committee members.

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Table of contents (27 papers)

  1. Programmable Networks and Heterogeneity

  2. Architectural Frameworks

  3. Node Architectures

  4. Services

  5. Short Papers

Other volumes

  1. Active and Programmable Networks

Editors and Affiliations

  • Computing Department, InfoLab21, Faculty of Science and Technology, Lancaster, UK

    David Hutchison

  • Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Patras, Patras, Greece

    Spyros Denazis

  • INRIA RESO/LIP, Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon, 46 Allee d’Italie, University of Lyon, Lyon Cedex 07, France

    Laurent Lefevre

  • The University of Kansas, Information & Telecommunication Technology Center, Lawrence, USA

    Gary J. Minden

Bibliographic Information

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