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In view of the steadily growing car traffic and the limited capacity of our street networks, we are facing a situation where methods for better traffic management are becoming more and more important. Studies [92] show that an individual “blind” choice of routes leads to travel times that are between 6% and 19% longer than necessary. On the other hand, telematics and sensory devices are providing or will shortly provide detailed information about the actual traffic flows, thus making available the necessary data to employ better means of traffic management.

A preliminary version of this paper has appeared as [59]. Some parts have been taken from the following papers:[9,29,41,51,58,61].

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Köhler, E., Möhring, R.H., Skutella, M. (2009). Traffic Networks and Flows over Time. In: Lerner, J., Wagner, D., Zweig, K.A. (eds) Algorithmics of Large and Complex Networks. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 5515. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.

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