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Biometric ID Management and Multimodal Communication

Joint COST 2101 and 2102 International Conference, BioID_MultiComm 2009, Madrid, Spain, September 16-18, 2009, Proceedings

  • Conference proceedings
  • © 2009


Part of the book series: Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS, volume 5707)

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Conference proceedings info: BioID 2009.

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About this book

This book constitutes the research papers presented at the Joint 2101 & 2102 International Conference on Biometric ID Management and Multimodal Communication. BioID_MultiComm'09 is a joint International Conference organized cooperatively by COST Actions 2101 & 2102. COST 2101 Action is focused on 'Biometrics for Identity Documents and Smart Cards (BIDS)', while COST 2102 Action is entitled 'Cross-Modal Analysis of Verbal and Non-verbal Communication'. The aim of COST 2101 is to investigate novel technologies for unsupervised multimodal biometric authentication systems using a new generation of biometrics-enabled identity documents and smart cards. COST 2102 is devoted to develop an advanced acoustical, perceptual and psychological analysis of verbal and non-verbal communication signals originating in spontaneous face-to-face interaction, in order to identify algorithms and automatic procedures capable of recognizing human emotional states.

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Table of contents (45 papers)

  1. Face Processing and Recognition

  2. Voice Analysis and Modeling

  3. Multimodal Interaction

  4. Face and Expression Recognition

  5. Body and Gait Recognition

Other volumes

  1. Biometric ID Management and Multimodal Communication

Editors and Affiliations

  • Escuela Politecnica Superior, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Madrid, Spain

    Julian Fierrez, Javier Ortega-Garcia

  • Second University of Naples, and IIASS, Caserta, Italy

    Anna Esposito

  • EPFL, Speech Processing and Biometrics Group, EPFL-STI-IEL-LIDIAP, Lausanne, Switzerland

    Andrzej Drygajlo

  • Escola Universitària Politècnica de Mataró, Mataro (Barcelona), Spain

    Marcos Faundez-Zanuy

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