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A Self-repair Architecture for Cluster Systems

  • Chapter
Architecting Dependable Systems VI

Part of the book series: Lecture Notes in Computer Science ((LNPSE,volume 5835))

  • 436 Accesses


The paper presents the Jade framework for the construction of self-repairable cluster systems. Jade adopts an architecture-based approach to management, and maintains a causally connected view of the software architecture of the managed system, itself configured and manipulated as a component-based structure. Self-repair is achieved through a combination of component-based design, reflection and active replication of the management subsystem. The paper illustrates the benefits of the Jade approach through its application to a JEE Web application server. Specifically, our evaluation shows that the Jade framework adds negligible overhead to the operation of a managed system, and that Jade achieves short MTTR even with a simple repair policy.

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Boyer, F., De Palma, N., Gruber, O., Sicard, S., Stefani, JB. (2009). A Self-repair Architecture for Cluster Systems. In: de Lemos, R., Fabre, JC., Gacek, C., Gadducci, F., ter Beek, M. (eds) Architecting Dependable Systems VI. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 5835. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.

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