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Trust in Online Collaborative IS

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Community-Built Databases
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Collaborative systems available on the Web allow millions of users to share information through a growing collection of tools and platforms such as wikis, blogs, and shared forums. Simple editing interfaces encourage users to create and maintain repositories of shared content. Online information repositories such as wikis, forums, and blogs have increased the participation of the general public in the production of Web content through the notion of social software [1–3]. The open nature of these systems, however, makes it difficult for users to trust the quality of the available information and the reputation of its providers. Online information repositories, especially in the form of wikis, are widely used on the Web. Wikis were originally designed to hide the association between a wiki page and the authors who have produced it [4]. The main advantages of this feature are as follows: (a) it eliminates the social biases associated with group deliberation, thus contributing to the diversity of opinions and to the collective intelligence of the group, and (b) it directs authors toward group goals, rather than individual benefits [5]. In addition, one of the key characteristics of wiki software is its very low-cost collective content creation, requiring only a regular Web browser and a simple markup language. This feature makes wiki software a popular choice for content creation projects where minimizing overhead is of high priority, especially in creating new or editing already existing content. “Wikinomics” is a recent term that denotes the art and science of peer production when masses of people collaborate to create innovative knowledge resources [6].

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  1. 1.

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    Bots are generally programs or scripts that make automated edits without the necessity of human decision-making.


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Javanmardi, S., Lopes, C. (2011). Trust in Online Collaborative IS. In: Pardede, E. (eds) Community-Built Databases. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.

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