- Represents a compendium of soft computing methods
- Shows the large application potential for a variety of microwave/ millimeter wave problems
- Offers new opportunities for the design and development of microwave components
- Leads to the optimization of design parameters
Part of the book series: Studies in Computational Intelligence (SCI, volume 392)
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Table of contents (8 chapters)
Authors and Affiliations
About the authors
Dr. Kartikeyan is the recipient of a Hildegard-Maier Research Fellowship for Electrical Sciences of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation and the Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellowship for long-term Cooperation and worked at the Institut für Hochleistungsimpuls- und Mikrowellentechnik, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany. He joined the Department of Electronics and Computer Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee, India, in 2003 as an Associate Professor and since September 2009 he is working as a Full-Professor. His research interests include Millimeter Wave Engineering (Electron Cyclotron Masers and other High Power Devices and Components), Microstrip Antennas for Communications, Computational Electromagnetics, Microwave Integrated Circuits, and RF & Microwave Design with Soft Computing Techniques.
Dr. Kartikeyan is the principal author of a book entitled “Gyrotrons-High Power Microwave and Millimeter Wave Technology,” for the Springer (Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 2004).
Dr. Kartikeyan is a Life Fellow of the Institution of Electronics and Telecommunications Engineers (IETE) and a Fellow of the Institution of Engineers (IE), India.
Dr. Narendra Chauhan received the Bachlor of Engineering and Master of Engineering in Computer Engineering from the Sardar Patel University, Gujarat, India in 2001 and 2004 respectively. He received PhD award from Department of Electronics & Computer Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee in February 2010. Dr. Chauhan has worked as Lecturer and Assistant Professor at A. D. Patel Institute of Technology, Anand, India during 2003 to 2008. He is at present serving Department of Information Technology, A. D. PatelInstitute of Technology as associate professor since October 2008.
He has eight international journal papers and eighteen international/national conference papers to his credit some of which includes publication in Springer and IEEE Transaction. He has guided six M.E./M.Tech. dissertation thesis and more than twenty B.E. projects at Sardar Patel University and Gujarat Technological University, Gujarat, India.
His research interest includes soft computing, microwave and millimeter-wave design applications, approximate modeling and engineering design optimizations, image and video processing, computer vision and data mining.
Dr. Ankush Mittal received the B. Tech. in Computer Science and Engg. from the Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi in 1996 and Master's in 1998 respectively. He was nominated for outstanding PhD award by Electrical and Computer Engg, The National University of Singapore in 2001. Dr. Mittal was a faculty member in the Department of Computer Science, National University of Singapore for two years. He has also worked as an Associate professor at IIT-Roorkee for seven years. He is at present serving College of Engineering Roorkee as Director (Research) and facilitates publications, grants, and research aptitude of faculty and students at COER.
He has contributed more than 200 research papers in journals and conferences of high repute with significant impact factor, many of which are in IEEE transactions, Springer and Elsevier journals. He is also a co-author of a book on Bayesian Network technologies published by Information Science, USA.
He was conferred young scientist awards from the National Academy of Sciences in 2006, and from Indian Science Congress Association (ISCA) in 2007. He received outstanding teacher award for his excellent teaching at IIT Roorkee in 2008. Dr. Mittal's research received international recognition and he was conferred with IBM faculty award in 2008.
He has guided 7 Ph.D. thesis, 30 M. Tech. thesis and 20 B. Tech. thesis at The National University of Singapore and IIT Roorkee. His research interest include image and video processing, content based retrieval, E-learning, and bioinformatics.
Bibliographic Information
Book Title: Soft Computing Methods for Microwave and Millimeter-Wave Design Problems
Authors: Narendra Chauhan, Machavaram Kartikeyan, Ankush Mittal
Series Title: Studies in Computational Intelligence
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-25563-2
Publisher: Springer Berlin, Heidelberg
eBook Packages: Engineering, Engineering (R0)
Copyright Information: Springer-Verlag GmbH Berlin Heidelberg 2012
Hardcover ISBN: 978-3-642-25562-5Published: 09 February 2012
Softcover ISBN: 978-3-642-43760-1Published: 13 April 2014
eBook ISBN: 978-3-642-25563-2Published: 06 February 2012
Series ISSN: 1860-949X
Series E-ISSN: 1860-9503
Edition Number: 1
Number of Pages: XIV, 114
Topics: Computational Intelligence, Mathematical and Computational Engineering, Microwaves, RF and Optical Engineering, Numerical and Computational Physics, Simulation, Programming Techniques, Applied and Technical Physics