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Representing and Processing Copula and Full-Verb Sentences in Ham-Ans

  • Conference paper

Part of the book series: Informatik-Fachberichte ((2252,volume 118))

  • 56 Accesses


The representation and processing of verbs is a crucial point in natural language (NL) systems since it affects components of all processing phases. The question of how to represent and process verbs in the German language dialog system HAM-ANS (HAMburg Application-oriented Natural language System) is of special interest in two respects. First, HAM-ANS is a completely operational system of considerable depth and breadth whose processing phases (analysis, evaluation, generation) are evenly developed. This implies a ‘holistic’ view of verbs in that it is not possible to restrict the power of verb representation to the special requirements of an isolated module such as a parser. Second, HAM-ANS provides access to three different background systems dealing with a hotel reservation situation, oceanographic data and image sequences of a traffic scene - instances of highly diverse application classes (for details see [6]). Each of these domains of discourse requires the modeling of different types of states and actions.

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Busemann, S., Hoeppner, W., Marburger, H., Morik, K. (1986). Representing and Processing Copula and Full-Verb Sentences in Ham-Ans. In: Stoyan, H. (eds) GWAI-85. Informatik-Fachberichte, vol 118. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.

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  • Publisher Name: Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg

  • Print ISBN: 978-3-540-16451-7

  • Online ISBN: 978-3-642-71145-9

  • eBook Packages: Springer Book Archive

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