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Ein Konzept Zur Komposition der Semantik Aus Bedeutungstragenden Teilen Einer ÅUsserung und Zur Behandlung Alternativer Interpretationen

  • Conference paper
Computerlinguistik und ihre theoretischen Grundlagen

Part of the book series: Informatik-Fachberichte ((2252,volume 195))


In this paper some special aspects are described that were taken as a basis for the construction of a parser which maps utterances of German language to internal representation structures. The underlying formal framework is the Lexical-Functional Theory. The corresponding formalism is used to process the syntactical and semantical informations simultaneously and in a unique way. Some examples will illustrate the mechanisms which allow to construct the semantical representation of a sentence merely out of its meaningfull parts; this is done by exploiting a special class of functional equations within the LF-Formalism.

An expansion of the formalism enables us to combine alternative syntactical or semantical informations and reduce the arising sets of disjuncts during the proceeding parsing process. This leads to a tool which is able to recognize the ambiguities of an utterance. The difficulties connected with such a reduction algorithm and the implemented solutions are explained.

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© 1988 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg

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Erben, A. (1988). Ein Konzept Zur Komposition der Semantik Aus Bedeutungstragenden Teilen Einer ÅUsserung und Zur Behandlung Alternativer Interpretationen. In: Bátori, I.S., Hahn, U., Pinkal, M., Wahlster, W. (eds) Computerlinguistik und ihre theoretischen Grundlagen. Informatik-Fachberichte, vol 195. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.

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  • Publisher Name: Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg

  • Print ISBN: 978-3-540-50554-9

  • Online ISBN: 978-3-642-74282-8

  • eBook Packages: Springer Book Archive

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