One of the most common tasks in cryptography and cryptanalysis is to find some interesting event (a needle) in an exponentially large collection (haystack) of \(N=2^n\) possible events, or to demonstrate that no such event is likely to exist. In particular, we are interested in finding needles which are defined as events that happen with an unusually high probability of \(p \gg 1/N\) in a haystack which is an almost uniform distribution on N possible events. When the search algorithm can only sample values from this distribution, the best known time/memory tradeoff for finding such an event requires \(O(1/Mp^2)\) time given O(M) memory.
In this paper we develop much faster needle searching algorithms in the common cryptographic setting in which the distribution is defined by applying some deterministic function f to random inputs. Such a distribution can be modelled by a random directed graph with N vertices in which almost all the vertices have O(1) predecessors while the vertex we are looking for has an unusually large number of O(pN) predecessors. When we are given only a constant amount of memory, we propose a new search methodology which we call NestedRho. As p increases, such random graphs undergo several subtle phase transitions, and thus the log-log dependence of the time complexity T on p becomes a piecewise linear curve which bends four times. Our new algorithm is faster than the \(O(1/p^2)\) time complexity of the best previous algorithm in the full range of \(1/N<p<1\), and in particular it improves the previous time complexity by a significant factor of \(\sqrt{N}\) for any p in the range \(N^{-0.75}<p< N^{-0.5}\). When we are given more memory, we show how to combine the NestedRho technique with the parallel collision search technique in order to further reduce its time complexity. Finally, we show how to apply our new search technique to more complicated distributions with multiple peaks when we want to find all the peaks whose probabilities are higher than p.
O. Dunkelman was supported in part by the Israeli Science Foundation through grant No. 827/12 and by the Commission of the European Communities through the Horizon 2020 program under project number 645622 PQCRYPTO.
N. Keller was supported by the Alon Fellowship.
A. Shamir—Part of the work was done while the fourth author was visiting the Institute of Theoretical Studies. He would like to thank ITS, Dr. Max Rössler, the Walter Haefner Foundation and the ETH Foundation.
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1 Introduction
Almost everything we do in the construction and analysis of cryptographic schemes can be viewed as searching for needles in haystacks: identifying the correct key among all the possible keys, finding preimages in hash functions, looking for biases in the outputs of stream ciphers, determining the best differential and linear properties of a block cipher, hunting for smooth numbers in factoring algorithms, etc. As cryptanalysts, our goal is to find such needles with the most efficient algorithm, and as designers our goal is to make sure that such needles either do not exist or are too difficult to find.
Needles can be defined in many different ways, depending on what distinguishes them from all the other elements in the haystack. One common theme which characterizes many types of needles in cryptography is that they are probabilistic events which have the highest probability p among all the \(N=2^n\) possible events in the haystack. Such an element is called the mode of the distribution, and for the sake of simplicity we will first consider the case in which the distribution is almost flat: a single peak has a probability of \(p \gg 1/N\) and all the other events have a probability of about (as depicted in Fig. 1). Later on we will consider the more general case of distributions in which there are several peaks of varying heights, and we want to find all of them.
Our goal in this paper is to analyze the complexity of this probabilistic needle finding problem, assuming that the haystack distribution is given as a black box. By abstracting away the details of the task and concentrating on its essence, we make our techniques applicable to a wide variety of situations. On the other hand, in this general form we can not use specific optimization tricks that can make the search for particular types of needles more efficient.Footnote 1
We will be interested in optimizing both the time complexity and the memory complexity of the search algorithm. Since random-access memory is usually much more expensive than time, we will concentrate primarily on memory-efficient algorithms: We will start by analyzing the best possible time complexity of algorithms which can use only a constant amount of memory, and then study how the time complexity can be reduced by using some additional memory.
The paper is organized as follows: Sect. 2 formalizes our computational model. Section 3 describes the best previously known folklore algorithms for solving the problem. We then show how to use standard collision detection algorithms to identify the mode when its probability p is sufficiently large in Sect. 4. We follow in Sect. 5 by introducing the new 2Rho algorithm which uses a collision detection algorithm on the amplified mode probability obtained by running another collision detection algorithm on the original distribution. The algorithm is then extended to a general \({{\varvec{i}}}\mathbf{Rho }\) by using even deeper nesting of the collision detection algorithm in Sect. 6. We consider time-memory tradeoffs in Sect. 7, and discuss the adaptations needed when the probability distribution has multiple peaks and we want to find all of them in Sect. 8. Finally, Sect. 9 concludes the paper.
2 Problem Statement and Model Description
The simplest conceptual model for our problem is one in which the sampling black box has a button, and each time we press it we are charged a unit of time and we get a freshly chosen event from the distribution. We can thus test whether a particular y is the mode \(y_0\) by counting how many times this y was sampled from the distribution in trials. Notice that when we have a single available counter, we have to run this algorithm separately for each candidate y. The simplest possible algorithm sequentially tries all the N possible candidates, but we can use the given distribution in order to make a better choice of the next candidate to test. Since the correct candidate is suggested with an enhanced probability of , the time complexity is reduced from to \(1/p^2\). When we have M available counters, we can get a linear speed up by testing M candidate values simultaneously with the same number of samples, provided that \(1/p \ge M\). This trivial approach yields the best known algorithms for finding the mode of a flat distribution with a single peak.
However, closer inspection of the problem shows that in most of our cryptographic applications, the distribution we want to analyze is actually generated by some deterministic function f whose input is randomly chosen from a uniform probability distribution. For example, when we look for biases in the first n output bits of a stream cipher, we choose a random key, apply to it the deterministic bit generator, and define the (possibly non-uniform) output distribution by saying that a particular bit string has a probability of if it occurs as a prefix of the output string for i out of the N possible keys. Similarly, when we look for a high probability differential property, we choose random pairs of plaintexts with a certain input difference, and deterministically encrypt them under some fixed key. This process generates a distribution by counting how many times we get each output difference, and the mode of this distribution suggests the best differential on the block cipher which uses the selected input difference.
In such situations, we replace the button in the black box by an input which can accept N possible values. The box itself becomes deterministic, and we sample the distribution by providing to the box a randomly chosen input value. The main difference between the two models is that when we repeatedly press the button we get unrelated samples, but when we repeatedly provide the same input value we always get the same output value. As we show in this paper, this small difference leads to surprising new kinds of mode-finding algorithms which have much better complexities than the trivial algorithm outlined above.
The mapping from inputs to outputs defined by the function f can be viewed as a random directed bipartite graph such as the one presented in Fig. 2, in which one of the vertices has a large in-degree. For the sake of simplicity, we assume that the function f has the same number N of possible inputs and outputsFootnote 2, and then we can merge input and output vertices which have the same name to get the standard model of a random single-successor graph on N vertices. When we iterate the application of the function f in this graph, we follow a Rho-shaped path which starts with a tail and then gets into a cycle. The graph consists of a small number of disjoint cycles, and all the other vertices in the graph are hanging in the form of trees around these cycles.
As we increase the probability p from to 1, one of the vertices \(y_0\) becomes increasingly popular as a target, and the graph changes its properties. For example, it is easy to show that when p crosses the threshold of \(O(1/\sqrt{N})\), there is a sudden phase transition in which \(y_0\) is expected to move from a tree into one of the cycles (where it becomes much easier to locate), and the expected length of its cycle starts to shrink (whereas earlier it was always the same). As we show later in the paper, more subtle phase changes happen when p crosses several earlier thresholds, and thus the log-log complexity of our mode-searching algorithm becomes a piecewise linear function that bends several times at those thresholds, as depicted by the solid line in Fig. 5. Compared to the dotted line which depicts the best previous \(1/p^2\) complexity, we get a significant improvement in the whole range of possible p values.
2.1 Notations and Conventions
Notation 1
The set \(\{1,2,\ldots ,N\}\) is denoted by [N]. Throughout the paper, all functions are from the set [N] to itself. The mode of a function is the value in its range with the largest number of preimages.
Problem Setup: The basic problem we study is the following. We are given a value \(0<p<1\) and a function \(f:[N] \rightarrow [N]\) which is generated by the following three-step process:
Choose \(y_0 \in [N]\) uniformly at random.
Choose a subset \(S \subset [N]\) uniformly at random amongst all subsets of size pN. Set \(f(x)=y_0\) for all \(x \in S\).
For each \(x \not \in S\), choose \(f(x) \in [N] \setminus \{y_0\}\) uniformly at random.
By definition, the values of f on \([N] \setminus S\) can be simulated by a truly random oracle returning values in \([N] \setminus \{y_0\}\). Our initial goal is to detect \(y_0\) with the fastest possible algorithm that uses only O(1) memory cells. We can assume that the attacker knows p, since otherwise he can run a simple search algorithm with a geometrically decreasing sequence of probabilities (e.g., \(1,1/2,\ldots ,1/2^{i},\ldots \)) to find the highest value of p for which his attack succeeds (or stop when the attack becomes too expensive, which provides an upper bound on the probability of \(y_0\), but does not identify it).
3 Trivial Memoryless Algorithms
In this section we formally present the simplest possible memoryless algorithms for detecting the mode for various values of p. They are based on sampling random points, and then checking whether they are indeed the required mode.
3.1 Memoryless Mode Verification Algorithm
We start the discussion by presenting a mode verification algorithm. The algorithm accepts a candidate y, and checks whether it is the mode \(y_0\). The checking is done by choosing random values, and verifying that sufficiently many of them are mapped to y under the function f. The algorithm is presented in Algorithm 1.
It is easy to see that Algorithm 1 makes queries to \(f(\cdot )\). Its success depends on the picked constants c and t. Assuming that indeed y is \(y_0\) we expect that the number of times the chosen x leads to y is distributed according to a Poisson distribution with a mean value of c (otherwise, the distribution follows a Poisson distribution with a mean value of \(c/Np \ll c\)). Hence, for any desired success rate, one can easily choose c and the threshold t. For example, setting \(c=4\) and \(t=2\) offers a success rate of about 90.8 %.
3.2 Memoryless Sampling Algorithm
The sampling algorithm suggested in Algorithm 2 is based on picking at random a value x, computing a candidate \(y=f(x)\) for the verification algorithm, and verifying whether y is indeed the correct \(y_0\). It is easy to see that the algorithm is expected to probe \(O(p^{-1})\) values of y, until \(y_0\) is encountered, and that each verification takes \(O(p^{-1})\), resulting in a running time of \(O(p^{-2})\).
4 Using Rho-based Collision Detection Algorithms
We now present a different class of algorithms for detecting the mode, using collision detection algorithms combined with the trivial mode verification algorithm (Algorithm 1). These algorithms (such as Floyd’s [7] or its variants [2, 8]) start from some random point x, and iteratively apply f to it, i.e., produce the sequence \(x,f(x),f^2(x) = f(f(x)), f^3(x), \ldots \), until a repetition is detectedFootnote 3. In the sequel, we call such algorithms “Rho algorithms”. We denote the first repeated value in the sequence \(x,f(x),f^2(x),\ldots \) by \(f^{\mu }(x)\) and its second appearance by \(f^{\mu +\lambda }(x)\), and call this common value the cycle’s entry point.
Optimal Detection when \({\varvec{p}} \varvec{\gg } {\varvec{N}}^\mathbf{-1/2 }\). First, we show that when \(p \gg N^{-1/2}\), the mode \(y_0\) can be found in time . This complexity is clearly the best possible: if the number of queries to f is , then with overwhelming probability no preimage of \(y_0\) is queried and so \(y_0\) cannot be detected.
The idea is simple: we run a Rho algorithm, with an arbitrary random starting point x and an upper bound on the length of the sequence for some small constant c. For such a length, we expect the mode \(y_0\) to appear twice in the sequence with high probability, whereas due to the fact that \(c/p<\sqrt{N}\) the collision found by Rho is not expected to be one of the other random values. We show the full analysis of the algorithm in Appendix A.
By using a memoryless Rho algorithm, we get a time complexity of and a memory complexity of O(1). As usual, the probability that \(y_0\) is detected can be enhanced even further by repeating the algorithm with other starting points and checking each suggested point in time using the trivial mode verification algorithm.
The RepeatedRho Algorithm: Detection in \({\varvec{O}}({\varvec{p}}^\mathbf{-3 } {\varvec{N}}^\mathbf{-1 })\) for Arbitrary \({\varvec{p}}\). The above approach can be used for any value of p. However, when \(p<1/\sqrt{N}\), the probability that the output of Rho (i.e., the cycle’s entry point) is indeed \(y_0\) drops significantly. Specifically, we have the following lower bound, and one can easily show that the actual value is not significantly larger.
Proposition 1
Assume that \(p<1/\sqrt{N}\) and thus Rho encounters \(O(\sqrt{N})\) different output values until a collision is detected. Then the probability that Rho outputs \(y_0\) is \(\varOmega (p^2 N)\).
Since the probability of obtaining \(y_0\) as the output is non-decreasing as a function of p, there is no loss of generality in assuming \(p = c N^{-1/2}\) for a small c. In such a case, a lower bound on the probability of Rho producing \(y_0\) is the probability that in the first \(\sqrt{N}/2\) steps of the sequence \((x,f(x),f^2(x),\ldots )\), each value \(y' \ne y_0\) appears at most once, while \(y_0\) appears twice. Formally, let \(L'=(x,f(x),\ldots ,f^t(x))\), where \(t=\min (\mu +\lambda ,\sqrt{N}/2)\). Denote by \(E_{y'}\) the event: “Each \(y' \ne y_0\) appears at most once in \(L'\)”, and by \(E_{y_0}\) the event: “\(y_0\) appears twice in \(L'\)”. Then
As we show in Appendix A, we have \(\Pr [E_{y'}] \ge e^{-1/4} \approx 0.78\) and
Finally, for any small \(\lambda \) we have
and thus, combination of the above inequalities yields
as asserted. \(\square \)
This yields the RepeatedRho algorithm – an \(O(p^{-3}N^{-1})\) algorithm for detecting the mode: run the Rho algorithm times, and check each output point in time using the mode verification algorithm. With a constant probability, \(y_0\) is suggested by at least one of the Rho invocations and is thus verified. As \(p^{-3} N^{-1} < p^{-2}\) for all \(p>N^{-1}\), this algorithm outperforms the sampling algorithm (Algorithm 2) whose running time is \(O(p^{-2})\) for all p. See Fig. 3 for comparison of the algorithms for different values of p.
The analysis above implicitly assumes that all the invocations of Rho are independent. However, this is clearly not the case if we apply Rho to the same function f, while changing only the starting point x in each invocation. Indeed, since \(p<1/\sqrt{N}\), \(y_0\) is not expected to be on a cycle of f, and thus no matter how many times we run the Rho algorithm using the same f but different starting points, we will never encounter \(y_0\) as a cycle entry point.
In order to make the invocations of Rho essentially independent, we introduce the notion of flavors of f, like the flavors used in Hellman’s classical time-memory tradeoff attack [3]. More specifically, we define the v’s flavor of f as the function \(f_v(x)=f(x+v)\) where the addition is computed modulo N. The different flavors of f share some local properties (e.g., they preserve the number of preimages of each y, and thus \(y_0\) remains the mode of the function), but have different global properties (e.g., when iterated, their graphs have a completely different partition into trees and cycles). In particular, it is common to consider the various flavors of f as unrelated functions, even though this is not formally justified. We define the output of the v’s invocation of Rho as the entry point into the cycle defined by \(f_v\) when we start from point v, and run the RepeatedRho algorithm by calling Rho multiple times with different randomly chosen flavors.
5 The 2Rho Algorithm
In this section we introduce the 2Rho algorithm, and show that running a Rho algorithm over the results of a Rho algorithm outperforms all the previously suggested algorithms.
The main idea behind the new algorithm is that a single application of Rho can be viewed as a bootstrapping step that amplifies the probability of \(y_0\) to be sampled. Indeed, by Proposition 1, The probability that Rho with a randomly chosen flavor will output \(y_0\) is \(\varOmega (p^2 N)\), and as long as \(p \gg N^{-1}\), this is significantly larger than the probability p that \(y_0\) will be sampled by a single invocation of f. Note that by symmetry the probabilities of all the other values of y to be returned by Rho with a random flavor remain uniformly low. We are thus facing exactly the same needle finding problem but with a magnified probability peak at exactly the same location \(y_0\). In particular, if this new probability peak exceeds \(N^{-0.5}\), we can find it by using a simple Rho algorithm. On the other hand, a single evaluation of Rho is now more time consuming than a single evaluation of f, and thus the bootstrapping yields a tradeoff between the total number of operations and the cost of each operation, so the parameters should be chosen properly in order to reduce the total complexity.
Our goal now is to formally define the new inner function g(x) which will be used by the outer Rho algorithm. This g maps a flavor v to the cycle’s entry point defined by running the Rho algorithm on the v’s flavor of f (i.e., on \(f_v\)), starting with the initial value v. When we iterate g, we jump from a flavor to a cycle entry point, and then use the identity of the cycle’s entry point to define the next flavor and starting point. This creates a large Rho structure over small Rho structures, as depicted in Fig. 4 in which the different colors indicate the different flavors of f we use in the algorithm. Each dotted line represents the first step we take when we switch to a new flavor, and is used only to visually separate the Rhos so that the figure will look more comprehensible. Note that the collision in the big cycle happens when we encounter the same cycle entry point a second time, but this does not imply that the two colliding small Rho’s or their starting points are the same, since they typically use different flavors; it is only in the second and third times we meet the same cycle entry point that their corresponding Rho structures also becomes identical, and from then on we go through the same Rhos over and over.
We now turn our attention to a specific range of probabilities p for which the 2Rho algorithm (that runs an outer Rho algorithm over an inner Rho algorithm) offers a significant gain over the previously described algorithms.
5.1 Analysis of 2Rho in the Range \(N^{-3/4} \ll p \le N^{-1/2}\)
Assume that \(N^{-3/4} \ll p \le N^{-1/2}\), and construct the function g as described above. Defining \(p' = \Pr [g(x)=y_0]\), we have shown that \(p'= \varOmega (p^2 N) \gg N^{-1/2}\), and thus the mode of g can be found optimally in \(O(1/p')\) evaluations of g using the 2Rho algorithm.
In order to find the total complexity of 2Rho, we have to compute the complexity of each evaluation of g, i.e., of an evaluation of Rho algorithm.
Note that for \(c>1\), the probability that all values \(x,f(x),f^2(x),\ldots ,f^{c\sqrt{N}}(x)\) are different is at most
Hence, with an overwhelming probability, Rho finds a cycle in \(O(\sqrt{N})\) operations. In order to avoid the rare cases where such algorithms take more time, we can slightly modify any Rho algorithm by stopping it after a predetermined number of f evaluations (e.g., \(10\sqrt{N}\)), in which case \(g(x)=\mathbf{Rho } (f,x+1)\).Footnote 4 In any case, the expected time complexity of an evaluation of g is \(O(\sqrt{N})\) evaluations of f.
Therefore, the time complexity of 2Rho is \(O(\frac{1}{p'} \cdot \sqrt{N}) = O(p^{-2} N^{-1/2})\) operations. This is significantly faster than the Sampling algorithm, and also significantly faster than RepeatedRho, since \(p^{-2} N^{-1/2} < p^{-3} N^{-1}\) for all \(p<N^{-1/2}\).
Just like the Rho algorithm, the nested 2Rho algorithm can be repeated when \(p<N^{-3/4}\), to yield an algorithm for any p. Indeed, repeating 2Rho until the mode is found (and verified by the verification algorithm), takes \(O(p'^{-3} N^{-1}) = O((p^2 N)^{-3} N^{-1}) = O(p^{-6} N^{-4})\) evaluations of g, or \(O(p^{-6} N^{-3.5})\) evaluations of f. Hence, Repeated2Rho is better than the RepeatedRho algorithm for \(p>N^{-5/6}\) and is worse for \(p<N^{-5/6}\).
Table 1 describes our experimental verification of the 2Rho algorithm for different values of p in the range \(N^{-0.79} \le p \le N^{-0.5}\). We used a relatively small \(N=2^{28}\) (which makes the transition at \(p=N^{-0.75}\) more gradual than we expect it to be for larger N), and repeated each experiment 100 times with different random functions f.
6 Deeper Nesting of the Rho Algorithm
We now show how one can nest \({{\varvec{i}}}\mathbf{Rho }\) to obtain \(\mathbf ( {\varvec{i}}{} \mathbf +1) {} \mathbf Rho \). We analyze the resulting complexities, and show that while for a small i, it yields better results, as i becomes larger it loses to simpler algorithms. In particular, it is advantageous to nest the NestedRho algorithm up to four times, but not a fifth time.
The 3Rho Algorithm for \({\varvec{N}}^\mathbf{-7/8 } \varvec{\ll } {\varvec{p}} \varvec{\le } {\varvec{N}}^\mathbf{-3/4 }\). Assume that \(N^{-7/8} \ll p \le N^{-3/4}\), and define a new function h(x) which maps an input flavor x into the cycle’s entry point defined by the 2Rho algorithm. As in the analysis of 2Rho above, we define \(p'' = \Pr [h(x)=y_0]\), and can show that \(p'' = \varOmega (p'^2 N) = \varOmega (p^4 N^2 N) \gg N^{-1/2}\). Hence, the mode of h can be found optimally in \(O(1/p'')\) evaluations of h using Rho. Since each evaluation of h requires \(O(\sqrt{N})\) evaluations of g, and since each evaluation of g requires \(O(\sqrt{N})\) evaluations of f, the overall complexity of the algorithm is \(O(p^{-4} N^{-3} N) = O(p^{-4} N^{-2})\) evaluations of f. We call this algorithm 3Rho, as it essentially performs yet another nesting layer of 2Rho.
The complexity of the 3Rho algorithm is always better than that of RepeatedRho and is better than the \(O(p^{-6} N^{-3.5})\) complexity of Repeated2Rho for all \(p<N^{-3/4}\).
As in the case of 2Rho, the 3Rho algorithm can also be repeated as Repeated3Rho with mode verification to yield an algorithm for any p. The resulting complexity is \(O(p''^{-3} N^{-1}) = O((p^4 N^3)^{-3} N^{-1}) = O(p^{-12} N^{-10})\) evaluations of h, or \(O(p^{-12} N^{-9})\) evaluations of f. This algorithm is better than the RepeatedRho for \(p>N^{-8/9}\) and is worse for \(p<N^{-8/9}\). However, it turns out that for \(N^{-9/10} \ll p \le N^{-7/8}\), we can do better by nesting 3Rho yet another time.
The 4Rho Algorithm for \({\varvec{N}}^{\mathbf{-9/10}} \varvec{\ll } {\varvec{p}} \varvec{\le } {\varvec{N}}^\mathbf{-7/8}\). Assume that \(N^{-15/16} \ll p \le N^{-7/8}\), and define a new mapping \(\ell (x)\) which maps a flavor x into the cycle’s entry point found by the 3Rho algorithm. As in the above case of 3Rho, we have \(p''' = \Pr [\ell (x)=y_0] = \varOmega (p''^2 N) = \varOmega (p^8 N^6 N) \gg N^{-1/2}\). Hence, the mode of \(\ell \) can be found optimally in \(O(1/p''')\) evaluations of \(\ell \) using Rho.
Since each evaluation of \(\ell \) requires \(O(N^{1.5})\) evaluations of f, the overall complexity of the algorithm is \(O(p^{-8} N^{-7} N^{1.5}) = O(p^{-8} N^{-5.5})\) evaluations of f. We call this algorithm 4Rho, as it performs a four-layer nesting of Rho.
Unlike the previous algorithms, 4Rho is not better than all previous algorithms in the whole range \(N^{-15/16} \ll p \le N^{-7/8}\). Indeed, as \(p \rightarrow N^{-15/16}\), the complexity of 4Rho approaches \(N^2\), which is higher than even the straightforward Sampling Algorithm. In particular, 4Rho is faster than RepeatedRho only as long as \(p>N^{-0.9}\), which explains why the complexity curve reduces its slope at the top right corner of Fig. 5.
We note that the natural extension to 5Rho is clearly inferior for any p since the complexity of each step of the outer Rho requires \(N^2\) steps, which is already higher than the overall complexity of the Sampling algorithm.
The complexities of the best algorithms we were able to achieve (as a function of p) are presented in a mathematical form in Table 2 and in graphical form in Fig. 5.
7 Time-Memory Tradeoffs
In this section, we revisit the basic problem of detecting the mode, but assume that we have O(M) memory cells available. Our goal is to detect the mode as efficiently as possible, where the complexity is formulated as a function of the parameters N, p and M.
Before starting, we note that we only deal with the case of \(p < N^{-1/2}\), as we already have an optimalFootnote 5 memoryless algorithm for the case of \(p \ge N^{-1/2}\) (as shown in Sect. 4).
We begin by describing the basic parallel collision search algorithm of [10]. We then describe a sequence of algorithms that extend the \({{\varvec{i}}}\mathbf{Rho }\) memoryless algorithms using parallel collision search.
7.1 Parallel Collision Search
The parallel collision search (PCS) algorithm presented by van Oorschot and Wiener [10] is a memory-efficient algorithm for finding multiple collisions at low amortized cost per collision in a function f that maps [N] to [N]. Since its introduction, the algorithm has been extensively used in cryptanalysis (e.g., in [4–6, 9]). Given M memory cells, the algorithm builds a structure of M chains which is similar to the one built in Hellman’s time-memory tradeoff algorithm [3].
A chain in the structure starts at an arbitrary point x, and is evaluated by repeated applications of f (namely, \(f^{i}(x) = f(f^{i-1}(x))\)). The chains are terminated after about \(\sqrt{N/M}\) evaluations of f, thus the structure contains a total of about \(M \cdot \sqrt{N/M} = \sqrt{NM}\) points. Moreover, as \(\sqrt{N/M} \cdot \sqrt{NM} = N\), according to the birthday paradox, each chain is expected to collide with another chain in the structure, and hence the chain structure contains O(M) collisions. In order to find the O(M) collisions efficiently, we define a set of distinguished points and terminate each chain once it reaches such a point. In our case, we define a set of \(\sqrt{NM}\) distinguished points (e.g., the points whose \((\log _2(N) + \log _2(M))/2\) least significant bits are zero), and hence the expected chain size is \(N/\sqrt{NM}= \sqrt{N/M}\) as required. The actual O(M) collision points are recovered by sorting the M termination points of the chains (which are distinguished points), and restarting the chain computation for each colliding pair of chains. For sake of completeness we give in Appendix B the pseudo code for PCS (Algorithm 6). In total, the algorithm finds O(M) collisions in \(\sqrt{NM}\) time using O(M) memory.
7.2 Mode Verification with Memory
The basic memoryless mode verification algorithm (Algorithm 1) can be extended to exploit memory, by checking multiple targets simultaneously. Namely, given M candidate \(y_i\)’s, it is possible to check all of them at the same time for the cost of queries to f, as suggested by Algorithm 4.
Using Algorithm 4, we can immediately improve the sampling algorithm (Algorithm 2). Instead of checking only one value at each call to the verification algorithm, we can now check M such values for the same complexity. Hence, Algorithm 5 picks each time M random values of \(y_i\) by random sampling, and calls Algorithm 4 to test which of them (if at all) is indeed \(y_0\).
The probability that a single call to Algorithm 4 (testing M images) succeeds is about Mp (assumingFootnote 6 \(M \le p^{-1}\)), and therefore we expect \(O(M^{-1}p^{-1})\) calls to Algorithm 4. Each such call takes \(O(p^{-1})\) evaluations of f, and hence the total time complexity of the algorithm is \(O(M^{-1}p^{-2}).\) Note that for \(M=1\) this algorithm reduces to Algorithm 2.
7.3 Mode Detection with Parallel Collision Search
This algorithm runs PCS with M chains and checks the O(M) collision points found by running Algorithm 4. This process is repeated until it finds \(y_0\), where each repetition is performed with a different flavor of f.
Since the M chains cover about \(\sqrt{NM}\) distinct points, the probability that two distinct preimages of the mode \(y_0\) (which are not expected to be distinguished points) are covered by the structure is about \((\sqrt{NM} \cdot p)^2 = NM \cdot p^{2}\) (assuming \(\sqrt{NM} \cdot p < 1\), i.e., \(p < (NM)^{-0.5}\)). In this case, the algorithm will successfully recover the mode \(y_0\) using the mode verification algorithm. Therefore, the algorithm is expected to execute PCS (and mode verification) about \(N^{-1}M^{-1} \cdot p^{-2}\) times, where each execution requires \(O(p^{-1})\) time (assuming \(p < (NM)^{-1/2}\), mode verification dominates PCS in terms of time complexity). In total, the time complexity of the algorithm is \(O(M^{-1}N^{-1}\cdot p^{-3})\). Note that for \(M=1\) we obtain RepeatedRho.
The formula above is only valid for \(p < (NM)^{-0.5}\) or \(M < p^{-2}N^{-1}\). Otherwise, we can utilize only \(M = p^{-2}N^{-1}\) memory and obtain the essentially optimal time complexity of \(O(p^{-1})\).
7.4 Mode Detection with Parallel Collision Search Over 2Rho
We now assume that \(M < p^{-2}N^{-1}\) (otherwise, we use the previous PCS algorithm to detect the mode with optimal complexity) and extend the 2Rho algorithm using PCS. This is done by defining a chain structure, computed by iterating the function g (as defined in Sect. 5) whose execution is computed by iterating a particular flavor of f until a collision point is found. Each chain starts with an arbitrary input to g (which defines a flavor of f) and is terminated at a distinguished point of g. Namely, the distinguished points are defined on the outputs of g (which are the collision points in f). Once again, we use Algorithm 4 to test the O(M) collisions of g.
As calculated in Sect. 5 the probability that the mode \(y_0\) will be the collision point in a single run of Rho (an iteration of g) is \(p' = p^{2}N\). Since the M chains of g cover about \(\sqrt{NM}\) distinct collision points, the probability that two distinct preimages of the mode \(y_0\) in g (which are not expected to be distinguished points) will be covered by the structure is about \((\sqrt{NM} \cdot p')^2 = NM \cdot p'^{2} = NM \cdot p^{4}N^{2} = M \cdot N^{3}p^{4}\) (assuming \(\sqrt{NM} \cdot p' < 1\) or \(p^{2}N \cdot (NM)^{1/2} < 1\), namely \(p^{2}N^{3/2}M^{1/2} < 1\)). As a result, we repeat the PCS algorithm (and the mode verification algorithm) \(M^{-1} \cdot N^{-3}p^{-4}\) times (using distinct flavors of g). The PCS algorithm requires \((NM)^{1/2}\) invocations of g, each requiring \(N^{1/2}\) time, namely, \(N \cdot M^{1/2}\) time in total which dominates the complexity of the mode verification. Overall, the time complexity of the algorithm is \(M^{-1} \cdot N^{-3}p^{-4} \cdot N \cdot M^{1/2} = M^{-1/2} \cdot N^{-2}p^{-4}.\)
The formula above is only valid given that \(p^{2}N^{3/2}M^{1/2} < 1\) or \(M < p^{-4}N^{-3}.\) Otherwise, we can utilize only \(M = p^{-4}N^{-3}\) (assumingFootnote 7 \(p^{-4}N^{-3} \ge 1\)) memory and obtain time complexity of \(M^{-1/2} \cdot N^{-2}p^{-4} = p^{2}N^{3/2} \cdot N^{-2}p^{-4} = p^{-2}N^{-1/2}.\)
We now notice that it is possible to obtain more generic formulas that can be reused later. Essentially, the analysis of the algorithm depends on three parameters, as follows. The probability that the mode \(y_0\) will be the collision point in a single run of Rho (an iteration of g) is \(p' = p^{2}N\), which we denote as \(p^{x_1}N^{x_2}\) for \(x_1=2, x_2=1\) in our case. In addition, each invocation of g requires \(N^{1/2}\) time, which we denote as \(N^{x_3}\) for \(x_3 = 1/2\) in this case. Based on these parameters, we can redo the analysis above symbolically and obtain that the time complexity of the algorithm is \(M^{-1/2} \cdot N^{-2x_2-1/2+x_3}p^{-2x_1}.\)
This formula is only valid given that \(M < p^{-2x_1}N^{-2x_2-1}.\) Otherwise, we can utilize only \(M = p^{-2x_1}N^{-2x_2-1}\) (assuming \(p^{-2x_1}N^{-2x_2-1} \ge 1\)) memory and obtain time complexity of \(p^{-x_1}N^{-x_2+x_3}.\)
7.5 Mode Detection with Parallel Collision Search over 3Rho
We continue to analyze the sequence of algorithms that extend 3Rho using PCS. The idea is essentially the same as in the extension of 2Rho, where the difference is the function over which PCS is performed.
Here, PCS is executed over the function h (as defined in Sect. 6) while calling Algorithm 4 to test the O(M) collisions points of h.
As calculated in Sect. 6 the probability that the mode \(y_0\) will be the collision point in a single run of g is \(p'' = p^{4}N^{3}\), which we denote as \(p^{x_1}N^{x_2}\) for \(x_1=4,x_2=3\). In this case, each invocation of h requires N time, or \(N^{x_3}\) for \(x_3 = 1\).
We now reuse the formulas obtained in Sect. 7.4 and consider our specific parameters \(x_1=4,x_2=3,x_3=1\) for the case \(M < p^{-2x_1}N^{-2x_2-1}\), or \(M < p^{-8}N^{-7}\) assuming \(p^{-8}N^{-7} \ge 1\) or \(p \le N^{-7/8}\). This gives time complexity of \(M^{-1/2} \cdot N^{-2x_2-1/2+x_3}p^{-2x_1}\) or \(M^{-1/2} \cdot N^{-5.5}p^{-8}\). Note that for \(M=1\) we obtain Algorithm 4Rho.
For \(M > p^{-8}N^{-7}\), we obtain time complexity of \(p^{-x_1}N^{-x_2+x_3} = p^{-4}N^{-2}\). See Fig. 6 for comparison of different algorithms given \(M=N^{1/4}\) memory.
Mode Detection with Parallel Collision Search over 2Rho. The extension of PCS over 4Rho does not make sense since the function \(\ell \) (defined in Sect. 6) used for 4Rho is never iterated more than \(N^{0.5}\) times in our algorithms. Hence, all its iterations can be covered by a single chain of 4Rho and there is no benefit in using memory in this case.
7.6 Discussion
It is not intuitive to compare the algorithms described above, as their complexities are functions of both p and M. In order to get some intuition regarding their performance, we fix \(M=N^{1/4}\) and summarize the complexity of the best algorithms for this case as a function of the single parameter p in Table 3. It is evident from the table that there is a range of p values for which we do not know how to efficiently exploit the memory. For example, consider \(p = N^{-3/4}\), where our best algorithm is PCS over 2Rho. However, it is actually a degenerate variant of PCS with \(M=1\) that coincides with the 2Rho algorithm of Sect. 6.
8 Finding Multiple Peaks
We consider a generalization of our basic problem to the case that f is uniformly distributed except for k peaks. The peaks are denoted by \(y_0,y_1, \ldots ,y_{k-1}\), their associated probabilities are denoted by \(p_0,p_1,\ldots ,p_{k-1}\), and our goal is to find all of them.Footnote 8
The simplest case is one in which there are two peaks of equal height \(p_0=p_1\). By running the NestedRho algorithm several times with different flavors of f, we expect to find each one of \(y_0\) and \(y_1\) about half the time, and thus there is no need to modify anything.
The next case to consider is one in which there are only two peaks but \(p_0 > p_1\). Due to the high power of p in our formulas, even moderate differences in the peak probabilities are amplified by the NestedRho algorithm to huge differences in the probability of finding the two peaks. For example, if \(p_0\) is a thousand times bigger than \(p_1\), and we run the algorithm multiple times, then we expect to find \(y_1\) only in one in a million runs when we use \(\mathbf{{1}Rho } \), and only in one in a trillion runs when we use \(\mathbf{{2}Rho } \). Clearly, we have to reduce the attractiveness of \(y_0\) before we have a realistic chance of noticing \(y_1\).
The simplest way to neutralize the first peak we find (which is likely to be \(y_0\)), is to scatter its preimages so that they will point to different targets. Consider a modified function \(f'\) which is defined as f for any x for which \(f(x) \ne y_0\), and as \(f(x)+x\) for any x for which \(f(x)=y_0\). In \(f'\), \(y_0\) is no longer a peak, but \(y_1\) remains at its original height. By applying NestedRho to \(f'\), we will find \(y_1\) with high probability.
This can be easily generalized to a sequence of k peaks, provided that we have at least O(k) memory to store all the peaks. Our algorithm is likely to discover them sequentially in decreasing order of probability, and we can decide to stop at any point when we run out of space or time.
The most general case is one in which we have a non-uniform distribution with no sharp peaks. In this case the output of the NestedRho algorithm has a preference to pick y values with higher probabilities, but may pick a lower probability y if there are many such values. In fact, the probability that our algorithm will pick a particular y is proportional to some power of its original probability, which depends on which nesting level we use (the detailed analysis is left for future work).
9 Conclusions and Open Problems
In this paper we introduced the generic problem of finding needles in haystacks, developed several novel techniques for its solution, and demonstrated the surprising complexity of its complexity function. Many problems remain open, such as:
Find non-trivial lower bounds on the time complexity of the problem.
Find better ways to exploit the available memory, beyond using PCS.
Extend the model to deal with other types of needles.
Find additional applications of the new NestedRho technique.
- 1.
We leave to future work specific applications of our techniques to the concrete problems mentioned at the beginning of this Section.
- 2.
If there is some discrepancy, we can use the same truncation trick that Hellman used in his time/memory tradeoff to deal with cryptosystems in which the key and ciphertext sizes are different.
- 3.
Such a repetition must occur due to the fact that \(f:[N]\rightarrow [N]\).
- 4.
Of course, with a negligible probability, we may need to continue and define \(g(x)=\mathbf{Rho } (f,x+2)\), and so forth.
- 5.
Given additional memory and/or CPUs allows parallelizing Rho algorithms. At the same time, the total computational complexity (which is the focus of this paper) remains the same, or (in some cases) may become worse.
- 6.
We note that when \(M>p^{-1}\), it is sufficient to fill \(O(p^{-1})\) memory cells.
- 7.
When \(p^{-4}N^{-3} < 1\), the algorithm is not applicable in its current form.
- 8.
In [1] a related problem is studied: Let f be a hash function. Assume that its range is smaller than its domain and that it is not balanced (i.e., not all outputs appear with the same probability). This work studies the effect of this irregularity on the complexity of the birthday collision search. In contrast, our work studies the algorithmic aspects of finding the collision (in a memory-efficient manner).
- 9.
The reader may think of the algorithm as Floyd’s one, but the same analysis holds for any “reasonable” memoryless detection algorithm.
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The authors thank Masha Gutman for her implementation of the experiments reported in Table 1.
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A Detailed Complexity Analysis of the Rho Approach for \(p> 1/\sqrt{N}\)
Consider the sequence \(x,f(x),f^2(x),\ldots \). If we limit the length of the sequence by 4 / p “random” steps, then with high enough probability, we expect to encounter \(y_0\) twice. On the other hand, the probability that a “random” value is encountered twice is low, since 4 / p is significantly smaller than the “birthday bound” \(\sqrt{N}\). Hence, \(y_0\) is expected to be the first repeated point, and hence, the output.
Formally, let A be a “truncated” Rho algorithm:Footnote 9
Choose \(x \in [N]\) uniformly at random.
Run \(\mathbf{Rho } \) algorithm that computes the chain \(x,f(x),\ldots , f^{4/p}(x)\) (or shorter chain if a collision is found before).
If a collision is detected, denote its value by y, and run the verification algorithm on y.
If no collision is detected, output “FAIL”.
Proposition 2
Assume that Algorithm A is run in the case \(p \ge 16/\sqrt{N}\). Then \(\Pr [Output(A)=y_0] \ge 0.69\).
Throughout the proof we consider the sequence \(L = (x,f(x),\ldots , f^{\mu +\lambda }(x))\) of values encountered by the algorithm until the first repetition (inclusive) or until the process terminates (if a repetition was not encountered). By the definition of f, this sequence is distributed like an independent sampling of \(\mu +\lambda \) elements of the distribution of range(f). Note that if a meeting point is detected at step t, this implies that the sequence \(x,f(x),\ldots ,f^{2t}(x)\) contains a repetition, and thus, \(|L| \le 8/p \le \sqrt{N}/2\).
First, we bound from above \(\Pr [\exists y' \ne y_0: Output(A)=y']\), i.e., the probability that some \(y' \ne y_0\) appears twice in L. Consider all values non-equal to \(y_0\) that appear in L. Since \(|L| \le \sqrt{N}/2\), the probability that they are mutually different is at least
Hence, \(\Pr [\exists y' \ne y_0: Output(A)=y'] \le 1-e^{-1/4} \approx 0.22\).
Second, we bound from above \(\Pr [Output(A)=FAIL]\), i.e., the probability that neither \(y_0\) nor any other value appears twice in L. Note that in such a case, \(|L|=4/p\) since no repetition is encountered. By the definition of f, for any k, \(\Pr [f^{k}(x)=y_0]=p\). Hence, the number of occurrences of \(y_0\) in L is distributed like a \(Bin(|L|,p)=Bin(4/p,p)\) random variable, that can be approximated by a \(Poi(|L|p)=Poi(4)\) random variable. Hence,
Combining the two bounds, we obtain
as asserted. \(\square \)
B The Parallel Collision Search Algorithm
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Dinur, I., Dunkelman, O., Keller, N., Shamir, A. (2016). Memory-Efficient Algorithms for Finding Needles in Haystacks. In: Robshaw, M., Katz, J. (eds) Advances in Cryptology – CRYPTO 2016. CRYPTO 2016. Lecture Notes in Computer Science(), vol 9815. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-53008-5_7
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-53008-5_7
Publisher Name: Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg
Print ISBN: 978-3-662-53007-8
Online ISBN: 978-3-662-53008-5
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