
1 Introduction

Discrete logarithm problem (DLP) over a multiplicative subgroup of finite fields \({\mathbb F}_Q\), \(Q=p^n\), gathers its particular interest due to its prime importance in pairing-based cryptography. Over a generic group, the best known algorithm of the DLP takes exponential running time in the bitsize of the group order. However, in the case for the multiplicative group of finite fields one can exploit a special algebraic structure of the group to design better algorithms, where the DLP can be solved much more efficiently than in exponential time. For example, when the characteristic p is small compared to the extension degree n, the best known algorithms have quasi-polynomial time complexity [3, 11].

Recall the usual \(L_Q\)-notation,

$$ L_Q ( \ell , c ) = \exp \big ( (c+o(1)) (\log Q)^\ell (\log \log Q)^{1-\ell } \big ), $$

for some constants \(0 \le \ell \le 1\) and \(c >0\). We call the characteristic \(p = L_Q( \ell _p , c_p )\) medium when \(1/3< \ell _p < 2/3 \) and large when \( 2/3 <\ell _p \le 1\). We say that a field \({\mathbb F}_{p^n}\) is in the boundary case when \(\ell _p=2/3\).

For medium and large characteristic, all the best known attacks are variants of the number field sieve (NFS) algorithm. Initially used for factoring, NFS was rapidly introduced in DLP to target prime fields [10, 23]. It was about a decade later by Schirokauer [24] that NFS was adapted to target non-prime fields \({\mathbb F}_{p^n}\) with \(n>1\). This is known today as tower number field sieve (TNFS) [4]. On the other hand, an approach by Joux et al. [14], which we denote by JLSV, was on a main stream of recent improvements on DLP over medium and large characteristic case. JLSV’s idea is similar to the variant used to target prime fields, except the step called polynomial selection. This polynomial selection method was later supplemented with generalized Joux-Lercier (GJL) method [2, 18], Conjugation (Conj) method [2], and Sarkar-Singh (SS) method [22] leading improvements on the complexity of the NFS algorithm. However, in all these algorithms the complexity for the medium prime case is slightly larger than that of large prime case. Moreover there was an anomaly that the best complexity was obtained in the boundary case, \(\ell _p=2/3\).

Finally, in a recent breakthrough by Kim and Barbulescu [17], they obtained an algorithm, called exTNFS, of better complexity for the medium prime case than in the large prime case. Although this approach only applies to fields of extension degree n where \(n=\eta \kappa \) has factors \(\eta , \kappa >1\) such that \(\gcd (\eta , \kappa )=1\), it was enough to frighten pairing-based community since a number of popular pairing-friendly curves, such as Barreto-Naehrig curve [7], are in the category that exTNFS applies.

Then one might ask a question whether transitioning into pairing-friendly curves with embedding degree n, a prime power, would be immune to this recent attack by Kim and Barbulescu. In practice, pairings with embedding degree of a prime power, such as Kachisa-Schafer-Scott curve with embedding degree 16 [16] or Barreto-Lynn-Scott curve with embedding degree 27 [6], were considered to be suitable for protocols in which products of pairings play a major part [25]. Unfortunately, our answer is also negative to use such pairings: we show that our algorithm has the same complexity as exTNFS algorithm for any composite n, so the keysize of the pairing-based cryptosystems should be also updated according to our algorithm whenever the embedding degree is composite.

Related Works. When the extension degree n, which is composite, cannot be factored into relatively prime factors (for example, n is a prime power), the best known attacks for the medium prime case still had the complexity \(L_Q\big ( 1/3, \root 3 \of {96/9} \big )\) until Sarkar and Singh proposed an algorithm [20] of the best complexity \(L_Q \big ( 1/3, \root 3 \of {64/9} \big )\). Note that, however, this is still slightly larger than the best complexity of Kim-Barbulescu’s exTNFS. Recently, soon after a preprint of our paper [13] has been published, Sarkar and Singh proposed an algorithm called exTNFS-\(\mathcal D\) [21]. Their algorithm has the best complexity as same as our new algorithm, but it provides a wider range of finite fields for which the algorithm achieves a lower complexity than the previous algorithms. One can see Table 1 for a comparison of these previous algorithms on the asymptotic complexity.

All currently known variants of NFS admit variants with multiple number fields (MNFS) which have a slightly better asymptotic complexity. The complexity of these variants is shown in Table 2.

When the characteristic p has a special form, as it is the case for fields in pairing-based cryptosystems, one can further accelerate NFS algorithms using variants called special number field sieve (SNFS). In Table 3 we list asymptotic complexity of each algorithm. When n is a prime power, the algorithm suggested by Joux and Pierrot had been the best algorithm before our algorithm.

Table 1. The complexity of each algorithm. Each cell in the second indicates c if the complexity is \(L_Q(1/3,(c/9)^\frac{1}{3})\) when \(p=L_Q(\ell _p)\), \(1/3< \ell _p <2/3\).
Table 2. The complexity of each algorithm using multiple number fields. Each cell in the second column indicates an approximation of c if the complexity is \(L_Q(1/3,(c/9)^\frac{1}{3})\) when \(p=L_Q(\ell _p)\), \(1/3< \ell _p <2/3\).
Table 3. The complexity of each algorithm used when the characteristic has a special form (SNFS). Each cell indicates an approximation of c if the complexity is \(L_Q(1/3,(c/9)^\frac{1}{3})\) when \(p=L_Q(\ell _p)\), \(1/3< \ell _p <2/3\).

Recently, Guillevic, Morain, and Thomé [12] observed that Kim-Barbulescu’s technique can be adapted to target the fields of extension degree 4. However, they did not pursue the idea to analyze further its complexity.

Our Contributions. We propose an algorithm that is a state-of-the-art algorithm for the DLP over finite fields of composite extension degrees in the medium prime case as far as we aware. We remark that our algorithm applies to target fields of arbitrary composite extension degree n. If n can be written as \(n=\eta \kappa \) for some \(\eta \) and \(\kappa \) with \(\gcd (\eta ,\kappa )=1\), our algorithm has the same complexity as Kim-Barbulescu’s exTNFS [17]. However, our algorithm allows to choose factors \(\eta \) and \(\kappa \) freely from the co-primality condition, so we have more choices for the pair \((\eta , \kappa )\). This helps us to find a better \((\eta , \kappa )\) that practically yields a better performance, although the asymptotic complexity is unchanged.

If n is a prime power, the complexity of our algorithm is less than that of Sarkar-Singh’s variant [20], a currently best-known algorithm for this case.

When n is a b-smooth integer for an integer \(b\le 4\), we obtain an upper bound for the asymptotic complexity of our algorithm. For example, when n is a power of 2, our algorithm always has the asymptotic complexity less than \(L_Q(1/3, 1.82)\). If multiple NFS variants are used, the complexity can always be lowered to \(L_Q(1/3, c)\), \(c\le 1.88\), when n is a 4-smooth composite integer, and \(L_Q(1/3, c)\), \(c\le 1.78\), when n is a power of 2.

When p is of special form, pairings with embedding degree such as \(n=4, 9, 16\) was not affected by Kim-Barbulescu’s algorithm, however, due to our variant of SNFS, the keysize of such pairings should be also updated following to our new complexity.

Our Main Idea. Our main idea comes from a simple modification during the polynomial selection in exTNFS algorithm. In exTNFS algorithm, for a field of a composite extension degree, one represents it as \({\mathbb F}_{p^n}={\mathbb F}_{(p^\eta )^\kappa }\), where \({\mathbb F}_{p^\eta }=R/pR\) and \(R={\mathbb Z}[t]/h(t)\) for an irreducible polynomial h of degree \(\eta \), and selects polynomials f and g such that they have a common irreducible factor k of degree \(\kappa \) modulo p, where \({\mathbb F}_{(p^\eta )^\kappa } = {\mathbb F}_{p^\eta }[x]/k(x)\).

In Kim-Barbulescu’s exTNFS, f and g are chosen so that they have coefficients in \({\mathbb Z}\), therefore k has its coefficients in \({\mathbb F}_p\). Since any irreducible polynomial of degree \(\kappa \) over \({\mathbb F}_p\) is still irreducible over \({\mathbb F}_{p^\eta }\) if and only if \(\eta \) and \(\kappa \) are relatively prime, Kim-Barbulescu’s algorithm only works under the prescribed condition. Although they mentioned that drawing f and g from R[x] instead of \({\mathbb Z}[x]\) can get rid of this condition, all known NFS algorithms only discuss the polynomial selections with integer coefficients and the possibility of using polynomials in R[x] in NFS algorirhtms has remained rather unclear.

In this work, we observe that the idea described above is actually well adapted to the setting of exTNFS algorithm. Indeed, we simply modify most of known polynomial selection methods described in [17] so that the coefficients of polynomials are chosen from R and they can be used in exTNFS algorithm. Furthermore, we show that the formula of the size of norms in number fields constructed by those polynomials, which plays important role in the complexity analysis, has the same bound as in Kim-Barbulescu’s exTNFS. Consequently, this leads us to get an algorithm with the same complexity as Kim-Barbulescu’s algorithm while our algorithm applies to fields of any composite extension degrees. Recently, Sarkar-Singh’s algorithm [20] exploited a similar idea, but their polynomial selection methods are slightly different from ours and it has slightly larger complexity than ours.

Organization. We briefly recall exTNFS algorithm and introduce our algorithm in Sect. 2. The complexity analysis is given in Sect. 3. The variants such as multiple number field sieve and special number field sieve are discussed in Sect. 4. In Sect. 5, we make a precise comparison to the state-of-the-art algorithms at cryptographic sizes. We conclude with cryptographic implications of our result in Sect. 6.

2 Extended TNFS

2.1 Setting

Throughout this paper, we target fields \({\mathbb F}_Q\) with \(Q = p^n\) where \(n = \eta \kappa \) such that \(\eta ,\kappa \ne 1\) and the characteristic p is medium or large, i.e. \(\ell _p>1/3\).

We briefly review exTNFS algorithm and then explain our algorithm. Recall the commutative diagram that is familiar in the context of NFS algorithm (Fig. 1). First we select an irreducible polynomial \(h(t) \in {\mathbb Z}[t]\) of degree \(\eta \) which is also irreducible modulo p. We put \(R := {\mathbb Z}[t]/h(t) = {\mathbb Z}(\iota )\) then \(R/pR\simeq {\mathbb F}_{p^\eta }\). We select two polynomials f and g with coefficients in R so that they have a common factor k(x) of degree \(\kappa \) modulo p. We further require k to be irreducible over \({\mathbb F}_{p^\eta }\). Note that the only difference of our algorithm from Kim-Barbulescu’s exTNFS is that the coefficients of f and g are chosen from R instead of \({\mathbb Z}\).

The conditions on f, g and h yield two ring homomorphisms from R[x] to \((R/pR)/ k(x) = {\mathbb F}_{p^{\eta \kappa }}\) through R[x] / f(x) (or R[x] / g(x)). Thus one has the commutative diagram in Fig. 1 which is a generalization of the classical diagram of NFS.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Commutative diagram of exTNFS. We can choose f and g to be irreducible polynomials over R such that \(k = \gcd (f, g) \mod p\) is irreducible over \(R/pR = {\mathbb F}_{p^\eta }\).

After the polynomial selection, the exTNFS algorithm proceeds as all other variants of NFS, following the same steps: relations collection, linear algebra and individual logarithm. We skip the description on it and refer to [17] for further details.

2.2 Detailed Descriptions

Polynomial Selection

Choice of h. We have to select a polynomial \(h(t)\in {\mathbb Z}[t]\) of degree \(\eta \) which is irreducible modulo p and whose coefficients are as small as possible. As in TNFS [4] we try random polynomials h with small coefficients and factor them in \({\mathbb F}_p[t]\) to test irreducibility. The ratio of irreducible polynomials over all monic polynomials of degree \(\eta \) over \({\mathbb F}_p\) is close to \(1/\eta \), thus one succeeds after \(\eta \) trials and since \(\eta \le 3^\eta \) we expect to find h such that \(||{ h }||_\infty =1\).

Choice of f and g. Next we select f and g in R[x] which have a common factor k(x) modulo p of degree \(\kappa \) which remains irreducible over \({\mathbb F}_{p^\eta }= R/pR\). We can adapt all the polynomial selection methods discussed in the previous NFS algorithms, such as JLSV’s method [14], GJL and Conj [2] method, and so on [5, 15, 19, 22], except that one chooses the coefficients of f and g from R instead of \({\mathbb Z}\). To fix ideas, we describe polynomial selection methods based on JLSV\(_2\) method and Conjugation method. A similar idea also applies with GJL method, but we skip the details.

Generalized \(JLSV_2\) Method. We describe a generalized method of polynomial selection based on JLSV\(_2\) method [14]. To emphasize that the coefficients of polynomial are taken from a ring \(R={\mathbb Z}[\iota ]\) instead of a smaller ring \({\mathbb Z}\), we call it as generalized JLSV \(_2\) method (gJLSV\(_2\) method).

First, we select a bivariate polynomial \(\widetilde{g}(t, x)\in {\mathbb Z}[t,x]\) such that

$$\begin{aligned} \widetilde{g}(t, x) = g_0(t) + g_1(t) x + \cdots + g_{\kappa -1}(t) x^{\kappa -1} + x^\kappa , \end{aligned}$$

where \(g_i(t) \in {\mathbb Z}[t]\)’s are polynomials of degree less than \(\eta \) with small integer coefficients. We also require \(\widetilde{g} \mod (p, h(t))\) to be irreducible in \({\mathbb F}_{p^\eta }[x]\). Set an integer \(W \approx p^{1/(d+1)}\) where d is a parameter such that \(d\ge \kappa \) (the parameter W is chosen in the same way as the original JLSV\(_2\) method as if we are targeting \({\mathbb F}_{P^\kappa }\) for some prime P instead of \({\mathbb F}_{p^n}\)). Take \(g(t,x):=\widetilde{g}(t, x+W)\) and consider the lattice of dimension \((d+1)\eta \) defined by the following matrix M:


where, for all bivariate polynomial \(w(t, x)=\sum _{i=0}^{d} {w_j(t) x^j}\) with \(w_j(t)=\sum _{i=0}^{\eta -1} {w_{j,i} t^i}\), \({\text {vec}}(w) = (w_{0,0}, \dots , w_{0, \eta -1}, \dots , w_{d, 0}, \dots , w_{d, \eta -1} )\) of dimension \((d+1)\eta \). For instance, \({\text {vec}}(pt^ix^j) = (0, \dots , 0, p, 0, \dots , 0)\) where only \((j\eta +i+1)\)-th entry is nonzero and \({\text {vec}}(g) = (g_{0,0}, \dots , g_{0,\eta -1}, \dots , g_{\kappa -1,0}, \dots , g_{\kappa -1, \eta -1}, 1, 0,\dots , 0)\) for a monic polynomial g of degree \(\kappa \) with respect to x. Note that the determinant of M is \(|\det (M)|= p^{\kappa \eta } \).

Finally, take the coefficients of \(f(t, x)=\sum _{j=0}^d f_j(t)x^j\) with \(f_j(t)=\sum _{i=0}^{\eta -1} f_{j,i}t^i\) as the shortest vector of an LLL-reduced basis of the lattice L and set \(k=g \mod p\). Then by construction we have

  • \(\deg _x(f)=d \ge \kappa \) and \(\Vert f\Vert _\infty := \max \{ f_{i, j} \} =O\big (p^{\frac{\kappa \eta }{(d+1)\eta }} \big ) = O(p^{\frac{\kappa }{d+1}})\);

  • \(\deg _x(g)= \kappa \) and \(\Vert g\Vert _\infty = \max \{ g_{i, j} \} = O(p^{\frac{\kappa }{d+1}}) \).

Example 1

We target a field \({\mathbb F}_{p^4}\) for \(p \equiv 7 \mod 8\) prime. For example, we take \(p=1000010903\). Set \(\eta =\kappa =2\) and \(d=2 \ge \kappa \). Choose \(h(t) = t^2+1\) so that \(h \mod p\) is irreducible over \({\mathbb F}_p\). Consider \(R = {\mathbb Z}(\iota ) ={\mathbb Z}[t]/h(t)\) and \({\mathbb F}_{p^2}= {\mathbb F}_p(\iota ) = {\mathbb F}_p[t]/h(t)\). Choose \(\widetilde{g}=x^2+(t+1)x +1\) and \(W= 1001\ge p^{1/(d+1)}\). Then we set

$$\begin{aligned} g = \big ( \widetilde{g}(t, x+W)\mod h \big )= x^2 + (\iota + 2003)x + 1001 \iota + 1003003. \end{aligned}$$

Construct a lattice of dimension 6 defined by the following matrix (blank entries are filled with zeros)

$$ \left( \begin{array}{cccccc} p &{} &{} &{} &{} &{} \\ &{} p &{} &{} &{} &{} \\ &{} &{} p &{} &{} &{} \\ &{} &{} &{} p &{} &{} \\ 1003003 &{} ~~1001~~ &{} ~~2003~~ &{} ~~1~~ &{} ~~1~~ &{} 0 \\ -1001 &{} 1003003 &{} -1 &{} 2003 &{} 0 &{} 1 \end{array} \right) . $$

Run the LLL algorithm with this lattice and we obtain

$$\begin{aligned} f = (499\iota - 499505)x^2 + (499992\iota - 498111)x + 493992\iota - 50611 . \end{aligned}$$

One can check that \(f, g, k=g\mod p\) and h are suitable for exTNFS algorithm. Note that \(||{ f }||_\infty \) and \(||{ g }||_\infty \) are of order \(p^{2/3}\).

figure a

Generalized Conjugation Method. We describe a polynomial selection method based on Conjugation method [2, 17]. Again, we call it as the generalized Conjugation method (gConj method).

First, one chooses two bivariate polynomials \(g^{(1)}(t, x)\) and \(g^{(0)}(t, x)\) in \({\mathbb Z}[t, x]\) of form

$$\begin{aligned} g^{(1)}(t, x) = g_{0}^{(1)}(t) + g_{1}^{(1)}(t) x + \dots + g_{\kappa -1}^{(1)}(t) x^{\kappa -1} \end{aligned}$$


$$\begin{aligned} g^{(0)}(t, x) = g_{0}^{(0)}(t) + g_{1}^{(0)}(t) x + \dots + g_{\kappa }^{(0)}(t) x^{\kappa }, \end{aligned}$$

where \(g_{i}^{(s)}(t) \in {\mathbb Z}[t]\) are polynomials with small coefficients in \({\mathbb Z}\) and of degree less than or equal to \(\eta -1\). Then \(g^{(s)} \mod (p,h(t))\) is a polynomial of degree \(\le \kappa \) over \({\mathbb F}_{p^\eta }={\mathbb F}_p(\iota )\) for each \(s=0,1\).

Next one chooses a quadratic, monic, irreducible polynomial \(\mu (x) \in {\mathbb Z}[x]\) with small coefficients. If \(\mu (x)\) has a root \(\delta \) modulo p and \(g^{(0)} + \delta g^{(1)} \mod (p, h)\) is irreducible over \({\mathbb F}_{p^\eta }\), then set \(k(x)= g^{(0)} + \delta g^{(1)} \mod (p,h)\). Otherwise, one repeats the above steps until such \(g^{(1)}\), \(g^{(0)}\), and \(\delta \) are found. Once it has been done, find u and v such that \( \delta \equiv u/v \pmod p\) and \(u,v\le O(\sqrt{p})\) using rational reconstruction. Finally, we set \(f = {\text {Res}}_{Y} ( \mu (Y) , g^{(0)} + Y g^{(1)} )\) and \(g = v g^{(0)} + u g^{(1)}\). By construction we have

  • \(\deg _x(f)=2 \kappa \) and \(\Vert f\Vert _\infty = \max \{ f_{i, j} \} =O(1)\);

  • \(\deg _x(g)= \kappa \) and \(\Vert g\Vert _\infty = \max \{ g_{i, j} \} =O(\sqrt{p})=O(Q^\frac{1}{2\eta \kappa }\)).

The bound on \(||{ f }||_\infty \) depends on the number of polynomials \(g^{(0)} + \delta g^{(1)}\) tested before we find one which is irreducible over \({\mathbb F}_{p^\eta }\). Heuristically this happens on average after \(\kappa \) trials. Since there are \(3^{2\eta \kappa }>\kappa \) choices of \(g^{(0)}\) and \(g^{(1)}\) of norm 1 we have \(||{ f }||_\infty =O(1)\). We give some examples in the followings.

Example 2

We target a field \({\mathbb F}_{p^4}\) for \(p \equiv 7 \mod 8\) prime. For example, we take \(p=1000010903\). If we choose \(h(t) = t^2+1\) then \(h \mod p\) is irreducible over \({\mathbb F}_p\). Consider \(R = {\mathbb Z}(\iota ) ={\mathbb Z}[t]/h(t)\) and \({\mathbb F}_{p^2}= {\mathbb F}_p(\iota ) = {\mathbb F}_p[t]/h(t)\). Choose an irreducible polynomial \(\mu (x) = x^2-2 \in {\mathbb Z}[x]\) with small coefficients. It has a root \(\sqrt{2} = 219983819 \in {\mathbb F}_p\) modulo p. We take \(k(x)= (x^2+\iota ) + \sqrt{2} x \in {\mathbb F}_{p^2}[x]\) and \(f(x) = ( x^2+\iota + \sqrt{2} x ) ( x^2 +\iota - \sqrt{2} x ) = x^4 + (2\iota -2)x^2 +1 \in R[x]\). Then we find \(u, v \in {\mathbb Z}\) such that \(u/v \equiv \sqrt{2} \mod p\) where their orders are of \(\sqrt{p}\). Now we take \(g(x) = v(x^2+ \iota ) + ux = 25834(x^2+\iota ) + 18297x \in R[x]\). One easily checks that f and g are irreducible over R and k is irreducible over \({\mathbb F}_{p^2}\) so that they are suitable for exTNFS algorithm.

Example 3

Now we target a field \({\mathbb F}_{p^9}\). Again, we take \(p=1000010903\) for example. Choose \(h(t)=t^3+t+1 \in {\mathbb Z}[t]\) which remains irreducible modulo p. Let \(R = {\mathbb Z}(\iota ) = {\mathbb Z}[t]/h(t)\) and \({\mathbb F}_{p^3}={\mathbb F}_p(\iota )= {\mathbb F}_p[t]/h(t)\). We set \(\mu (x)=x^2-3\). Compute u and v such that \(u/v \equiv \sqrt{3} \mod p\). Then the polynomials \(k(x)=(x^3+\iota )+\sqrt{3}x \in {\mathbb F}_{p^3}[x]\), \(f(x)= (x^3+\iota )^2-3x^2 \in R[x]\) and \(g(x)= v(x^3+ \iota ) +u x \in R[x]\) satisfy the conditions of polynomial selection for exTNFS algorithm.

figure b

Relation Collection. Recall the elements of \(R={\mathbb Z}[t]/h(t)\) can be represented uniquely as polynomials of \({\mathbb Z}[t]\) of degree less than \(\deg h =\eta \). In the setting of exTNFS, we sieve all the pairs \((a,b)\in {\mathbb Z}[t]^2\) of degree \(\le \eta -1\) such that \(||{ a }||_\infty \), \(||{ b }||_\infty \le A\) (a parameter A to be determined later) until we obtain a relation satisfying

$$\begin{aligned} \begin{array}{l} N_f(a,b):={{\text {Res }}}_t({{\text {Res }}}_x(a(t)-b(t)x,f(x)),h(t))\text { and }\\ N_g(a,b):={{\text {Res }}}_t({{\text {Res }}}_x(a(t)-b(t)x,g(x)),h(t)) \end{array} \end{aligned}$$

are B-smooth for a parameter B to be determined (an integer is B-smooth if all its prime factors are less than B). It is equivalent to say that the norm of \(a(\iota )-b(\iota )\alpha _f\) and \(a(\iota )-b(\iota )\alpha _g\) are simultaneously B-smooth in \(K_f ={\mathbb Q}(\iota , \alpha _f)\) and \(K_g={\mathbb Q}(\iota , \alpha _g)\), respectively.

For each pair (ab) one obtains a linear equation where the unknowns are logarithms of elements of the factor base as in the classical variant of NFS for discrete logarithms where the factor base is chosen as in [17]. Other than the polynomial selection step, our algorithm follows basically the same as the description of the exTNFS algorithm. For full description of the algorithm, refer to [17].

3 Complexity

From now on, we often abuse the notation for a bivariate polynomial f(tx) in \({\mathbb Z}[t, x]\) and a polynomial \(f(x)=f(t, x) \mod h = f(\iota , x)\) in R[x]. Unless stated, \(\deg (f)\) denotes both the degree of \(f(x)\in R[x]\) and the degree of \(f(t, x)\in {\mathbb Z}[t, x]\) with respect to x. The norm of \(f(x)\in R[x]\), denoted by \(||f||_\infty \), is defined by the maximum of the absolute value of the integer coefficients of f(tx).

The complexity analysis of our algorithm basically follows that of all the other NFS variants. Recall that in the algorithm we test the smoothness of the norm of an element from the number field \(K_f\) and \(K_g\). As a reminder to readers, we quote the formula for the complexity of exTNFS algorithm [17]: For a smoothness parameter B, the factor base has \((2+o(1))B/\log B\) elements, so the cost of linear algebra is \(B^{2+o(1)}\). Thus the complexity of exTNFS algorithm is given by (up to an exponent \(1+o(1)\))

$$\begin{aligned} \text {complexity(exTNFS)}=\frac{B}{{{\text {Prob }}}(N_f,B){{\text {Prob }}}(N_g,B)}+B^2, \end{aligned}$$

where \(N_f\) denotes the norm of an element from \(K_f\) over \({\mathbb Q}\), B is a smoothness parameter, and \({{\text {Prob }}}(x, y)\) denotes the probability that an integer less than x is y-smooth.

It leads us to consider the estimation of the norm sizes. We need the following lemma that can be found in [17, Lemma 2].

Lemma 1

([17], Lemma 2). Let \(h \in {\mathbb Z}[t]\) be an irreducible polynomial of degree \(\eta \) and f be an irreducible polynomial over \(R={\mathbb Z}[t]/h(t)\) of degree \(\deg (f)\). Let \(\iota \) (resp. \(\alpha \)) be a root of h (resp. f) in its number field and set \(K_f:={\mathbb Q}(\iota ,\alpha )\). Let \(A>0\) be a real number and T an integer such that \(2\le T\le \deg (f)\). For each \(i =0, \dots , \deg (f) -1\), let \(a_i(t) \in {\mathbb Z}[t]\) be polynomials of degree \(\le \eta -1\) with \(||a_i ||_\infty \le A\).

  1. 1.

    We have

    $$\begin{aligned} \big |{ N_{K_f / {\mathbb Q}} \big ( \sum _{i=0}^{T-1} a_i(\iota ) \alpha ^i \big ) } \big |< A^{\eta \deg (f) } ||{ f }||_\infty ^{(T-1) \eta } ||{ h }||_\infty ^{ (T+\deg (f) - 1) (\eta - 1)} D(\eta , \deg (f) ), \end{aligned}$$

    where \(D( \eta , \kappa ) = \big ( (2\kappa - 1)( \eta -1 ) +1\big )^{\eta /2} (\eta + 1)^{( 2\kappa -1)( \eta - 1)/2} \big ( (2\kappa -1)! \eta ^{2\kappa } \big )^{ \eta } \).

  2. 2.

    Assume in addition that \(||{ h }||_\infty \) is bounded by an absolute constant H and that \(p= L_{Q}(\ell _p,c)\) for some \(\ell _p>1/3\) and \(c>0\). Then

    $$\begin{aligned} N_f(a,b)\le E^{\deg (f)} ||{ f }||_\infty ^\eta L_{Q}(2/3,o(1)), \end{aligned}$$

    where \(E=A^\eta \)

The above formula remains the same when we restrict the coefficients of f to be integers.


The proof can be found in [17].

We summarize our results in the following theorem. The results are similar to Theorem 1 in [17], however, we underline that in our algorithm n is any composite. We also add the results on the upper bound of the complexity when n is a b-smooth number for \(b\le 4\).

Theorem 1

(under the classical NFS heuristics). If \(Q = p^n\) is a prime power such that \(p = L_Q( \ell _p , c_p )\) with \(1/3 < \ell _p \) and \(n = \eta \kappa \) is a composite such that \(\eta ,\kappa \ne 1\), then the discrete logarithm over \({\mathbb F}_Q\) can be solved in \(L_Q(1/3, (C/9)^{1/3})\) where C and the additional conditions are listed in Table 4.

For each polynomial selection, the degree and the norm of the polynomials have the same formula as in [17]. Although in our case the polynomials f and g have coefficients in R, the formula for the upper bound of the norm \(N_f(a, b)\) remains the same as Kim-Barbulescu’s algorithm by Lemma 1. Finally, the analysis is simply rephrasing of the previous results, so we simply omit the proof. In the next subsection, we briefly explain how to obtain the upper bound of the complexity when n has prime factors 2 or 3. The case is interesting since most pairings use such fields to utilize tower extension field arithmetic for efficiency.

Table 4. Complexity of exTNFS variants.

3.1 exTNFS When \(n=2^i\)

Recall that our algorithm with Conjugation method has the same expression for the norms as in [2] replacing p with \(P=p^\eta \). Write \(P=L_Q(2/3, c_P)\) and denote \(\tau -1\) by the degree of sieving polynomials. Then the complexity of exTNFS-gConj is \(L_Q(1/3, C_{\text {NFS}}(\tau , c_P) )\) where

$$\begin{aligned} C_{\text {NFS}}(\tau , c_P) = \frac{2}{c_P \tau } + \sqrt{ \frac{4}{(c_P \tau )^2} + \frac{2}{3}c_P (\tau -1) } . \end{aligned}$$

Let \(k_0 = \left( \frac{\log Q}{\log \log Q}\right) ^{1/3}\). When \(n=2^i\) for some \(i>1\), we can always find a factor \(\kappa \) of n in the interval \(\left[ \frac{k_0}{3.31}, \frac{k_0}{1.64}\right] \) so that \(c_P\) lies in the interval [1.64, 3.31] (observe that the ratio \((k_0/1.64)/(k_0/3.31)\) is larger than 2). Since \(C(\tau , c_P)\) is less than 1.82 when \(\tau =2\) and \(1.64 \le c_P \le 3.31\), the complexity of exTNFS is always less than \(L_Q(1/3, 1.82)\) in this case.

This result shows that the DLP over \({\mathbb F}_{p^n}\) can always be solved in the running time less than \(L_Q(1/3, 1.82)\) when n is a power of 2. Compare that exTNFS-\(\mathcal C\) [20] has a larger asymptotic complexity of \(L_Q(1/3, 1.92)\) and they even require the specified condition on a factor of n.

4 Variants

4.1 The Case When p Has a Special Form (SexTNFS)

A generalized polynomial selection method also admits a variant when the characteristic has a special form. It includes the case for the fields used in pairing-based cryptosystems. The previous SexTNFS by Kim and Barbulescu cannot be applied to pairing-friendly fields with prime power embedding degree, such as Kachisa-Schaefer-Scott curve [16] \(p=(u^{10} + 2u^9 + 5u^8 + 48 u^6 + 152u^5 + 240u^4 + 625u^2 + 2398u +3125)/980\) of embedding degree 16.

For a given integer d, an integer p is d-SNFS if there exists an integer u and a polynomial \(\varPi (x)\) with small integer coefficients (up to a small denominator) so that

$$\begin{aligned} p = \varPi (u), \end{aligned}$$

\(\deg \varPi =d\) and \(||{ \varPi }||_\infty \) is bounded by an absolute constant not depending on p.

We consider the case when \(n=\eta \kappa \) (\(\eta ,\kappa \ne 1\)) with \(\kappa = o\left( \left( \frac{ \log Q}{ \log \log Q} \right) ^{1/3} \right) \) and p is d-SNFS. In this case our exTNFS selects h, f and g so that

  • h is a polynomial over \({\mathbb Z}\) and irreducible modulo p, \(\deg h=\eta \) and \(||{ h }||_\infty =O(1)\);

  • f and g are two polynomials with coefficients from \(R={\mathbb Z}[\iota ]\), have a common factor k(x) modulo p which is irreducible over \(R/pR={\mathbb F}_{p^\eta }={\mathbb F}(\iota )\) of degree \(\kappa \).

We choose such polynomials using the method of Joux and Pierrot [15]. Find a bivariate polynomial S of degree \(\kappa -1\) with respect to x such that

$$\begin{aligned} S(t, x) = S_0(t) + S_1(t) x + \dots + S_{\kappa -1}(t) x^{\kappa -1} \in {\mathbb Z}[t, x], \end{aligned}$$

where \(S_i(t)\)’s have their coefficients in \(\{-1, 0, 1\}\) and are of degree \(\le \eta -1\). We further require that \(k =x^\kappa +S(t, x)-u \mod (p, h)\) is irreducible over \({\mathbb F}_{p^\eta }\). Since the proportion of irreducible polynomials in \({\mathbb F}_q\) (q: a prime power) of degree \(\kappa \) is \(1/\kappa \) and there are \(3^{\eta \kappa }\) choices we expect this step to succeed. Then we set

$$\begin{aligned} \left\{ \begin{array}{lll} g&{}=&{}x^\kappa +S(t, x)-u \mod h\\ f&{}=&{}\varPi (x^\kappa +S(t, x)) \mod h. \end{array} \right. \end{aligned}$$

If f is not irreducible over R[x], which happens with low probability, start over. Note that g is irreducible modulo p and that f is a multiple of g modulo p. More precisely, as in [15], we choose S(tx) so that the number of its terms is approximately \(O(\log n)\). Since \(3^{\log n} > \kappa \), this allows us enough chance to get an irreducible polynomial g. The size of the largest integer coefficient of f comes from the part \(S(t, x)^d\) and it is bounded by \(\sigma ^d = O\left( (\log n)^d \right) \), where \(\sigma \) denotes the number of the terms in S(tx). By construction we have:

  • \(\deg (g)=\kappa \) and \(||{ g }||_\infty =u=O(p^{1/d})\);

  • \(\deg (f)=\kappa d\) and \(||{ f }||_\infty =O((\log n)^d)\).

We inject these values in Eq. (1) and obtain the same formula as in Kim-Barbulescu’s SexTNFS variant. Thus we obtain the same complexity as in their paper. Again, we note that our polynomial selection applies to fields of arbitrary composite extension degree n.

4.2 The Multiple Polynomial Variants (MexTNFS-gConj)

One can also accelerate the complexity of exTNFS with the generalized Conjugation method using multiple polynomial variants. The description is similar to the previous multiple variant of NFS: choose an irreducible quadratic polynomial \(\mu (x) \in {\mathbb Z}[x]\) such that it has small coefficients, and has a root \(\delta \) modulo p. As before, choose \(k=g_0 + \delta g_1 \in {\mathbb F}_{p^\eta }[x]\) and set \(f = Res_Y( \mu (Y), g_0 + Y g_1) \in R[x]\), where \(g_0\) and \(g_1\) are polynomials in R[x]. We find two pairs of integers (uv) and \((u' , v')\) using rational reconstruction such that

$$\begin{aligned} \delta \equiv u/v \equiv u'/v' \mod p, \end{aligned}$$

where we require (uv) and \((u', v')\) are linearly independent over \({\mathbb Q}\) and the integers \(u, v, u', v'\) are all of the size of \(\sqrt{p}\).

Next we set \(f_1=f\), \(f_2=v g_0 + u g_1\) and \(f_3=v' g_0 + u' g_1\) and select other \(V-3\) irreducible polynomials \(f_i:=\mu _i f_2+\nu _if_3\) where \(\mu _i=\sum _{j=0}^{\eta -1}\mu _{i,j}\iota ^j\) and \(\nu _i=\sum _{j=0}^{\eta -1}\nu _{i,j}\iota ^j \) are elements of R such that \(||{ \mu _i }||_\infty ,||{ \nu _i }||_\infty \le V^\frac{1}{2\eta }\) where \(V=L_{Q}(1/3,c_v)\) is a parameter which will be selected later. Denote \(\alpha _i\) a root of \(f_i\) for \(i=1, 2, \dots , V\).

By construction, we have:

  • \(\deg (f_1)=2\kappa \) and \(||f_1 ||_\infty = O(1)\);

  • \(\deg (f_i)=\kappa \) and \(||f_i ||_\infty = V^{\frac{1}{2\eta }} (p^{\eta \kappa })^{1/(2\kappa )}\) for \(2 \le i \le V\).

As before, evaluating these values into Eq. (1), we obtain:

$$\begin{aligned} |N_{f_1}(a,b) |< & {} E^{2\kappa } L_{Q}(2/3, o(1)) \\ |N_{f_i}(a,b) |< & {} E^\kappa (p^{\kappa \eta })^\frac{1}{2\kappa } L_{Q}(2/3, o(1)) \text{ for } 2 \le i \le V. \end{aligned}$$

We emphasize that \(\left( V^{1/(2\eta )} \right) ^\eta = V^{1/2} = L_Q(2/3, o(1))\).

Then, one can proceed the computation identical to [19]. When \(P=p^\eta =L_Q(2/3 , c_P)\) such that \( c_P > (\frac{7+2\sqrt{13}}{6})^{1/3}\) and \(\tau -1\) is the degree of the enumerated polynomials r, then the complexity obtained is \(L_Q(1/3,C_{\text {MNFS}}(\tau ,c_P))\) where

$$\begin{aligned} C_{\text {MNFS}}(\tau ,c_P)=\frac{2}{c_P \tau }+\sqrt{\frac{20}{9(c_P \tau )^2}+\frac{2}{3}c_P(\tau -1)}. \end{aligned}$$

The best case occurs when \(c_P=(\frac{56+24\sqrt{6}}{12})^{1/3}\) and \(\tau =2\) (linear polynomials):

$$\begin{aligned} \text {complexity(best case of MexTNFS-gConj)}=L_Q \left( 1/3,\frac{3+\sqrt{3(11+4\sqrt{6})}}{\big ( 18(7+3\sqrt{6}) \big )^{1/3}} \right) . \end{aligned}$$

MexTNFS when . We separate this case into following two cases.

Case 1: \(n=2^i3^j\) for \(i+j >1\). In this case, we can always find a factor \(\kappa \) of n in the interval \(\left[ \frac{k_0}{3.89}, \frac{k_0}{1.27} \right] \) where \(k_0= \left( \frac{\log Q}{\log \log Q} \right) ^{1/3}\) so that \(c_P\), where \(p^{\eta }=L_Q(1/3, c_P)\), is in the interval [1.27, 3.89]. Observe that the ratio \((k_0/1.27)/(k_0/3.89)\) is larger than 3. Since \(C_{\text {MNFS}}(\tau , c_P)\) in Eq. (5) is less than 1.88 when \(\tau =2\) and \(1.27 \le c_P \le 3.89\), we have a result that the complexity of MexTNFS is always less than \(L_Q(1/3, 1.88)\).

Case 2: \(n=2^i\) for some \(i>1\). If n is a power of 2 we get a better result than Case 1. In this case we can always find a factor \(\kappa \) of n in the interval \(\left[ \frac{k_0}{3.09}, \frac{k_0}{1.52}\right] \) where \(k_0\) is the same as Case 1. Again we check that the ratio \((k_0/1.52)/(k_0/3.09)\) is larger than 2. Since \(C_{\text {MNFS}}(\tau , c_P) \le 1.78\) for \(\tau =2\) and \(1.52 \le c_P \le 3.09\), the complexity of MexTNFS is always less than \(L_Q(1/3, 1.78)\) in this case.

This result shows that, if multiple variants are used, the DLP over \({\mathbb F}_{p^n}\) can always be solved in the running time less than \(L_Q(1/3, 1.88)\) when n is 4-smooth or less than \(L_Q(1/3, 1.78)\) when n is a power of 2 using MexTNFS algorithm. Recall that MexTNFS-\(\mathcal C\) [20] has the best asymptotic complexity \(L_Q(1/3, 1.88)\) only when n is a power of 2 and has a factor of the specified size.

5 Comparison and Examples

In the context of NFS algorithm including its variants such as TNFS, exTNFS, we compute a large number of integers that are usually given by the norms of elements in number fields, and factor these numbers to test if they are B-smooth for a parameter B. These B-smooth numbers are used to produce a linear relation of the discrete logarithm of the factor base elements, and we solve a linear system from those relations. Thus if we reduce the size of the norms computed in the algorithm we reduce the work of finding B-smooth numbers, further it allows us to improve the total complexity.

The term, the norm size, in this section is used for the bitsize of the product of the norms \(| N_f(r \mod f) N_g(r \mod g) |\), where \(r \in R[x]\) is a polynomial over R of degree less than \(\tau \) and f and g are polynomials selected by each polynomial selection method. Each coefficient of r is considered as a polynomial in \({\mathbb Z}[x]\) of degree less than \(\eta \) whose coefficients are bounded by a parameter \(A=E^{1/\eta }\).

As recent results [17, 20] show, the exTNFS variants have a smaller size of the norms than that in classical NFS. Thus, in this section, we mainly compare the norm size with exTNFS variants.

5.1 A Precise Comparison When p Is Arbitrary

We present the norm sizes in Table 5 depending on each variant of polynomial selection from exTNFS variants. Note that in our algorithm the extension degree n can be any composite integer.

We remark that a recent variant by Sarkar and Singh, exTNFS-\(\mathcal C\) [20], is only interested in the case of \(\lambda =\eta \) where \(\lambda \le \eta \) denotes a parameter if \(k=k_0+k_1x+\cdots + k_\kappa x^\kappa \in {\mathbb F}_{p^\eta }[x]\) such that \(k_i \in {\mathbb F}_{p^\eta }\)’s are represented as polynomials over \({\mathbb F}_p\) of degree \(\lambda -1\). When \(\lambda =1\), all the coefficients of k are in \({\mathbb F}_p\). Then \(\kappa =\deg (k)\) and \(\eta \) should be relatively prime so that k is irreducible over \({\mathbb F}_{p^\eta }\). Thus this case is not interesting since the case is already covered by Kim-Barbulescu’s exTNFS. We do not consider the case when \(1<\lambda <\eta \) as mentioned in [20].

We extrapolate the parameter E using the formula \( E = c L_Q(1/3, (8/9)^{1/3} )\) such that \(\log _2{E}=30\) when \(\log _2{Q}=600\) (chosen from the record by Bouvier et al. [8]).

Table 5. Comparison of norm sizes, where \(\tau =\deg r(x)\), \(d=\deg (f)\) and \(K,\lambda \) are integer parameters subject to the conditions in the last column.

The Case of Fields \({\mathbb F}_{p^9}\). One of the interesting cases is when the extension degree n is a prime power, e.g. \(n=4, 9, 16, 32\) and so on. In this section, we particularly focus on the case \(n=9\) although one can also carry out a similar analysis for other cases.

In this case the previous best polynomial selection method is exTNFS-\(\mathcal C\) [20], so we compare our method with exTNFS-\(\mathcal C\). We apply the algorithms with \(\eta =3\) and \(\kappa =3\). In particular, we have the following choices:

  • exTNFS-\(\mathcal C\) with \(\kappa _0=3\), \(K=\kappa _1=1\) and \(\lambda =3\) has the optimal norm size of \(E^{9} Q^{1/4}\) when \(\tau =2\).

  • exTNFS-\(\mathcal C\) with \(\kappa _0=1\), \(K=\kappa _1=3\) and \(\lambda =3\) has the optimal norm size of \(E^7 Q^{3/10}\) when \(\tau =2\).

  • exTNFS-gJLSV\(_2\) has the optimal size of the norms \(E^{6}Q^{1/4}\) when \(\tau =2\).

  • exTNFS-gGJL has the optimal size of the norms \(E^{7}Q^{1/4}\) when \(\tau =2\).

  • exTNFS-gConj has the optimal size of the norms \(E^{9}Q^{1/6}\) when \(\tau =2\).

We plot the values of the norms in Fig. 2. Note that exTNFS-gJLSV seems to be the best choice when the bitsize of target fields is between 300 and 1800 bits, otherwise exTNFS-gConj seems to be the best choice as the size of fields grows.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Plot of the norms bitsize for several variants of NFS targeting \({\mathbb F}_Q={\mathbb F}_{p^9}\) with \(\eta =\kappa =3\). Horizontal axis indicates the bitsize of \(p^n\) while the vertical axis the bitsize of the norms product.

Fig. 3.
figure 3

Plot of the norms bitsize for several variants of NFS targeting \({\mathbb F}_Q={\mathbb F}_{p^{12}}\) with various choices for \(\kappa \). Horizontal axis indicates the bitsize of \(p^n\) while the vertical axis the bitsize of the norms product.

The Case of Fields \({\mathbb F}_{p^{12}}\). When n is a composite that is not a prime power, such as \(n=6, 12, 18,\) and so on, one can always find factors \(\eta \) and \(\kappa \) such that \(n=\eta \kappa \) and \(\gcd (\eta ,\kappa )=1\). Thus it is possible to apply the polynomial selection as in Kim-Barbulescu’s exTNFS that is already the best choice in the sense of asymptotic complexity. However, from a practical perspective, one might have better choice by allowing to choose \(\eta \) and \(\kappa \) that are not necessarily relatively prime. We plot the case of \(n=12\) as an example. Note that exTNFS-gConj with \(\kappa =2\) seems to be the best choice when the size of fields is small (say, less than 500 bits) and exTNFS-gJLSV with \(\kappa =2\) seems to be the best choice as the size of fields grows as shown in Fig. 3. Remark that \(\kappa =2\) seems to be the best choice in both cases. Note that this choice is not applicable with Kim-Barbulescu’s method since \(\eta =6\) and \(\kappa =2\) are not relatively prime.

5.2 Precise Comparison When p Is a Special Prime

In Table 6, we provide precise norm sizes when p is a d-SNFS prime. Note that our SexTNFS can be applied with arbitrary composite n maintaining the same formula for the norm sizes as in [17].

Table 6. Comparison of norm sizes when p is d-SNFS prime.
Fig. 4.
figure 4

Comparison when \(n=12\) and p is a 4-SNFS for \(300 \le \log _2 Q \le 3000\). Horizontal axis indicates the bitsize of \(Q=p^n\) while the vertical axis the bitsize of the norms product.

Fig. 5.
figure 5

Comparison when \(n=16\) and p is a \(d=10\)-SNFS prime. Horizontal axis indicates the bitsize of \(p^n\) while the vertical axis the bitsize of the norms product.

To compare the precise norm sizes, we choose the parameter E using the formula \(E = c L_Q(1/3, (4/9)^{1/3} )\) and the pair \(\log _2{Q} =1039, \log _2{E}=30.38\) (due to the records by Aoki et al. [1]).

We plot the norm sizes for each method in Figs. 4 and 5. In our range of interest, each of the norm sizes has the minimum value when \(\tau =2\), i.e. sieving only linear polynomials, so we only consider the case when \(\tau =2\).

\(The~Case~of~n=12~and~p~is~a~4-SNFS~Prime.\) This case is interesting due to Barreto-Naehrig pairing construction [7]. We plot the norm size in Fig. 4 corresponding to each polynomial selection method. Note that exTNFS-gConj with \(\kappa =2\) seems to be the best choice when the bitsize of fields is small (less than about 1000 bits) and SexTNFS with \(\kappa =2\) seems to be the best choice as the bitsize of fields grows. It should be remarked again that SexTNFS method with \(\kappa =2\) is impossible to apply with Kim-Barbulescu’s method.

\(The~Case~of~n=16~and~p~is~a~10-SNFS~Prime.\) We consider another interesting case that appears in pairing-friendly constructions, Kachisa-Schaefer-Scott curve [16] with embedding degree 16.

We compare the precise norm sizes of our SexTNFS with exTNFS-(g)Conj and exTNFS-\(\mathcal C\). As shown in Fig. 5, we suggest to use exTNFS-gConj with \(\kappa =4\) when the bitsize of target fields is small and to use SexTNFS with \(\kappa =2\) when the bitsize of target fields is large. The cross point appears when the bitsize is around 8000 bits.

6 Conclusion

In this work, we show that the best complexity of Kim-Barbulescu’s exTNFS algorithm is still valid for fields of any composite extension degree n. It asserts that pairings with embedding degree of a prime power cannot be an alternative to avoid the attack by Kim and Barbulescu and the keysize for such pairings also needs to be updated following to our attack.

It is also interesting to remark that fields with extension degree of form \(n=2^i3^j\) tend to be vulnerable to our attack compared to fields of any other extension degree. It is because when n is a smooth number it is more likely to find a factor of n so that its size is close to the desired size to obtain the best asymptotic complexity. Note that a large number of pairings have embedding degree only divisible by 2 or 3 for an efficient field arithmetic.

From a practical point of view, our algorithm also performs better than Kim-Barbulescu’s algorithm although the asymptotic complexity remains the same. For example, when \(n=12\), the choice of \((\eta , \kappa )=(6, 2)\) is better than \((\eta , \kappa )=(4,3)\) in terms of the norm sizes where the former case can only be covered by our algorithm.

Precise evaluation of the keysize for pairing-based cryptosystems should be further studied. It would be also an interesting question to find efficient alternatives for Barreto-Naehrig curve that are not affected by our attack. Such curves potentially have a large embedding degree or a prime embedding degree. Pairings of embedding degree one might be also alternatives as considered in [9]. Nevertheless, such pairings might be very slow and still need to be further improved for cryptographers to use them.