Refinement types turn typechecking into lightweight verification. The classic form of refinement type is the datasort refinement, in which datasorts identify subclasses of inductive datatypes.
Existing type systems for datasort refinements require that all the refinements of a type be specified when the type is declared; multiple refinements of the same type can be obtained only by duplicating type definitions, and consequently, duplicating code.
We enrich the traditional notion of a signature, which describes the inhabitants of datasorts, to allow re-refinement via signature extension, without duplicating definitions. Since arbitrary updates to a signature can invalidate the inversion principles used to check case expressions, we develop a definition of signature well-formedness that ensures that extensions maintain existing inversion principles. This definition allows different parts of a program to extend the same signature in different ways, without conflicting with each other. Each part can be type-checked independently, allowing separate compilation.
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1 Introduction
Type systems provide guarantees about run-time behaviour; for example, that a record will not be multiplied by a string. However, the guarantees provided by traditional type systems like Hindley–Milner do not rule out a practically important class of run-time failures: nonexhaustive match exceptions. For example, the type system of Standard ML allows a case expression over lists that omits a branch for the empty list:

If this expression is evaluated with elems bound to the empty list [], the exception Match will be raised.
Datasort refinements eliminate this problem: a datasort can express, within the static type system, that elems is not empty; therefore, the above case expression will never raise Match. Datasorts can also express less shallow properties. For example, the definition in Fig. 1 encodes conjunctive normal form—a formula that consists of (possibly nested) \(\mathsf {And}\)s of clauses, where a clause consists of (possibly nested) \(\mathsf {Or}\)s of literals, where a literal is either a positive literal (a variable) or a negation of a positive literal. A case expression comparing two values of type \(\mathsf {clause}\) would only need branches for \(\mathsf {Or}\), \(\mathsf {Not}\) and \(\mathsf {Var}\); the \(\mathsf {And}\) branch could be omitted, since \(\mathsf {And}\) does not produce a \(\mathsf {clause}\).
Datasorts correspond to regular tree grammars, which can encode various data structure invariants (such as the colour invariant of red-black trees), as well as properties such as CNF and A-normal form. Datasort refinements are less expressive than the “refinement type” systems (such as liquid types) that followed work on index refinements and indexed types; like regular expressions, which “can’t count”, datasorts cannot count the length of a list or the height of a tree. However, types with datasorts are simpler in some respects; most importantly, types with datasorts never require quantifiers. Avoiding quantifiers, especially existential quantifiers, also avoids many complications in type checking. By analogy, regular expressions cannot solve every problem—but when they can solve the problem, they may be the best solution.
The goal of this paper is to make datasort refinements more usable—not by making datasorts express more invariants, but by liberating them from the necessity of a fixed specification (a fixed signature). First, we review the trajectory of research on datasorts.
The first approach to datasort refinements (Freeman and Pfenning 1991; Freeman 1994) extended ML, using abstract interpretation (Cousot and Cousot 1977) to infer refined types. The usual argument in favour of type inference is that it reduces a direct burden on the programmer. When type annotations are boring or self-evident, as they often are in plain ML, this argument is plausible. But datasorts can express more subtle specifications, calling that argument into question. Moreover, inference discourages a form of fine-grained modularity. Just as we expect a module system to support information hiding, so that clients of a module cannot depend on its internal details, a type system should prevent the callers of a function from depending on its internal details. Inferring refinements exposes those details. For example, if a function over lists is written with only nonempty input in mind, the programmer may not have thought about what the function should do for empty input, so the type system shouldn’t let the function be applied to an empty list. Finally, inferring all properties means that the inferred refined types can be long, e.g. inferring a 16-part intersection type for a simple function (Freeman and Pfenning 1991, p. 271).
Thus, the second generation of work on datasort refinements (Davies and Pfenning 2000; Davies 2005) used bidirectional typing, rather than inference. Programmers have to write more annotations, but refinement checking will never fabricate unintended invariants. A third generation of work (Dunfield and Pfenning 2004; Dunfield 2007b) stuck with bidirectional type checking, though this was overdetermined: other features of that type system made inference untenable.
All three generations (and later work by Lovas (2010) on datasorts for LF) shared the constraint that a given datatype could be refined only once. The properties tracked by datasorts could not be subsequently extended; the same set of properties must be used throughout the program. Modular refinement checking could be achieved only by duplicating the type definition and all related code. Separate type-checking of refinements enables simpler reasoning about programs, separate compilation, and faster type-checking (simpler refinement relations lead to simpler case analyses).
The history of pattern typing in case expressions is also worth noting, as formulating pattern typing seems to be the most difficult step in the design of datasort type systems. Freeman supported a form of pattern matching that was oversimplified. Davies implemented the full SML pattern language and formalized most of it, but omitted as-patterns—which become nontrivial when datasort refinements enter the picture.
The system in this paper allows multiple, separately declared refinements of a type by revising a fundamental mechanism of datasort refinements: the signature. Refinements are traditionally described using a signature that specifies—for the entire program—which values of a datatype belong to which refinements. For example, the type system can track the parity of bitstrings using the following signature, which says: (1) \(\mathsf {even}\) and \(\mathsf {odd}\) are subsorts (subtypes) of the type \(\mathsf {bits}\) of bitstrings, the (2) empty bitstring has even parity, (3) appending a 1 flips the parity, and (4) appending a 0 preserves parity.

The connective , read “and” or “intersection”, denotes conjunction of properties: adding a \(\mathsf {One}\) makes an even bitstring odd (
), and makes an odd bitstring even (
). Thus, if
is a bitstring known to have odd parity, then appending a 1 yields a bitstring with even parity:

In some datasort refinement systems (Dunfield 2007b; Lovas 2010), the programmer specifies the refinements by writing a signature like the one above. In the older systems of Freeman and Davies, the programmer writes a regular tree grammarFootnote 1, from which the system infers a signature, including the constructor types and the subsort relation:

In either design, the typing phase uses the same form of signature. We use the first design, where the programmer gives the signature directly. Giving the signature directly is more expressive, because it enables refinements to carry information not present at run time. For example, we can refine natural numbers by \(\mathsf {Tainted}\) and \(\mathsf {Untainted}\):

The sorts and
have the same closed inhabitants, but a program cannot directly create an instance of
from an instance of

Thus, the two sorts have different open inhabitants. This is analogous to dimension typing, where an underlying value is just an integer or float, but the type system tracks that the number is in (for example) metres (Kennedy 1996).
Giving the signature directly allows programmers to choose between a variety of subsorting relationships. For example, to allow untainted data to be used where tainted data is expected, write . Subsorting can be either structural (as the signatures generated from grammars) or nominal (as in the example above). In this paper, giving signatures directly is helpful: it enables extension of signatures without translating between signatures and grammars.
Contributions. This paper makes the following contributions:
A language and type system with extensible signatures for datasort refinements (Sect. 3). Refinements are extended by blocks that are checked to ensure that they do not weaken a sort’s inversion principle, which would make typing unsound.
A new formulation of typing (Sect. 4) for case expressions. This formulation is based on a notion of finding the intersection of a type with a pattern; it concisely models the interesting aspects of realistic ML-style patterns.
Type (datasort) preservation and progress for the type assignment system, stated in Sect. 6 and proved in Appendix B, with respect to a standard call-by-value operational semantics (Sect. 5).
A bidirectional type system (Sect. 7), which directly yields an algorithm. We prove that this system is sound (given a bidirectional typing derivation, erasing annotations yields a type assignment derivation) and complete (given any type assignment derivation, annotations can be added to make bidirectional typing succeed).
The appendix, which includes definitions and proofs omitted for space reasons, can be found at http://www.cs.queensu.ca/~jana/papers/extensible.
2 Datasort Refinements
What are Datasort Refinements? Datasort refinements are a syntactic discipline for enforcing invariants. This is a play on Reynolds’s definition of types as a “syntactic discipline for enforcing levels of abstraction” (Reynolds 1983). Datasorts allow programmers to conveniently categorize inductive data, and operations on such data, more precisely than in conventional type systems.
Indexed types and related systems (e.g. liquid types and other “refinement types”) also serve that purpose, but datasorts are highly syntactic, whereas indexed types depend on the semantics of a constraint domain. For example, to check the safety of accessing the element at position of a 0-based array of length
, an indexed type system must check whether the proposition
is entailed in the theory of integers (under some set of assumptions, e.g.
). The truth of
depends on the semantics of arithmetic, whereas membership in a datasort only depends on a head constructor and the datasorts of its arguments. Put roughly, datasorts express regular grammars, and indexed types express grammars with more powerful side conditions. (Unrestricted dependent types can express arbitrarily precise side conditions.)
Applications of Datasort Refinements. Datasorts are especially suited to applications of symbolic computing, such as compilers and theorem provers. Compilers usually work with multiple internal languages, from abstract syntax through to intermediate languages. These internal languages may be decomposed into further variants: source ASTs with and without syntactic sugar, A-normal form, and so on. Similarly, theorem provers, SMT solvers, and related tools transform formulas into various normal forms or sublanguages: quantifier-free Boolean formulas, conjunctive normal form, formulas with no free variables, etc. Many such invariants can be expressed by regular tree grammars, and hence by datasorts.
Our extensible refinements offer the ability to use new refinements of a datatype when the need arises, without the need to update a global refinement declaration. For example, we could extend the types in Fig. 1, in which \(\mathsf {clause}\) contains disjunctions of literals and \(\mathsf {cnf}\) contains conjunctions of clauses, with a new sort for conjunctions of literals:

What are Datasort Refinements Not? First, datasorts are not really types, at least not in the sense of Hindley–Milner type systems. A function on bitstrings (Sect. 1) has a best, or principal, type: . In contrast, such a function may have many refined types (sometimes called sorts), depending not only on the way the programmer chose to refine the \(\mathsf {bits}\) type, but on which possible properties they wish to check. The type, or sort, of a function is a tiny module interface. In a conventional Hindley–Milner type system, there is a best interface (the principal type); with datasorts, the “best” interface is—as with a module interface, which may reveal different aspects of the module—the one the programmer thinks best. Maybe the programmer only cares that the function preserves odd parity, and annotates it with
; the compiler will reject calls with \(\mathsf {even}\) bitstrings, even though such a call would be conventionally well-typed.
To infer sorts, as in the original work of Freeman, is like assuming that all declarations in a module should be exposed. (Tools that suggest possible invariants could be useful, just as a tool that suggests possible module interfaces could be useful. But such tools are not the focus of this paper.)
3 A Type System with Extensible Refinements
This section gives our language’s syntax, introduces signatures, discusses the introduction and elimination forms for datasorts, and presents the typing rules. The details of typing pattern matching are in Sect. 4.
3.1 Syntax
The syntax of expressions (Fig. 2) includes functions , function application
, pairs
, constructors
, and case expressions. Signatures are extended by
Types (Fig. 3), written and
, include unit (
), function, and product types, along with datasorts
. The intersection type
represents the conjunction of the two properties denoted by
; for example, a function to repeat a bitstring could be checked against type
: given any bitstring
, the repetition
has even parity.
3.2 Unrefined Types and Signatures
Our unrefined types , in Fig. 4, are very simple: unit
, functions
, products
, and datatypes
. We assume that each datatype has a known set of constructors: for example, the bitstring type of Sect. 1 has constructors \(\mathsf {Empty}\), \(\mathsf {One}\) and \(\mathsf {Zero}\). Refinements don’t add constructors; they only refine the types of the given constructors. We assume that each program has some unrefined signature
that gives datatype names (
) and (unrefined) constructor typings (
). Since this signature is the same throughout a program, we elide it in most judgment forms.
The judgment says that
is a refinement of
. Both the symbol
and several of the rules are reminiscent of subtyping, but that is misleading: sorts and types are not in an inclusion relation in the sense of subtyping, because the rule for
is covariant, not contravariant. Covariance is needed for functions whose domains are nontrivially refined, e.g.
, which is not a subtype of
Rule implements the usual refinement restriction: both parts of an intersection
must refine the same unrefined type
3.3 Signatures
Refinements are defined by signatures (Fig. 4).
As in past datasort systems, we separate signatures from typing contexts
. Typing assumptions over term variables (
, etc.) in
can mention sorts declared in
, but the signature
cannot mention the term variables declared in
. Thus, our judgment for term typing will have the form
, where the term
can include constructors declared in
and variables declared in
, and the type
can include sorts declared in
. Some judgments, like subsorting
and subtyping
, are independent of variable typing and don’t include
at all.
Traditional formulations of refinements assume the signature is given once at the beginning of the program. Since the same signature is used throughout a given typing derivation, the signature can be omitted from the typing judgments. In this paper, our goal is to support extensible refinements, where the signature can evolve within a typing derivation; in this respect, the signature is analogous to an ordinary typing context , which is extended in subderivations that type
-expressions and other binding forms. So the signature must be explicit in our judgment forms (Fig. 5).
Constructor types are types of the form
. In past formulations of datasorts, constructor types in the signature use intersection to represent multiple behaviours. For example, a “one” constructor for bitstrings, which represents appending a 1 bit, takes odd-parity bitstrings to even-parity and vice versa; its type in the signature is the intersection type
. Such a formulation ensures that the signature has a standard property of (typing) contexts: each data constructor is declared only once; additional behaviours are conjoined (intersected) within a single declaration
. In our setting, we must be careful about not only which types a constructor has, but when those types were declared. The reasons are explained below; for now, just note that we will write something like
rather than
Structure of Signatures. A signature is a sequence of blocks
of declarations, where refinements declared in outer scopes in the program appear to the left of those declared in inner scopes.
Writing declares
to be a sort refining some (unrefined) datatype
; however, we usually elide the datatype and write just
. The declarations
, called the block of
, define the values (constructors) of
, and the subsortings for
. Declarations outside this block may declare new subsorts and supersorts of
only if doing so would not affect
—for example, adding inhabitants to
via a constructor declaration, or declaring a new subsorting between
and previously declared sorts, would affect
and will be forbidden (via signature well-formedness). The grammar generalizes this construct to multiple sorts, e.g.
, abbreviated as
Writing says that
is a subsort of
, and
says that constructor
has type
, where
has the form
. A constructor
can be given more than one type:
Adding inhabitants to a sort is only allowed within its block. Thus, the following signature is ill-formed, because adds the value
, but
is not within
’s block:
. New sorts can be declared as subsorts and supersorts of each other, and of previously declared sorts:
However, a block cannot modify the subsorting relation between earlier sorts; “backpatching” into the first block, through a new intermediate sort
, is not permitted: The signature
is not permitted even though it looks safe: sorts
have the same set of inhabitants—the singleton set
—so the values of
are a subset of the values of
. But this fact was not declared in the first block, which is the definition of
. We assume the declaration of the first block completely reflects the programmer’s intent: if they had wanted structural subsorting, rather than nominal subsorting, they should have declared
in the first block. Allowing backpatching would not violate soundness, but would reduce the power of the type system: nominal subsorting would no longer be supported, since it could be made structural after the fact.
Ordering. A block can refer to the sorts
being defined and to sorts declared to the left. In contrast to block ordering, the order of declarations inside a block doesn’t matter.
3.4 Introduction Form
From a type-theoretic perspective, the first questions about a type are: (1) How are the type’s inhabitants created? That is, what are the type’s introduction rules? (2) How are its inhabitants used? That is, what are its elimination rules? (Gentzen (1934) would ask the questions in this order; the reverse order has been considered by Dummett, among others (Zeilberger 2009).) In our setting, we must also ask: What happens with the introduction and elimination forms when new refinements are introduced?
In the introduction rule—\(\mathsf {DataI~}\)in Fig. 6—the signature is separated from the ordinary context
(which contains typing assumptions of the form
). The typing of
is delegated to its first premise,
, so we need a way to derive this judgment. At the top of Fig. 6, we define a single rule \(\mathsf {ConArr}\), which looks up the constructor in the signature and weakens the result type (codomain), expressing a subsumption principle. (Since we’ll have subsumption as a typing rule, including it here is an unforced choice; its presence is meant to make the metatheory of constructor typing go more smoothly.)
In a system of extensible refinements, adding refinements to a signature should preserve typing. That is, if , then
. This is a weakening property: we can derive, from the judgment that
has type
, the logically weaker judgment that
has type
under more assumptions
. (The signature becomes longer, therefore stronger; but a turnstile is a kind of implication with the signature as antecedent, so the judgment becomes weaker, hence “weakening”.) So for the introduction form, we need that if
, then
. Under our formulation of the signature, this holds: If
, then there exists
such that
. Therefore, there exists
. Likewise, since
, we also have
. One cannot use
to withdraw a commitment made in
.Footnote 2
3.5 Elimination Form: Case Expressions
Exhaustiveness checking for case expressions assumes complete knowledge about the inhabitants of types. Thus, we must avoid extending a signature in a way that adds inhabitants to previously declared sorts. Consider the case expression which is exhaustive for the signature
but not for

Suppose we type-check the case expression under , but then extend
. Evaluating the above case expression with
will “fall off the end”. The inversion principle that “every \(\mathsf {empty}\) has the form
” is valid under
, but with the additional type for \(\mathsf {Cons}\) in
, that inversion principle becomes invalid under
. Our system will reject the latter signature as ill-formed.
In the following, “up” and “down” are used in the usual sense: a subsort is below its supersort. In , the second constructor type for \(\mathsf {Cons}\) had a smaller codomain than the first: the second type had \(\mathsf {empty}\), instead of \(\mathsf {list}\). Varying the codomain downward can be sound when the lower codomain is newly defined:
. Here, the inversion principle that every \(\mathsf {empty}\) is \(\mathsf {Nil}\) is still valid (along with the new inversion principle that every \(\mathsf {subempty}\) is \(\mathsf {Nil}\)). We only added information about a new sort \(\mathsf {subempty}\), without changing the definition of \(\mathsf {list}\) and \(\mathsf {empty}\).
Moving the Domain Down. Giving a new type whose domain is smaller, but that has the same codomain, is sound but pointless. For example, extending with
, which is the same as the type
has for
except that the domain is \(\mathsf {empty}\) instead of \(\mathsf {list}\), is sound. The inversion principle for values
of type \(\mathsf {list}\) in
alone is “either (1)
has the form
, or (2)
has the form
has type \(\mathsf {list}\)”. Reading off the new inversion principle for \(\mathsf {list}\) from
, we get “either (1)
has the form
, or (2)
has the form
has type \(\mathsf {list}\), or (3)
has the form
has type \(\mathsf {empty}\)”. Since \(\mathsf {empty}\) is a subsort of \(\mathsf {list}\), part (3) implies part (2), and any case arm that checks under the assumption that
must also check under the assumption that
. Here, the new signature is equivalent to
alone; the “new” type for \(\mathsf {Cons}\) is spurious.
Moving the Codomain Up. Symmetrically, giving a new type whose codomain gets larger is sound but pointless. For example, adding to
has no effect, because (in the introduction form) we could use the old type
with subsumption (
Moving the Domain Up. Making the domain of a constructor larger is unsound in general. To show this, we need a different starting signature .

This isn’t a very useful signature—it doesn’t allow construction of any list with more than one element—but it is illustrative. We can read off from the following inversion principle for values
of sort \(\mathsf {nonempty}\): “
has the form
has type \(\mathsf {empty}\)”. If
is exhaustive under
. Now, extend
. For the signature
, the inversion principle for \(\mathsf {nonempty}\) should be “(1)
has the form
has type \(\mathsf {empty}\), or (2)
has the form
has type \(\mathsf {list}\)”. But there are more values of type \(\mathsf {list}\) than of type \(\mathsf {empty}\). The new inversion principle gives less precise information about the argument
, meaning that the old inversion principle gives more precise information than
allows. Concretely, the case expression above was exhaustive under
, but is not exhaustive under
has type
The above examples show that signature extension can be sound but useless, unsound, or sound and useful (when the domain and codomain, or just the codomain, are moved down). Ruling out unsoundness will be the main purpose of our type system, where unsoundness includes raising a “match” exception due to a nonexhaustive case. The critical requirement is that each block must not affect previously declared sorts by adding constructors to them, or by adding subsortings between them.
3.6 Typing
Figure 6 gives rules deriving the main typing judgment . The variable rule
, the introduction (
) and elimination (
) rules for
, and the introduction rules for the unit type (
) and products (
) are standard. Products can be eliminated via
, so they need no elimination rule.
Subsumption. A subsumption rule incorporates subtyping, based on the subsort relation
; see Sect. 3.7. Several of the subtyping rules express the same properties as elimination rules would; for example, anything of type
has type
and also type
. Consequently, we can omit these elimination rules without losing expressive power.
Intersection. The introduction rule corresponds to a binary version of the introduction rule for parametric polymorphism in System F. The restriction to a value
avoids unsoundness in the presence of mutable references (Davies and Pfenning 2000), similar to SML’s value restriction for parametric polymorphism (Wright 1995). We omit the elimination rules, which are admissible using
and subtyping (Sect. 3.7).

Datasorts. Rule introduces a datasort, according to a constructor type found in
(via the
judgment). Rule
examines an expression
of type
and checks matches
under the assumption that the expression matches the wildcard pattern
; see Sect. 4.
Re-refinement. Rule allows sorts to be declared. Its premises check that (1) the signature
is a valid extension of
(see Sect. 3.8); (2) the type
of the expression is well-formed without the extension
, which prevents sorts declared in
from escaping their scope; (3) that the expression
is well-typed under the extended signature
3.7 Subtyping
Our subtyping judgment says that all values of type
also have type
. The rules follow the style of Dunfield and Pfenning
(2003); in particular, the rules are orthogonal (each rule mentions only one kind of connective) and transitivity is admissible. Instead of an explicit transitivity rule, we bake transitivity into each rule; for example, rule
has a premise
and conclusion
, rather than just
(with no premises). This makes the rules easier to implement: to decide whether
, we never have to guess a middle type
such that
(Fig. 7).
3.8 Signature Well-Formedness
A signature is well-formed if standard conditions (e.g. no duplicate declarations of sorts) and conservation conditions hold. Reading Fig. 8 from bottom to top, we start with well-formedness of signatures . For each block
, rule
checks that the sorts
are not duplicates (
), and then checks that (1) subsorting is conserved by
and (2) each element in
is safe.
(1) Subsorting Preservation. The subsortings declared in must not affect the subsort relation between sorts previously declared in
. The left-to-right direction of this “iff” always holds by weakening: adding to a signature cannot delete edges in the subsort relation. The right-to-left direction is contingent on the contents of
; see signature
in Sect. 3.3. This premise could also be written as
, where
is the
relation restricted to sorts in
(2a) Subsort Elements. Rule checks that the subsorts are in scope.
(2b) Constructor Element Safety. Rule BlockCon’s first premise checks that . (Certain declarations with
would be safe, but useless.) Its second premise checks that the constructor type
is well-formed. Finally, for all sorts
that were (1) previously declared (in
) and (2) supersorts of the constructor’s codomain (
), the rule checks that the constructor is “safe at
The judgment says that adding the constructor typing
does not invalidate
’s inversion principle for
. Rule
checks that signature
already has a constructor typing
, where
, such that
. Thus, any value
typed using
can already be typed using
, which is a subsort of
, so the new constructor typing
does not add inhabitants to
This check is not analogous to function subtyping, because we need covariance (), not contravariance. The relation
(Fig. 4) is a closer analogy.
More subtly, also checks that
. Suppose we have the signature
and extend it with
. (To focus on the issue at hand, we assume
take no arguments.) For the original signature
, the inversion principle for
is: If a value
has type
, then either
has type
, or
has type
. However, under the extended signature, there is a new possibility:
has type
. Merely being inhabited by
is not sufficient to allow
to be a subsort of
If, instead, we start with then the inversion principle for
is that
has type
, type
, or type
. Therefore, any case arm whose pattern is
must be checked assuming
. If an expression can be typed assuming
, then it can be typed assuming
for any
, so the inversion principle (again, under
before extension) is equivalent to “
has type
”. Extending
would extend the inversion principle to say “if
has type
, or
has type
”, but since
the extended inversion principle is equivalent to that for
The premise of
is needed to prove the constructor lemma (Lemma 12), which says that a constructor typing in an extended signature must be below a constructor typing in the original signature.
4 Typing Pattern Matching
Pattern matching is how a program gives different answers on different inputs. A key motivation for datasort refinements is to exclude impossible patterns, so that programmers can avoid having to choose between writing impossible case arms (that raise an “impossible” exception) and ignoring nonexhaustiveness warnings. The pattern typing rules must model the relationship between datasorts and the operational semantics of pattern matching. It’s no surprise, then, that in datasort refinement systems, case expressions lead to the most interesting typing rules.
The relationship between types and patterns is more involved than with, say, Damas–Milner plus inductive datatypes: with (unrefined) inductive datatypes, all the information needed to check for exhaustiveness (also called coverage) is immediately available as soon as the type of the scrutinee is known. Moreover, types for pattern variables can be “read off” by traversing the pattern top-down, tracking the definition of the scrutinee’s inductive datatype. But with datasorts, a set of patterns that looks nonexhaustive at first glance—looking only at the head constructors—may in fact be exhaustive, thanks to the inner patterns.
Giving types to pattern variables is also tricky, because sufficiently precise types may be evident only after examining the whole pattern. For example, when matching against the pattern
, we shouldn’t settle on
because the scrutinee
has type
; we should descend into the pattern and observe that
, so
must have type
Restricting the form of case expressions to a single layer of clearly disjoint patterns would simplify the rules, at the cost of a big gap between theory and practice: Since real implementations need to support nested patterns, the theory fails to model the real complexities of exhaustiveness checking and pattern variable typing. Giving code examples becomes fraught; either we flatten case expressions (resulting in code explosion), or we handwave a lot.
Another option is to support the full syntax of case expressions, except for as-patterns, so that pattern variables occur only at the leaves. If subsorting were always structural, as in Davies’s system, we could exploit a handy equivalence between patterns and values: if the pattern is , let-bind
inside the case arm, letting rule
figure out the type of
. But with nominal subsorting, constructing a value is not equivalent; see Davies
(2005, pp. 234–235) and Dunfield
(2007b, pp. 112–113).
Our approach is to support the full syntax, including as-patterns. This approach was taken by Dunfield (2007b, Chap. 4), but our system seems simpler—partly because (except for signature extension) our type system omits indexed types and union types, but also because we avoid embedding typing derivations inside derivations of pattern typing.
Instead, we confine most of the complexity to a single mechanism: a function called , which returns a set of types (and contexts that type
-variables) that represent the intersection between a type and a pattern. The definition of this function is not trivial, but does not refer to expression-level typing.
4.1 Unrefined Pattern Typing, Match Typing, and Pattern Operations
Figure 9 defines a judgment that says that pattern
matches values of unrefined type
under the unrefined signature
Rule for case expressions (Fig. 6) invokes a match typing judgment,
. In this judgment,
is a residual pattern that represents the space of possible values. For the first arm in a case expression, no patterns have yet failed to match, so the residual pattern in the premise of
Each arm, of the form , is checked by rule
(Fig. 10). The leftmost premises check that the type
corresponds to the pattern type
. The middle “for all” checks
under various assumptions produced by the
function (Sect. 4.2) with respect to the pattern
, ensuring that if
matches the value at run time, the arm is well-typed. The last premise moves on to the remaining matches; there, we know that the value did not match
, so we subtract
from the previous residual pattern
—expressed as
. These operations are defined in the appendix (Fig. 13).
When typing reaches the end of the matches, in rule
, we check that the case expression is exhaustive by checking that
. For case expressions that are syntactically exhaustive, such as a case expression over lists that has both \(\mathsf {Nil}\) and \(\mathsf {Cons}\) arms, the residual pattern
will be the empty pattern
; the
function on an empty pattern returns \(\emptyset \).
We define pattern complement and pattern intersection
in the appendix (Fig. 13). For example,
. No types appear in these definitions, but the complement of a constructor pattern
uses the (implicit) unrefined signature
. Our definition of pattern complement never generates
-patterns, so we need not define intersection for
4.2 The intersect function
We define a function \(\mathsf {intersect}\) that builds the “intersection” of a type and a pattern. Given a signature , type
and pattern
, the \(\mathsf {intersect}\) function returns a (possibly empty) set of tracks
. Each track
has a list of typings
(giving the types of
-variables) and a type
that represents the subset of values inhabiting
that also match
. The union of
constitutes the intersection of
. We call these “tracks” because each one represents a possible shape of the values that match p, and the type-checking “train” must check a given case arm under each track’s
Many of the clauses in the definition of \(\mathsf {intersect}\) (see Fig. 10) are straightforward. The intersection of with the wildcard \({\_\!\_}\) is just
. Dually, the intersection of
with the empty pattern
is the empty set. In the same vein, the intersection of
with the or-pattern
is the union of two intersections (
, and
). The intersection of a product
with a pair pattern is the union of products of the pointwise intersections.
The most interesting case is when we intersect a sort with a pattern of the form
. For this case,
iterates through all the constructor declarations in
that could have been used to create the given value: those of the form
. For each such declaration, it calls
. For each resulting track
, it returns a track
Optimization. In practice, it may be necessary to optimize the result of . If
. Since any case arm that checks under
will check under
, there is no point in trying to check under
. Instead, we should check only under
. A similar optimization in the Stardust type checker could reduce the size of the set of tracks by “about an order of magnitude” Dunfield
(2007b, p.112).
Missing Clauses? As is standard in typed languages, pattern matching doesn’t look inside , so
needs no clause for
. If we can’t match on an arrow type, we don’t need to match on intersections of arrows. The other useful case of intersection is on sorts,
. However, an intersection of sorts can be obtained by declaring a new sort below
with the appropriate constructor typings, so we omit such a clause from the definition.
Comparison to an Earlier System. A declarative system of rules in Dunfield
(2007b, Chap. 4) appears to be a conservative extension of : the earlier system supports a richer type system, but for the features in common, the information produced is similar to that of
. The earlier system was based on a judgment
. To clarify the connection to the present system, we adjust notation; for example, we make
The meta-variables ,
, and
directly correspond to the arguments to
, while
correspond to
in our rule
. No meta-variables correspond directly to the tracks in the result of \(\mathsf {intersect}\), but within
, we find subderivations of
, where the set of pairs
indeed correspond to the result of
Cutting through the differences in the formalism, and omitting rules for unions and other features not present in this paper, the earlier system behaves like . For example,
was also handled by considering each component, and assembling all resulting combinations. Perhaps most importantly,
was also handled by considering each constructor type in the signature, filtering out inappropriate codomains, and recursing on
. A rule for
appears in the declarative system in Dunfield
(2007b, Chap. 4), but the rule was never implemented, and seems not to be needed in practice.
Since the information given by the older system is precise enough to check interesting invariants of actual programs, our definition of should also be precise enough.
5 Operational Semantics
We prove our results with respect to a call-by-value, small-step operational semantics. The main judgment form is , which uses evaluation contexts
. Stepping case expressions is modelled using a judgment
, which compares each pattern in
against the value
being cased upon. This comparison is handled by the judgment
, which says that
is evidence that
(that is,
). The rules are in Fig. 14 in the appendix.
6 Metatheory
This section gives definitions, states some lemmas and theorems, and discusses their significance in proving our main results. For space reasons, we summarize a number of lemmas; their full statements appear in the appendix. All proofs are also relegated to the appendix.
Subtyping and Subsorting. Subtyping is reflexive and transitive (Lemmas (Lemmas 6–7). We define what it means for signature extension to preserve subsorting:
Definition 1
(Preserving subsorting). Given and
, we say that
preserves subsorting of
iff for all sorts
, if
This definition allows new sorts in to be subsorts or supersorts of the old sorts in
, provided that the subsort relation between the old sorts doesn’t change.
If two signatures do not have subsortings that cross into each other’s domain, they are non-adjacent; non-adjacent signatures preserve subsorting.
Definition 2
(Non-adjacency). Two signatures and
are non-adjacent iff each signature contains no subsortings of the form
, where
Theorem 1
(Non-adjacent preservation).
If preserves subsorting of
preserves subsorting of
and and
are non-adjacent then
preserves subsorting of
Strengthening, Weakening, and Substitution. Theorem 4 (Weakening) will allow the assumptions in a judgment to be changed in two ways: (1) the signature may be strengthened by replacing a signature with a signature
; and (2) the context may be strengthened by replacing
with a context
in which any typing assumption
can be replaced with
, if
Repeatedly applying (1) with different leads to a more general notion of strengthening a signature:
Definition 3
A signature is stronger than
, written
, if
can be obtained from
by inserting entire signatures at any position in
We often use the less general notion (inserting a single ), which simplifies proofs. For any result stated less generally, however, the more general strengthening of Definition 3 can be shown by induction on the number of blocks inserted.
Definition 4
Under , a context
is stronger than
, written
, if for each
, there exists
such that
Several lemmas show weakening. Lemma 8 says that in
can be replaced by a stronger
, where
has the form
. Lemma 9 says that
can replace
.Lemma 10 allows the sort
in the judgment
to be replaced by a supersort
Using the above lemmas and Theorem 1, we can show that the key judgment “” can be weakened by inserting
inside the signature:
Theorem 2
(Weakening ‘safe’). If and
does not mention anything in
preserves subsorting for
With this additional lemma, we have weakening for the judgments involved in checking that a signature is well-formed, so we can show that if is safely extended by
and separately by
, then
, together, safely extend
Theorem 3
(Signature Interleaving).
If and
Ultimately, we will show type preservation; in the preservation case for the rule, we extend the signature in a premise. We therefore need to show that the typing judgment can be weakened. Since the typing rules for matches involve the \(\mathsf {intersect}\) function, we need to show that a stronger input to \(\mathsf {intersect}\) yields a stronger output; that is, a longer (stronger) signature yields a stronger type
(a subtype of
) and a stronger context
Definition 5
Under a signature , a track
is stronger than
, written
, if and only if
A set of tracks is stronger than
, written
, if and only if, for each track
, there exists a track
such that
Lemma 13 says that the result of \(\mathsf {intersect}\) on a stronger signature is stronger. We can then show that weakening holds for the typing judgment itself, along with substitution typing (defined in the appendix) and match typing.
Theorem 4
(Weakening). If ,
Properties of Values. Substitution properties (Lemmas 14 and 15) and inversion (or canonical forms) properties (Lemma 16) hold.
Type Preservation and Progress. The last important piece needed for type preservation is that \(\mathsf {intersect}\) does what it says: if a value matches
, then
has type
is one of the outputs of \(\mathsf {intersect}\).
Theorem 5
(Intersect). If and
then there exists
The preservation result allows for a longer signature, to model entering the scope of a expression or the arms of a match. We implicitly assume that, in the given typing derivation, all types are well-formed under the local signature: for any subderivation of
, it is the case that
Theorem 6
(Preservation). If and
then there exists
such that
Theorem 7
(Progress). If and
is a value or there exists
such that
7 Bidirectional Typing
The type assignment system in Fig. 6 is not syntax-directed, because the rules and
apply to any shape of expression. Nor is the system directed by the syntax of types: rule
can conclude
for any type
that is a supertype of some other type
. Finally, while the choice to apply rule
is guided by the shape of the expression—it must be a constructor application
—the resulting sort is not uniquely determined, since the signature can have multiple constructor typings for
Fortunately, obtaining an algorithmic system is straightforward, following previous work with datasort refinements and intersection types. We follow the bidirectional typing recipe of Davies and Pfenning (2000); Davies (2005); Dunfield and Pfenning (2004):
Split the typing judgment into checking
and synthesis
judgments. In the checking judgment, the type
is input (it might be given via type annotation); in the synthesis judgment, the type
is output.
Allow change of direction: Change the subsumption rule to synthesize a type, then check if it is a subtype of a type being checked against; add an annotation rule that checks
in the annotated expression
In each introduction rule, e.g.
, make the conclusion a checking judgment; in each elimination rule, e.g.
, make the premise that contains the eliminated connective a synthesis judgment.
Make the other judgments in the rules either checking or synthesizing, according to what information is available. For example, the premise of
becomes a checking judgment, because we know
from the conclusion.
Since the subsumption rule cannot synthesize, add rules such as
, which were admissible in the type assignment system.
This yields the rules in Fig. 12. (Rules for the match typing judgment can be obtained from Fig. 10 by replacing “:” in “
” and “
” with “
”.) While this system is much more algorithmic than Fig. 6, the presence of intersection types requires backtracking: if we apply a function of type
, we need to synthesize
first; if we subsequently fail (e.g. if the argument has type \(\mathsf {odd}\)), we backtrack and try
. Similarly, if the signature contains several typings for a constructor
, we may need to try rule
with each typing.
Type-checking for this system is almost certainly PSPACE-complete (Reynolds 1996); however, the experience of Davies (2005) shows that a similar system, differing primarily in whether the signature can be extended, is practical if certain techniques, chiefly memoization, are used.
Using these rules, annotations are required exactly on (1) the entire program (if
is a checked form, such as a
) and (2) expressions not in normal form, such as a
immediately applied to an argument, a recursive function declaration, or a let-binding (assuming the rule for let synthesizes a type for the bound expression). Rules with “more synthesis”—such as a synthesizing version of
—could be added along the lines of previous bidirectional type systems (Xi 1998; Dunfield and Krishnaswami 2013).
Following Davies
(2005), an annotation can list several types . Rule
chooses one of these, backtracking if necessary. Multiple types may be needed if a
-term is checked against intersection type: when checking
, the type of
will be
inside the left subderivation of
, but \(\mathsf {odd}\) inside the right subderivation. Thus, if we annotate
, the check against
fails; if we annotate
with \(\mathsf {odd}\), the check against
fails. For a less contrived example, and for a variant annotation form that reduces backtracking, see Dunfield and Pfenning
In the appendix, we prove that our bidirectional system is sound and complete with respect to our type assignment system:
Theorem 8
(Bidirectional soundness). If or
with all annotations erased.
Theorem 9
(Annotatability). If then:
There exists
such that
There exists
such that
We also prove that the and
judgments are decidable (Appendix, Theorem 10).
8 Related Work
Datasort Refinements. Freeman and Pfenning
(1991) introduced datasort refinements with intersection types, defined the refinement restriction (where is well-formed only if
are refinements of the same type), and developed an inference algorithm in the spirit of abstract interpretation. As discussed earlier, the lack of annotations not only makes the types difficult to see, but makes inference prone to finding long, complex types that include accidental invariants.
Davies (2005), building on the type system developed by Davies and Pfenning (2000), used a bidirectional typing algorithm, guided by annotations on redexes. This system supports parametric polymorphism through a front end based on Damas–Milner inference, but—like Freeman’s system—does not support extensible refinements. Davies’s CIDRE implementation (Davies 2013) goes beyond his formalism by allowing a single type to be refined via multiple declarations, but this has no formal basis; CIDRE appears to simply gather the multiple declarations together, and check the entire program using the combined declaration, even when this violates the expected scoping rules of SML declarations.
Datasort refinements were combined with union types and indexed types by Dunfield and Pfenning (2003, 2004), who noticed the expressive power of nominal subsorting, called “invaluable refinement” (Dunfield 2007b, pp. 113, 220–230).
Giving multiple refinement declarations for a single datatype was mentioned early on, as future work: “embedded refinement type declarations” (Freeman and Pfenning 1991, p. 275); “or even ...declarations that have their scope limited” (Freeman 1994, p. 167); “it does seem desirable to be able to make local datasort declarations” (Davies 2005, p. 245). But the idea seems not to have been pursued.
Logical Frameworks. In the logical framework LF (Harper et al. 1993), data is characterized by declaring constructors with their types. In this respect, our system is closer to LF than to ML: LF doesn’t require all of a type’s constructors to be declared together. By itself, LF has no need for inversion principles. However, systems such as Twelf (Pfenning and Schürmann 1999), Delphin (Poswolsky and Schürmann 2009) and Beluga (Pientka and Dunfield 2010) use LF as an object-level language but also provide meta-level features. One such feature is coverage (exhaustiveness) checking, which needs inversion principles for LF types. Thus, these systems mark a type as frozen when its inversion principle is applied (to process %covers in Twelf, or a case expression in Beluga); they also allow the user to mark types as frozen. These systems lack subtyping and subsorting; once a type is frozen, it is an error to declare a new constructor for it.
Lovas (2010) extended LF with refinements and subsorting, and developed a constraint-based algorithm for signature checking. This work did not consider meta-level features such as coverage checking, so it yields no immediate insights about inversion principles or freezing. Since Lovas’s system takes the subsorting relation directly from declarations, rather than by inferring it from a grammar, it supports what Dunfield (2007b) called invaluable refinements; see Lovas’s example (Lovas 2010, pp. 145–147).
Indexed Types and Refinement Types. As the second generation of datasort refinements (exemplified by the work of Davies and Pfenning) began, so did a related approach to lightweight type-based verification: indexed types or limited dependent types (Xi and Pfenning 1999; Xi 1998), in which datatypes are refined by indices drawn from a (possibly infinite) constraint domain. Integers with linear inequalities are the standard example of an index domain; another good example is physical units or dimensions (Dunfield 2007a). More recent work in this vein, such as liquid types (Rondon et al. 2008), uses “refinement types” for a mechanism close to indexed types.
Datasort refinements have always smelled like a special case of indexed types. At the dawn of indexed types (and the second generation of datasort refinements), the relationship was obscured by datasorts’ “fellow traveller”, intersection types, which were absent from the first indexed type systems, and remain absent from the approaches now called “refinement types”. That is, while datasorts themselves strongly resemble a specific form of indices—albeit related by a partial order (subtyping), rather than by equality—and would thus suggest that indexed type systems subsume datasort refinement type systems, the inclusion of intersection types confounds such a comparison. Intersection types are present, along with both datasorts and indices, in Dunfield and Pfenning (2003) and Dunfield (2007b); the relationship is less obscured. But no one has given an encoding of types with datasorts into types with indices, intersections or no.
The focus of this paper is a particular kind of extensibility of datasort refinements, so it is natural to ask whether indexed types and (latter-day) refinement types have anything similar. Indexed types are not immediately extensible: both Xi’s DML and Dunfield’s Stardust require that a given datatype be refined exactly once. Thus, a particular list type may carry its length, or the value of its largest element, or the parity of its boolean elements. By refining the type with a tuple of indices, it may also carry combinations of these, such as its length and its largest element. Subsequent uses of the type can leave out some of the indices, but the combination must be stated up front.
However, some of the approaches descended from DML, such as liquid types, allow refinement with a predicate that can mention various attributes. These attributes are declared separately from the datatype; adding a new attribute does not invalidate existing code. Abstract refinement types (Vazou et al. 2013) even allow types to quantify over predicates.
Setting aside extensibility, datasort refinements can express certain invariants more clearly and succinctly than indexed types (and their descendants).
Program Analysis. Koot and Hage (2015) formulate a type system that analyzes where exceptions can be raised, including match exceptions raised by nonexhaustive case expressions. This system appears to be less precise than datasorts, but has advantages typical to program analysis: no type annotations are required.
9 Future Work
Modular Refinements. This paper establishes a critical mechanism for extensible refinements, safe signature extension, in the setting of a core language without modules: refinements are lexically scoped. To scale up to a language with modules, we need to ask: what notions of scope are appropriate? For example, a strict -calculus interpreter could be refined with a sort \(\mathsf {val}\) of values, while a lazy interpreter could be refined with a sort \(\mathsf {whnf}\) of terms in weak head normal form. If every \(\mathsf {val}\) is a \(\mathsf {whnf}\), we might want to have
. In the present system, these two refinements could be in separate declare blocks; in that case, \(\mathsf {val}\) and \(\mathsf {whnf}\) could not both be in scope, and the subsorting is not well-formed. Alternatively, one declare block could be nested inside the other. In that case,
could be given in the nested block, since it would not add new subsortings within the outer refinement. In a system with modules, we would likely want to have
, at least for clients of both modules; such backpatching is currently not allowed, but should be safe since the new subsorting crosses two independent signature blocks (the block declaring \(\mathsf {val}\) and the block declaring \(\mathsf {whnf}\)) without changing the subsortings within each block.
Type Polymorphism. Standard parametric polymorphism is absent in this paper, but it should be feasible to follow the approach of Davies (2005), as long as the unrefined datatype declarations are not themselves extensible (which would break signature well-formedness, even without polymorphism).
Datasort Polymorphism. Extensible signatures open the door to sort-bounded polymorphism. In our current system, a function that iterates over an abstract syntax tree and -renames free variables—which would conventionally have the type
—must be duplicated, even though the resulting tree has the same shape and the same constructors, and therefore should always produce a tree of the same sort as the input tree (at least, if the free variables are not specified with datasorts). We would like the function to check against a polymorphic type
, which works for any sort
We would like to reason “backwards” from a pattern match over a polymorphic sort variable . For example, if a value of type
matches the pattern
, then we know that
for some sorts
. The recursive calls on
must preserve the property of being in
, so
has type
, as needed. The mechanisms we have developed may be a good foundation for adding sort-bounded polymorphism: the \(\mathsf {intersect}\) function would need to return a signature, as well as a context and type, so that the constructor typing
can be made available.
Implementation. Currently, we have a prototype of a few pieces of the system, including a parser and implementations of the judgment and the \(\mathsf {intersect}\) function. Experimenting with these pieces was helpful during the design of the system (and reassured us that the most novel parts of our system can be implemented), but they fall short of a usable implementation.
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and the new signature would be slightly more complicated: the old signature might contain
, and the new signature
, and we would need to explicitly eliminate the intersection to expose the old type
. In our formulation, the new signature appends additional typings for
while keeping the typing
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Dunfield, J. (2017). Extensible Datasort Refinements. In: Yang, H. (eds) Programming Languages and Systems. ESOP 2017. Lecture Notes in Computer Science(), vol 10201. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-54434-1_18
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-54434-1_18
Publisher Name: Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg
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