- Protocols for authentication and key establishment are the foundation for the security of communications; their range and diversity is immense, while their properties and vulnerabilities can vary greatly
- Suitable for graduate students, researchers, and practitioners
- In new edition the authors introduce chapters on computational models for key exchange and authentication, key agreement, the TLS protocol, ID-based protocols, and group key exchange
- Includes new chapter on the TLS protocol, first academic text to explain the recently standardized TLS 1.3 protocol
Part of the book series: Information Security and Cryptography (ISC)
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About this book
This book is the most comprehensive and integrated treatment of the protocols required for authentication and key establishment. In a clear, uniform presentation the authors classify most protocols in terms of their properties and resource requirements, and describe all the main attack types, so the reader can quickly evaluate protocols for particular applications.
In this edition the authors introduced new chapters and updated the text throughout in response to new developments and updated standards. The first chapter, an introduction to authentication and key establishment, provides the necessary background on cryptography, attack scenarios, and protocol goals. A new chapter, computational security models, describes computational models for key exchange and authentication and will help readers understand what a computational proof provides and how to compare the different computational models in use. In the subsequent chapters the authors explain protocols that use sharedkey cryptography, authentication and key transport using public key cryptography, key agreement protocols, the Transport Layer Security protocol, identity-based key agreement, password-based protocols, and group key establishment.
The book is a suitable graduate-level introduction, and a reference and overview for researchers and practitioners with 225 concrete protocols described. In the appendices the authors list and summarize the relevant standards, linking them to the main book text when appropriate, and they offer a short tutorial on how to build a key establishment protocol. The book also includes a list of protocols, a list of attacks, a summary of the notation used in the book, general and protocol indexes, and an extensive bibliography.
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Table of contents (9 chapters)
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Bibliographic Information
Book Title: Protocols for Authentication and Key Establishment
Authors: Colin Boyd, Anish Mathuria, Douglas Stebila
Series Title: Information Security and Cryptography
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-58146-9
Publisher: Springer Berlin, Heidelberg
eBook Packages: Computer Science, Computer Science (R0)
Copyright Information: Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2020
Hardcover ISBN: 978-3-662-58145-2Published: 20 November 2019
eBook ISBN: 978-3-662-58146-9Published: 06 November 2019
Series ISSN: 1619-7100
Series E-ISSN: 2197-845X
Edition Number: 2
Number of Pages: XXVIII, 521
Number of Illustrations: 17 b/w illustrations
Topics: Data Structures and Information Theory, Computer Communication Networks, Security, Systems and Data Security