Android, the dominant smart device Operating System (OS) has evolved into a robust smart device platform since its release in 2008. Naturally, cyber criminals leverage fragmentation among varied major release by employing novel attacks. Machine learning is extensively used in System Security. Shallow Learning classifiers tend to over-learn during the training time; hence, the model under performs due to dependence on training data during real evaluation. Deep learning has the potential to automate detection of newly discovered malware families that learn the generalization about malware and benign files to be able to detect unseen or zero-day malware attacks.
Deep Neural Networks (DNN) have proven performance with image analysis and text classification. In this paper, our proposal DroidDivesDeep D3, a malware classification and app categorization framework models’ low level monitorable features (e.g., CPU, Memory, Network, Sensors etc.). Our proposal employs low level device runtime attributes unlike the existing techniques considering static extraction approach. D3 evaluates a reasonable dataset consisting 24,343 genuine playstore apps against 8,779 real-world Android malware. In fact, the initial results of our proposal are quite encouraging with 98.65% detection rate with 99.79% accuracy during real evaluation. Our proposal improves upon existing techniques by 23%.
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Appendix A
Appendix A
In the following, we briefly describe the important low-level monitorable features extracted for classification in our proposal DroidDivesDeep.
cpu_usage CPU utilization % to a constant CPU speed.
cutime: The time a process waited which are scheduled in user mode.
importancereasoncode: The reason for importance, if any.
importance: Status of a process i.e., background, foreground, service or sleeping.
importancereasonpid: For the specified values of importanceReasonCode, this is the process ID of the other process that is a client of this process.
lru: relative utility of processes within an importance category.
num_threads: Number of threads in this process.
pgid: Identifier of foreground process.
priority: Priority assigned to the process between 0–99.
cmaj_flt: Page faults a process and its children made the number of major faults that the process’s waited-for children have made.
otherprivatedirty: The private dirty pages used by everything else.
otherpss: The proportional set size for everything else.
othershareddirty: Shared dirty pages.
rss: Resident Set Size: number of pages the process has in real memory.
version_code: An integer used as an internal version number for the Android app.
packageuid: An app package UID.
uidrxbytes: Bytes received by this application since the last time the T4 probe was activated.
uidrxpackets: Packets received by this application since the activated T4 probe.
uidtxbytes: Bytes transmitted by this application since the last time the T4 probe was activated.
uidtxpackets: Packets transmitted by this application since the last time the T4 probe was activated.
dalvikprivatedirty: The private dirty pages used by dalvik heap.
dalvikpss: The proportional set size for dalvik heap.
dalvikshareddirty: The shared dirty pages used by dalvik heap.
start_time: The time the process started after system boot.
stime: Clock tick time this process has been scheduled in kernel mode.
utime: Amount of time that this process has been scheduled in user mode, measured in clock ticks.
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Faruki, P., Buddhadev, B., Shah, B., Zemmari, A., Laxmi, V., Gaur, M.S. (2019). DroidDivesDeep: Android Malware Classification via Low Level Monitorable Features with Deep Neural Networks. In: Nandi, S., Jinwala, D., Singh, V., Laxmi, V., Gaur, M., Faruki, P. (eds) Security and Privacy. ISEA-ISAP 2019. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 939. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-13-7561-3_10
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-13-7561-3_10
Publisher Name: Springer, Singapore
Print ISBN: 978-981-13-7560-6
Online ISBN: 978-981-13-7561-3
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