
1 Introduction

Cloud computing emerging as a future computing model. Virtualization is a key underlying technology to enable cloud computing. Virtualization creates and runs multiple VM or guest operating systems on a single physical machine using Virtual Machine Monitor (VMM) or Hypervisor. Hypervisor facilitates the abstract of physical machine resources such as CPU, Memory, I/O and NIC, etc., among several virtual machines. The sharing of resources increases the security challenges for the cloud service provider. The proliferation of unknown malware and sophisticated rootkits, are more prevalent to tamper the critical kernel data structures. Traditional In-host anti-malware solution is inadequate to ensure the security of the guest operating system, particularly in a virtualized environment [1]. VMI is able to gather the state information of the running VMs while functioning at VMM. Obtaining meaningful state information such as process list, kernel driver module, etc., from the viewable raw bytes of the live guest virtual machine memory named as semantic gap [2].

One of the main reasons for using introspection in malware detection is that malware using advanced techniques such as rootkits are not detected using traditional automated malware-detection systems. The other reason is the advanced features that this technology provides, which allows the user to have a deep insight into each action happening in the virtual machine [3].

The rest of the paper is organized as follows: Sect. 2 provides background information on virtual machine introspection, memory mapping under a hypervisor and also introduces the concept of rootkits. Section 3 presents the related work of using the VMI technique to detect and characterize known and unknown malwares. Section 4 outlines LibVMI as a VM Introspection tool. Section 5 introduces volatility as a memory analysis framework. The architecture of our proposed malware detection method is described in Sect. 6. Evaluation and preliminary results are presented in Sect. 7. Finally, the conclusion and future work are discussed in Sect. 8.

2 Background

2.1 Virtual Machine Introspection

Virtual machine introspection is the process of observing the runtime state of virtual machines. Introspection can be achieved either from the hypervisor or from some virtual machine other than the one being supervised. VMI is an art of safeguarding a security-critical application running on virtual machines from security attacks [4]. VMI-based approaches are widely adopted for security applications, software debugging, and systems management. One can introspect the VM from inside or outside of the VM. VMI-based tools may be located inside or outside of the VM. VMI tools can also be used for malware analysis to analyze the behavior of the malware and to detect the latest malware attacks. VMI coupled with existing virtual infrastructure management solutions can become a powerful tool for memory analysis and event correlation. The semantic gap is one of the main restraints of virtual machine introspection [5]. In a virtualized environment, the semantic gap can be defined as the extraction of high-level information of guest OS state from low-level information obtained externally at the hypervisor level [6]. One can do introspection within the virtual machines or outside the virtual machines.

2.2 Memory Mapping

In a normal scenario, there are two levels of memory: virtual memory and physical memory of the physical machine. But when we talk about hypervisors, there are three levels of memory: virtual memory and physical memory of the virtual machine, and physical memory of the host machine. The hypervisors only allocate memory to the virtual machine. By default, hypervisors have no knowledge of what types of activities being performed inside the virtual memory of the virtual machine. To get that information, additional tools have to be installed. Below is a generalized example of memory-sharing within the virtual machine. Figure 1 shows the three levels of memory addressing under hypervisor [7].

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Memory mapping under the hypervisor

One of the primary objectives of the VMI tools is to translate the memory addresses of the virtual machine’s virtual memory: first, from the virtual to the physical memory of the virtual machine, then to the physical memory of the host machine. This will help the hypervisor to access the correct memory area during introspection.

2.3 Rootkits

Rootkits are malwares allowing permanent or consistent, undetectable presence in a computer system. Rootkits can hide specific system resources to achieve the goal of hiding the intrusion into the compromised computer. Rootkits deviate the normal behavior of the system by injecting malicious code into an operating system [8]. Kernel rootkits execute in privileged mode on Ring 0, making it very hard to detect. Kernel rootkits have posed serious security threats due to their stealthy manner. More advanced rootkits can launch Direct Kernel Object Manipulation (DKOM) attacks, which directly modify the core data structure of the OS kernel in memory. Malicious library injection and code injection are also common means for rootkits to subvert the system.

3 Related Work

Researchers and security experts have introduced many ideas and prototypes for malware detection and classification. Malware detection methods can be categorized into two classes: Signature-based static analysis and Behavirol-based dynamic analysis. Static analysis is accomplished without executing the samples while dynamic analysis is performed by executing samples in the virtualization environment. Huseinovic et al. [9] proposed a process monitoring mechanism in a VMware VM running WindowsXP. Hua et al. [10] have designed and implemented a process detection system called VmRecoverySystem. Their proposed architecture uses KVM as a hypervisor which consists of four modules. Tien et al. [11] introduced a VMI method to monitor the presence of malware in the volatile memory of the VM through the analysis of its processes, files, registers, and network activities. Case et al. [12] presented a new kernel-based rootkit detection technique applicable to the Mac OS X system. They have used the most popular memory forensic framework Volatility to analyze the features of malwares.

For detecting malwares in Android, Yang et al. [13] proposed a general tool named AMExtractor for volatile memory acquisition for Android devices. For malware detection in a virtualization environment, Kumara et al. [14] leveraged memory forensic tools such as Volatility and Rekall to analyze the memory state of the VMs, which can address the semantic gap problem existing in VMI. Hua et al. [10] designed and implemented a VMM-based hidden process detection system to investigate rootkits by identifying the lack of the critical process and the target hidden process from the aspect of memory forensics. Tien et al. [15] introduced a memory data monitoring method against the running malware outside the VM, various features were observed from the memory. Kumara et al. [16] proposed an automated multi-level detection system for Rootkits and other malwares for VMs at the hypervisor level. Mosli et al. [17] proposed an automated malware detection method using artifacts in forensic memory images. Kumara et al. [18] proposed an advanced VMM-based machine learning technique at the hypervisor. Machine learning techniques were highly used to analyze the executables that were mined and extracted using MFA-based techniques. Tank et al. [19] presented a review of Mobile Cloud Computing (MCC), its security & privacy issues and vulnerabilities affecting cloud computing systems, analysed and compared various possible approaches proposed by the researchers to address security and privacy issues in MCC. Tank et al. [20] analyzed security issues in an open-source cloud computing project - OpenStack Keystone. Tank [21] identified a need for a lightweight secure framework that provides security with minimum communication and processing overhead on mobile devices. Tank et al. [22] presented a critical study and comparison of virtualization vulnerabilities, security issues, and solutions. Tank et al. [23] discussed Cache Side Channel (CSC) attacks as prominent security threats and introduced a novel approach to detect cache attacks in virtualized environments. Tank et al. [24] explored virtualization aspects of cybersecurity threats and solutions in the cloud computing environment. From the above researches, one can conclude that live memory analysis is an effective way to detect advance malwares.

4 LibVMI - VM Introspection Tool

LibVMI is an open source introspection library. LibVMI focuses on writing and reading memory from VMs. LibVMI is an extended version based on XenAccess Library. LibVMI is designed to work across multiple platforms [25]. LibVMI allows accessing the memory of running virtual machines. In addition to memory access, LibVMI also supports memory events. LibVMI can be utilized to bridge the semantic gap between the hypervisor and guest operating systems [26]. It offers the following features.

  • Easily extensible and optimized performance.

  • It provides near-native speeds.

  • Address the semantic gap problem.

  • Access a VM’s state from outside of the VM and broad platform support.

5 The Volatility Framework

Volatility is an advanced memory analysis framework. It supports analysis for Linux, Windows, Mac, and Android systems [27]. Various volatility plugins are also developed and maintained by the community to extract information from memory samples. Volatility can be utilized as a memory forensic toolkit to detect advanced malware with a real case scenario [28]. The volatility framework offers the following features.

  • An advanced & open source memory analysis tool.

  • Support live analysis of virtual machines.

  • Runs on Linux, Windows, Mac, and Android systems.

  • It can be used to detect advanced malware with a real case scenario.

  • Support a variety of file formats.

  • Plugins can be developed and distributed independently.

The volatility tool supports a wealth of perceptions into the working of a system [29]. We used Volatility 2.6.1 in our research to extract higher-level semantic information from the live Windows 7 virtual machine. The LibVMI also adds improved integration with Volatility [30].

6 Proposed Malware Detection Method

Malware refers to malicious programs. In this work, we propose a method for malware detection based on examination of API function calls and API function calls sequences. We monitor API function calls and function calls sequences indicative of various types of process injection attacks. The extracted API function calls to be represented as a feature of the machine learning model. Various malware injectors are executed on Windows virtual machines and their runtime memory is acquired. Behavior-based dynamic analysis is carried out using a volatility framework.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

The architecture of the proposed approach

Dynamic malware analysis is performed using the Volatility framework. We use impscan [31] and procdump [32] volatility commands. The impscan command is used to extract API function calls from the memory image. The procdump command is used to find the base address of the process. We make use of VirtualAllocEx and VirtualAlloc API functions as Indicators of Compromise (IoC) or malicious activity. The VirtualAllocEx and VirtualAlloc [33] functions allow to allocate memory in the address space of another process. We utilized VirtualAllocEx and VirtualAlloc functions as a precursor to code injection because malware needs to create space in the victim process. Figure 2 shows the generic architecture of our proposed malware detection approach.

Fig. 3.
figure 3

Work flow of our proposed malware detection process

The work flow of our proposed malware detection process is depicted in Fig. 3. The malwares were executed on Windows virtual machines and their memory is acquired. Dynamic malware analysis is performed using the Volatility Framework. The impscan command from the volatility tool is used to extract API function calls from the dumped memory image. In the memory, the API function calls existed in the Import Address Table (IAT). The impscan command scans the memory image looking for API function calls in the IAT table. The procdump command can be used to find the base address of the process.

Fig. 4.
figure 4

Classification process using SVM binary classifier

The extracted Windows API function calls utilized as features of the machine learning model. We employed a machine learning method for the classification process. We used scikit-learn, a machine learning library in python. Scikit-learn features various clustering, regression, and classification algorithms including SVM, RF, GB, k-means, and DBSCAN, and is designed to interoperate with the Python numerical and scientific libraries NumPy and SciPy [34]. We applied SVM (Support Vector Machine) supervised machine learning technique for the classification process. It classifies the given sample as either benign or malicious class as shown in Fig. 4.

7 Experimental Setup and Preliminary Results

We used the Kernel-based Virtual Machine (KVM) as our Virtual Machine Monitor (VMM). We perform experiments on the host system, which had the specifications shown in Table 1.

Table 1. Testbed configurations

LibVMI python bindings (version-3.4) integrated with the Volatility framework (version-2.6.1) set up on the host operating system. Virtual Machines launched by the KVM hypervisor have Windows 7 and Ubuntu 12.04 guest OS running on it. We gathered experimental data from multiple scenarios. We divided the overall scenarios into two classes, a positive class which represent malware injector scenarios and a negative class which represents standard operations running on a virtual machine.

Table 2 highlights all collected scenarios for experimental evaluation. We run various process injection techniques collected from different Github repos to extract data for the positive class. In the idle condition, the virtual machine runs standard operations. We extracted the Windows API function calls from a dumped memory image and utilized it as features of the machine learning model.

Table 2. List of collected scenarios for evaluation

The above figures show snapshots captured from live VM. Figure 5 shows a list of active VM on our host & acquiring a memory sample of the live VM. Figure 6 shows the working of the imageinfo command to identify the profile. Figure 7 shows working of procdump command to dump a process’s executable and to get the base address of process. Figure 8 shows working of impscan command to extract API function calls from the memory image.

Fig. 5.
figure 5

List of active VM on our host & acquiring a memory sample of the live VM

Fig. 6.
figure 6

imageinfo command used to identify the profile

Fig. 7.
figure 7

procdump command to dump a process’s executable & to get the base address of the process

Fig. 8.
figure 8

impscan command to extract API function calls from the memory image

7.1 Experiment: DLL Injection Detection

Remote DLL (Dynamic Link Library) injection or Classic DLL injection is a form of process injection where the injected item is a DLL that is loaded within the context of the remote process. The program that performs the injection is called an injector. In this experiment, we detect the injector process running on a virtual machine (Figs. 9, 10 and 11).

Fig. 9.
figure 9

The injector process is called through command prompt window

Fig. 10.
figure 10

Malicious DLL was loaded in process space

Fig. 11.
figure 11

The thread that loaded the DLL

We examine the captured memory image of VM to detect possible malicious DLL injection activities. The above images show how the injector process injects malicious DLL via the CreateRemoteThread function into the legitimate process. In the above images, the injector process is injectAllTheThings.exe, the injected process is notepad.exe and the injected DLL is dllmain.dll. As shown in the image the corresponding thread that loaded the DLL executes the LoadLibraryW API function.

We identified the malicious injector process by examining the process’s API function call information from the captured memory image. Table 3 describes the identified malicious processes.

Table 3. Detection of malicious processes

8 Conclusion and Future Work

The malware leverages various process injection methods. Process injection attacks are the most damaging exploits faced by a large number of internet users today. Process injection or code injection techniques are used by malwares to gain more secrecy and to bypass employed security mechanisms by injecting malicious code that performs sensitive operations to a process that is privileged to do so. Detection of process injection attack is achieved with little effort on a physical machine as compared to a virtual machine. As there is no direct access mechanism to the physical memory of VMs in a virtualized environment, the detection of injector malwares running in user mode memory is more difficult.

In this paper, we introduce a new approach to detect malware running on virtual machine memory. Our objective of work is to detect malicious process injection activities running inside virtual machines based on API function call information. We successfully detected remote DLL injection using API function call details. As a containment plan, we can execute a command to kill the execution of malicious processes inside the VMs. We would like to automate the entire malware detection process. We also plan to measure the detection accuracy of our proposed method and to evaluate the robustness of our proposed system using publicly available known malware samples.