Recently, 3D Gaussian splatting has gained attention for its capability to generate high-fidelity rendering results. At the same time, most applications such as games, animation, and AR/VR use mesh-based representations to represent and render 3D scenes. We propose a novel approach that integrates mesh representation with 3D Gaussian splats to perform high-quality rendering of reconstructed real-world scenes. In particular, we introduce a distance-based Gaussian splatting technique to align the Gaussian splats with the mesh surface and remove redundant Gaussian splats that do not contribute to the rendering. We consider the distance between each Gaussian splat and the mesh surface to distinguish between tightly-bound and loosely-bound Gaussian splats. The tightly-bound splats are flattened and aligned well with the mesh geometry. The loosely-bound Gaussian splats are used to account for the artifacts in reconstructed 3D meshes in terms of rendering. We present a training strategy of binding Gaussian splats to the mesh geometry, and take into account both types of splats. In this context, we introduce several regularization techniques aimed at precisely aligning tightly-bound Gaussian splats with the mesh surface during the training process. We validate the effectiveness of our method on large and unbounded scene from mip-NeRF 360 and Deep Blending datasets. Our method surpasses recent mesh-based neural rendering techniques by achieving a 2dB higher PSNR, and outperforms mesh-based Gaussian splatting methods by 1.3 dB PSNR, particularly on the outdoor mip-NeRF 360 dataset, demonstrating better rendering quality. We provide analyses for each type of Gaussian splat and achieve a reduction in the number of Gaussian splats by 30% compared to the original 3D Gaussian splatting.
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This work was supported in part by ARO Grant W911N F2310352 and Army Cooperative Agreement W911NF2120076.
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Choi, J., Lee, Y., Lee, H., Kwon, H., Manocha, D. (2025). MeshGS: Adaptive Mesh-Aligned Gaussian Splatting for High-Quality Rendering. In: Cho, M., Laptev, I., Tran, D., Yao, A., Zha, H. (eds) Computer Vision – ACCV 2024. ACCV 2024. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 15480. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-96-0969-7_16
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-96-0969-7_16
Publisher Name: Springer, Singapore
Print ISBN: 978-981-96-0968-0
Online ISBN: 978-981-96-0969-7
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