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Pervasive Computing

Third International Conference, PERVASIVE 2005, Munich, Germany, May 8-13, 2005, Proceedings

  • Conference proceedings
  • © 2005


Part of the book series: Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS, volume 3468)

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Conference proceedings info: Pervasive 2005.

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About this book

WelcometotheproceedingsofPervasive2005,The3rdInternationalConference on Pervasive Computing. We were honored to serve as chairs in this conference series, which was founded in 2002 and is now emerging as one of the most respected venues for publication of research on pervasive and ubiquitous c- puting. The conference is attracting research submissions of very high quality from all over the world, and from researchers representing a variety of disciplines and perspectives. We thank everybody who submitted their papers to Pervasive, demonstrating the extensive work going on in this area; and the Program C- mittee and our external reviewers who spent countless hours providing feedback and guidance in order to create the ?nal program. This year we received 130 submissions. By the end of the review process, we had 566 reviews on ?le, as well as long email discussion threads for each paper. In an initial phase we had each paper reviewed by two members of the Program Committee and two external reviewers. In a second phase, each paper wasdiscussedbyitsfourreviewerstoreachconsensusastoitstechnicalmerit. At the end of this phase, the top-rated papers as well as those that were found to be most controversial were selected for discussion at the PC meeting and reviewed by an additional PC member. The result being that each paper discussed in the PC meeting had 5 reviews and was read by three people who participated in the meeting, leading to a very informed and lively discussion.

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Table of contents (20 papers)

  1. Location Techniques

  2. Activity and Context

  3. Location and Privacy

  4. Handheld Devices

  5. Sensor Systems

  6. User Interaction

Other volumes

  1. Pervasive Computing

Editors and Affiliations

  • Computing Department, Lancaster University, England

    Hans -W. Gellersen

  • Intel Research, Santa Clara, USA

    Roy Want

  • Pervasive Computing and User Interface Engineering, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany

    Albrecht Schmidt

Bibliographic Information

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