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Data Management in a Connected World

Essays Dedicated to Hartmut Wedekind on the Occasion of His 70th Birthday

  • Book
  • © 2005


Part of the book series: Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS, volume 3551)

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About this book

Data management systems play the most crucial role in building large application s- tems. Since modern applications are no longer single monolithic software blocks but highly flexible and configurable collections of cooperative services, the data mana- ment layer also has to adapt to these new requirements. Therefore, within recent years, data management systems have faced a tremendous shift from the central management of individual records in a transactional way to a platform for data integration, fede- tion, search services, and data analysis. This book addresses these new issues in the area of data management from multiple perspectives, in the form of individual contributions, and it outlines future challenges in the context of data management. These contributions are dedicated to Prof. em. Dr. Dr. -Ing. E. h. Hartmut Wedekind on the occasion of his 70th birthday, and were (co-)authored by some of his academic descendants. Prof. Wedekind is one of the most prominent figures of the database management community in Germany, and he enjoys an excellent international reputation as well. Over the last 35 years he greatly contributed to making relational database technology a success. As far back as the early 1970s, he covered—as the first author in Germany— the state of the art concerning the relational model and related issues in two widely used textbooks “Datenbanksysteme I” and “Datenbanksysteme II”. Without him, the idea of modeling complex-structured real-world scenarios in a relational way would be far less developed by now. Among Prof.

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Table of contents (18 chapters)





Editors and Affiliations

  • AG DBIS, Department of Computer Science, University of Kaiserslautern, Germany

    Theo Härder

  • Database Technology Group, Technische Universität Dresden, Germany

    Wolfgang Lehner

Bibliographic Information

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