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Methods and Applications of Artificial Intelligence

Third Helenic Conference on AI, SETN 2004, Samos, Greece, May 5-8, 2004, Proceedings

  • Conference proceedings
  • © 2004


Part of the book series: Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS, volume 3025)

Part of the book sub series: Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI)

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Conference proceedings info: SETN 2004.

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About this book

Arti?cial intelligence has attracted a renewed interest from distinguished sci- tists and has again raised new, more realistic this time, expectations for future advances regarding the development of theories, models and techniques and the use of them in applications pervading many areas of our daily life. The borders of human-level intelligence are still very far away and possibly unknown. Nev- theless, recent scienti?c work inspires us to work even harder in our exploration of the unknown lands of intelligence. This volume contains papers selected for presentation at the 3rd Hellenic Conference on Arti?cial Intelligence (SETN 2004), the o?cial meeting of the Hellenic Society for Arti?cial Intelligence (EETN). The ?rst meeting was held in the University of Piraeus, 1996 and the second in the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTH), 2002. SETN conferences play an important role in the dissemination of the in- vative and high-quality scienti?c results in arti?cial intelligence which are being produced mainly by Greek scientists in institutes all over the world. However, the most important e?ect of SETN conferences is that they provide the context in which people meet and get to know each other, as well as a very good opp- tunity for students to get closer to the results of innovative arti?cial intelligence research.

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Table of contents (56 papers)

  1. Information Management

  2. Machine Learning

Other volumes

  1. Methods and Applications of Artificial Intelligence

Editors and Affiliations

  • Info and Communication Systems Eng, Aegean University, Karlovassi, Samos, Greece

    George A. Vouros

  • Department of Informatics, University of Piraeus, Piraeus, Greece

    Themistoklis Panayiotopoulos

Bibliographic Information

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