Formal specification combined with mechanical verification is a promising approach for achieving the extremely high levels of assurance required of safety-critical digital systems. However, many questions remain regarding their use in practice: Can these techniques scale up to industrial systems, where are they likely to be useful, and how should industry go about incorporating them into practice? This paper discusses a project undertaken to answer some of these questions, the formal verification of the microcode in the AAMP5 microprocessor. This project consisted of formally specifying in the PVS language a Rockwell proprietary microprocessor at both the instruction-set and register-transfer levels and using the PVS theorem prover to show the microcode correctly implemented the instruction-level specification for a representative subset of instructions. Notable aspects of this project include the use of a formal specification language by practicing hardware and software engineers, the integration of traditional inspections with formal specifications, and the use of a mechanical theorem prover to verify a portion of a commercial, pipelined microprocessor that was not explicitly designed for formal verification.
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This work was supported by NASA Langley Research Center under contract NAS1-20334 and NAS1-19704.
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Srivas, M.K., Miller, S.P. Applying formal verification to the AAMP5 microprocessor: A case study in the industrial use of formal methods . Form Method Syst Des 8, 153–188 (1996). https://doi.org/10.1007/BF00122419
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/BF00122419