We propose a new model for speaker-independent vowel recognition which uses the flexibility of the dynamic linking that results from the synchronization of oscillating neural units. The system consists of an input layer and three neural layers, which are referred to as the A-, B- and C-centers. The input signals are a time series of linear prediction (LPC) spectrum envelopes of auditory signals. At each time-window within the series, the A-center receives input signals and extracts local peaks of the spectrum envelope, i.e., formants, and encodes them into local groups of independent oscillations. Speaker-independent vowel characteristics are embedded as a connection matrix in the B-center according to statistical data of Japanese vowels. The associative interaction in the B-center and reciprocal interaction between the A- and B-centers selectively activate a vowel as a global synchronized pattern over two centers. The C-center evaluates the synchronized activities among the three formant regions to give the selective output of the category among the five Japanese vowels. Thus, a flexible ability of dynamical linking among features is achieved over the three centers. The capability in the present system was investigated for speaker-independent recognition of Japanese vowels. The system demonstrated a remarkable ability for the recognition of vowels very similar to that of human listeners, including misleading vowels. In addition, it showed stable recognition for unsteady input signals and robustness against background noise. The optimum condition of the frequency of oscillation is discussed in comparison with stimulus-dependent synchronizations observed in neurophysiological experiments of the cortex.
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Liu, F., Yamaguchi, Y. & Shimizu, H. Flexible vowel recognition by the generation of dynamic coherence in oscillator neural networks: speaker-independent vowel recognition. Biol. Cybern. 71, 105–114 (1994). https://doi.org/10.1007/BF00197313
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/BF00197313