Dynamical models of two coupled biological oscillators interpret the detuning term as an arithmetic difference between the uncoupled frequencies, Δω =(ω1 − ω2) . This Δω interpretation of detuning was addressed in four experiments in which human subjects oscillated pendulums in their right and left hands in 1∶1 frequency locking in antiphase (Experiments 1–3) or inphase (Experiment 4). Differences between the uncoupled frequencies were manipulated through differences in the equivalent simple pendulum lengths, and the effects of this manipulation on the detuning of relative phase from π or 0 and the standard deviation of relative phase SDφ were measured. In Experiment 1, the same values of ω i were satisfied by several different physical configurations. The experiment confirmed that the detuning term is related strictly to the uncoupled frequencies rather than to other physical characteristics of the oscillators. Experiments 2, 3 and 4 showed, however, that the particular dependency of fixed point drift and SDφ on Δω depends on the particulars of ω 1 and ω 2. With variations in Δω brought about by different ω 1 and ω 2 that always formed a constant ratio, fixed point drift related inversely to Δω, and SDφ varied with Δω in ways that depended on the magnitude of the constant ratio. These outcomes do not conform to expectations from models of coordination dynamics that interpret detuning as (ω 1)−ω 2).
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Sternad, D., Collins, D. & Turvey, M.T. The detuning factor in the dynamics of interlimb rhythmic coordination. Biol. Cybern. 73, 27–35 (1995). https://doi.org/10.1007/BF00199053
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/BF00199053