The evolution of visual pigment spectral sensitivities is probably influenced by the reflectance spectra of surfaces in the animal's environment. These reflectances, we conjecture, fall into three main classes: i. Most inorganic and many organic surfaces, including tree bark, dead leaves and animal melanin pigmentation, whose reflectance increases gradually as a function of wavelength, ii. Living leaves, which contain chlorophyll, have a sharp reflectance peak at about 555 nm. iii. Flowers, fruit and other signaling colours that have co-evolved with animal vision typically do not reflect strongly at the same wavelength as leaves, and present a colour contrast against a leafy background. These three spectral functions we call ‘grey-red’, ‘leaf-green’ and ‘leaf-contrast’ respectively. This simple categorisation allows us to interpret the spectral tuning of human cone pigments in a way that might not seem possible given the wide variety of colours present in nature. In particular L-(red) cones will capture the highest possible proportion of photons reflected by leaves, and M-(green) cones will capture about 10% fewer photons both from leaves and from ‘grey-red’ surfaces. These observations have some clear implications for our understanding of the evolution of trichomacy and the trade-off between chromatic and luminance vision in Old-World Primates.
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Osorio, D., Bossomaier, T.R.J. Human cone-pigment spectral sensitivities and the reflectances of natural surfaces. Biol. Cybern. 67, 217–222 (1992). https://doi.org/10.1007/BF00204394
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/BF00204394