A sound and complete theorem prover for first-order logic is presented, which is based on the connection method. The inference machine is implemented using PROLOG technology, an approach taken also with other systems, most prominently with Stickel's PTTP. But SETHEO differs from those in essential characteristics, among which are the following ones. It incorporates a powerful preprocessing module for a reduction of the input formula. The main proof procedure is realized as a variant of Warren's abstract machine. For search pruning we perform subsumption and regular proofs. Factorization, lemma generation, and the application of proof schemata are offered as options. The entire system is implemented in C and is running on several machines. The most remarkable feature of SETHEO is its performance of up to 70 Klips on a SUN SPARC station 1 with 12 Mips. The paper comprises the theoretical background, the system architecture as well as details of the implementation.
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Letz, R., Schumann, J., Bayerl, S. et al. SETHEO: A high-performance theorem prover. J Autom Reasoning 8, 183–212 (1992). https://doi.org/10.1007/BF00244282
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/BF00244282