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This paper is a written version of a talk given in April, 1972, in the Linguistics and Semantics Workshop at the University of Western Ontario. A preliminary version was given in March at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst, and a version was also given at a colloquium at UC San Diego. The first part of the paper, like the first part of the talks, is a condensation of a talk which I gave in various forms and places in the fall and winter 1971–72. A fuller treatment of the same subject can be found in my ‘Montague Grammar and Transformational Grammar’. My debts to others in this work are too numerous to list here, but I must at least mention Richmond Thomason, whose suggestions about the abstraction operator helped me get by first ideas about how to accommodate transformations in the Montague framework; Michael Bennett, whose continuing extensions of Montague's work have fertilized and challenged my own; David Kaplan, who has given me constant encouragement and taught me a great deal about philosophy and logic; and of course Richard Montague and Noam Chomsky, without whom I wouldn't have had a starting point. I am also grateful to all the students and other audiences who have given me helpful comments and criticisms, particularly the linguistics and philosophy students in my Montague seminar at UCLA, Winter-Spring, 1972.
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Partee, B. Some transformational extensions of Montague grammar. J Philos Logic 2, 509–534 (1973).
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