This paper presents an algorithm for finding two edge-disjoint spanning trees rooted at a fixed vertex of a directed graph. The algorithm uses depthfirst search and an efficient method for computing disjoint set unions. It requires O (eα(e, n)) time and O(e) space to analyze a graph with n vertices and e edges, where α (e, n) is a very slowly growing function related to a functional inverse of Ackermann's function.
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This work was partially supported by the National Science Foundation Grant GJ-3S604X, and by a Miller Research Fellowship, at the University of California, Berkeley; and by the National Science Foundation, Grant MCS 72-03752 A03, at Stanford University.
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Tarjan, R.E. Edge-disjoint spanning trees and depth-first search. Acta Informatica 6, 171–185 (1976).
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