The paper presents a multiclass network model of a demand paging computer system. The powerful class and class changing mechanism of a multiclass network are used to model the serial co-operation of user and system functions in program execution. The workload itself is modelled as a mix of programs, each with different CPU, I/O, paging and locality characteristics. The effect of paging, I/O and program termination overheads on systems performance is evaluated, as well as the transient overhead of rapid page loading upon program activation. The model is then used to compute the optimal multiprogramming level and the optimal multiprogramming mix as a function of workload composition and system overhead. The model is finally used to confirm certain heuristic load control rules proposed by Denning et al.
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Krzesinski, A., Teunissen, P. A multiclass network model of a demand paging computer system. Acta Informatica 9, 331–343 (1978).
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