Typical in modern complex real-time applications are (1) integration of lar ge systems, as well as development of new systems and subsystems, (2) complex, often conflicting, functional and non-functional objectives, and (3) a significant degree of distribution and parallelism. The article takes a particular approach to viewing such applications, and describing them in a new language, called CaRT-Spec. While CaRT-Spec addresses many complex application objectives, the focus of our presentation is on functionality and timeliness, i.e. schedulability.
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This work is supported in part by the U.S. ONR Grants N00014-92-J-1367 and N00014-93-I-1047, by the U.S. NSWC Grants N60921-93-M-1912 and N60921-93M-3095, by the NATO Grant CRG-90-1077 and by the AT&T UEDP Grant 91-134.
also research faculty of NJIT RTCL
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Stoyenko, A.D., Marlowe, T.J. & Laplante, P.A. A description language for engineering of complex real-time systems. Real-Time Systems 11, 245–263 (1996). https://doi.org/10.1007/BF00337681
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/BF00337681