This paper presents the current state of the art in the adaptive control of single rigid robotic manipulators in the constrained motion tasks. A complete mathematical model of a single rigid robotic manipulator in contact with dynamic environment is presented. The basic approaches in deriving the environment model are given. The significance of the dynamic environment in the scope of the stability problem of the whole system robot-dynamic environment is emphasized. A classification of the adaptive contact control concepts in manipulation robotics is presented. The main characteristics of the most important adaptive strategies in constrained manipulation are given. The advantages and the drawbacks of the presented methods are emphasized. The paper covers results published a few years ago, as well as some recent trends in this field. One important result in the stability analysis of robotic manipulators in the constrained motion tasks is reported. Finally, some concluding remarks are given and possible future investigation trends in adaptive control of robotic manipulators are indicated.
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Vukobratovic, M., Tuneski, A. Adaptive control of single rigid robotic manipulators interacting with dynamic environment — An overview. J Intell Robot Syst 17, 1–30 (1996). https://doi.org/10.1007/BF00435714
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/BF00435714