An interval algebra (IA) has been proposed as a model for representing and reasoning about qualitative temporal relations between time intervals. Unfortunately, reasoning tasks with IA that involve deciding the satisfiability of the temporal constraints, or providing all the satisfying instances of the temporal constraints, areNP-complete. That is, solving these problems are computationally exponential in the “worst case.” However, several directions in improving their computational performance are still possible. This paper presents a new backtracking algorithm for finding a solution called consistent scenario. This algorithm has anO(n 3) best-case complexity, compared toO(n 4) of previous known backtrack algorithms, wheren denotes the number of intervals. By computational experiments, we tested the performance of different backtrack algorithms on a set of randomly generated networks with the results favoring our proposal. In this paper, we also present a new path consistency algorithm, which has been used for finding approximate solutions towards the minimal labeling networks. The worst-case complexity of the proposed algorithm is stillO(n 3); however, we are able to improve its performance by eliminating the unnecessary duplicate computation as presented in Allen's original algorithm, and by employing a most-constrained first principle, which ensures a faster convergence. The performance of the proposed scheme is evaluated through a large set of experimental data.
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Keretho, S., Loganantharaj, R. Reasoning about networks of temporal relations and its applications to problem solving. Appl Intell 3, 47–70 (1993). https://doi.org/10.1007/BF00871722
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/BF00871722