The collision-free planning of motion is a fundamental problem for artificial intelligence applications in robotics. The ability to compute a continuous safe path for a robot in a given environment will make possible the development of task-level robot planning systems so that the implementation details and the particular robot motion sequence will be ignored by the programmer.
A new approach to planning collision-free motions for general real-life six degrees of freedom (d.o.f.) manipulators is presented. It is based on a simple object model previously developed. The complexity of the general collision detection problem is reduced, and realistic collision-free paths are efficiently found onCS planes. A heuristic evaluation function with a real physical sense is introduced, and computational cost is reduced to the strictly necessary by selecting the most adequate level of representation. A general algorithm is defined for 6 d.o.f. robots that yields good results for actual robot models with complex design structures with the aid of various heuristic techniques. The problem of adaptive motion is also considered.
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Del Pobil, A.P., Serna, M.A. A simple algorithm for intelligent manipulator collision-free motion. Appl Intell 4, 83–102 (1994). https://doi.org/10.1007/BF00872057
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/BF00872057