Recently Lee and Plaisted proposed a theorem-proving method, the hyperlinking proof procedure, to eliminate duplication of instances of clauses during the process of inference. A theorem prover, CLIN, which implements the procedure was also constructed. In this implementation, redundant work on literal unification checking, partial unification checking, and duplicate instance checking is performed repetitively, resulting in a large overhead when many rounds of hyperlinking are needed for an input problem. We propose a technique that maintains information across rounds in shared network structures, so that the redundant work in each hyperlinking round can be avoided. Empirical performance comparison has been done between CLIN and CLIN-net, which is the theorem prover with shared network structures, and some results are shown. Problems related to memory overhead and literal ordering are discussed.
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Supported by National Science Council under grants NSC 81-0408-E-110-509 and NSC-82-0408-E-110-045. A preliminary version of this paper appeared in Proceedings of International Conference on Computing and Information (Sudbury, Ontario Canada, May 1993).
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Lee, SJ., Wu, CH. Improving the efficiency of a hyperlinking-based theorem prover by incremental evaluation with network structures. J Autom Reasoning 12, 359–388 (1994). https://doi.org/10.1007/BF00885766
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/BF00885766