A network model of simplified striatal principal neurons with mutual inhibition was used to investigate possible interactions between cortical glutamatergic and nigral dopaminergic afferents in the neostriatum. Glutamatergic and dopaminergic inputs were represented by an excitatory synaptic conductance and a slow membrane potassium conductance, respectively. Neuronal activity in the model was characterized by episodes of increased action potential firing rates of variable duration and frequency. Autocorrelation histograms constructed from the action potential activity of striatal model neurons showed that reducing peak excitatory conductance had the effect of increasing interspike intervals. On the other hand, the maximum value of the dopamine-sensitive potassium conductance was inversely related to the duration of firing episodes and the maximal firing rates. A smaller potassium conductance restored normal firing rates in the most active neurons at the expense of a larger proportion of neurons showing reduced activity. Thus, a homogeneous network with mutual inhibition can produce equally complex dynamics as have been proposed to occur in a striatal network with two neuron populations that are oppositely regulated by dopamine. Even without mutual inhibition it appears that increased dopamine concentrations could partially compensate for the effects of reduced glutamatergic input in individual neurons.
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Kötter, R., Wickens, J. Interactions of glutamate and dopamine in a computational model of the striatum. J Comput Neurosci 2, 195–214 (1995). https://doi.org/10.1007/BF00961434
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/BF00961434