In this paper, a partially distributed deadlock detection algorithm [PDDDA] with multiple outstanding requests is presented for use in distributed database systems. This algorithm allows a process to request many resources simultaneously and uses a central controller for detecting multisite deadlocks. The detection of local deadlocks and the maintenance of local deadlock information are performed at each of the local sites. This partially distributed algorithm alleviates the problem of congestion at the central controller in a centralized algorithm and needs fewer messages and smaller storage space than a fully decentralized algorithm. A set of criteria for comparing deadlock detection algorithms are also given and then used to compare PDDDA with a fully decentralized algorithm proposed by Isloor and Marsland.
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Research reported herein was supported by US Army CECOM, Ft. Monmouth, New Jersey, under Contract No. DAAB07-83-K-K542. The views, opinions, and/or findings contained in this paper are those of the authors and should not be construed as an official Deportment of the Army position, policy or decision.
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Elmagarmid, A.K., Sheth, A.P. & Liu, M.T. A partially distributed deadlock detection algorithm. International Journal of Computer and Information Sciences 14, 307–330 (1985). https://doi.org/10.1007/BF00987040
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/BF00987040