In this paper we review and extend the effective bandwidth results of Kelly [28], and Kesidis, Walrand and Chang [29, 6]. These results provide a framework for call admission schemes which are sensitive to constraints on the mean delay or the tail distribution of the workload in buffered queues. We present results which are valid for a wide variety of traffic streams and discuss their applicability for traffic management in ATM networks. We discuss the impact of traffic policing schemes, such as thresholding and filtering, on the effective bandwidth of sources. Finally we discuss effective bandwidth results for Brownian traffic models for which explicit results reveal the interaction arising in finite buffers.
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de Veciana, G., Walrand, J. Effective bandwidths: Call admission, traffic policing and filtering for ATM networks. Queueing Syst 20, 37–59 (1995). https://doi.org/10.1007/BF01158431
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/BF01158431