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A unified set of proposals for control and design of high speed data networks

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Queueing Systems Aims and scope Submit manuscript


In this paper we articulate our philosophy and approach to the design and control of high speed data networks. The object is to put into perspective and to explain the coordination of various isolated pieces of detailed technical analyses that have been reported in several recent papers. In the process we summarize what we have learnt in our recent work and, also, we give indications of the direction of our future work. Our scheme integrates feedback and open loop control. The feedback control is exercised by sliding windows; access controllers regulate bursty sources. All our design proposals are rooted in asymptotic analyses; the justification for asymptotics comes from the largeness of the parameters, such as propagation delay, speed, window size, buffer size, and the number of virtual circuits. This analysis makes a strong case for operating in a specific “moderate usage” regime, and adaptive dynamic windowing algorithms are given that make this happen; moreover, when in this regime, buffers may be sized aggressively small without jeopardizing performance and the simplicity of the retransmission protocol. The topics in the paper are: model of communication, results on the steady-state behavior of the basic model, access control, small buffers and retransmission protocols, dynamic adaptive windows, bursty sources, and contrast with previous work.

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I. Mitrani's work was done while AT&T Bell Laboratories.

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Mitra, D., Mitrani, I., Ramakrishnan, K.G. et al. A unified set of proposals for control and design of high speed data networks. Queueing Syst 9, 215–234 (1991).

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