Queueing systems in which arriving customers who find all servers and waiting positions (if any) occupied may retry for service after a period of time are called retrial queues or queues with repeated orders. Retrial queues have been widely used to model many problems in telephone switching systems, telecommunication networks, computer networks and computer systems. In this paper, we discuss some important retrial queueing models and present their major analytic results and the techniques used. Our concentration is mainly on single-server queueing models. Multi-server queueing models are briefly discussed, and interested readers are referred to the original papers for details. We also discuss the stochastic decomposition property which commonly holds in retrial queues and the relationship between the retrial queue and the queue with server vacations.
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Yang, T., Templeton, J.G.C. A survey on retrial queues. Queueing Syst 2, 201–233 (1987). https://doi.org/10.1007/BF01158899
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/BF01158899