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Single-layer cylindrical compaction

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Algorithmica Aims and scope Submit manuscript


In VLSI compaction, an array composed of a single cell warrants special consideration. Standard methods of compaction [MS] result in either nonuniform cell layouts or unnecessarily large cell spacing. These inadequacies would be lessened were the array compacted instead by compacting a single instance of the cell against itself: in essence, the cell would be compacted on a torus. Equivalently, the problem becomes that of compacting a layout to fit into a minimal area shape 4-tiling the plane.

Only the one-dimensional version of the problem has been addressed: that equivalent to compaction on a cylinder. Unfortunately, the efficient longest-path approach to one-dimensional compaction is not directly applicable since there is no origin to compact against. Eichenberger and Horowitz solve the problem in polynomial time by using a min-cost flow approach to assign positions to the nodes of a constraint network embedded on a cylinder [EH]. Mehlhorn and Rülling found an iterative approach running in timeO(n 2 logn) when restricted to networks abstracted from layouts having any fixed number of layers [MR]. In this paper the longest-path approach is adapted to solve the same cylindrical compaction problem on planar networks—those abstracted from single-layer layouts—in justO(n logn) time.

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Communicated by Kurt Mehlhorn.

This research was supported by NSF Presidential Young Investigator Grant MIP-8657693.

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Anderson, R., Kahan, S. & Schlag, M. Single-layer cylindrical compaction. Algorithmica 9, 293–312 (1993).

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