Many maps [an important source of information for efficient spatial data evaluation using a Geographic Information System (GIS)] must still be digitized manually, a time-consuming and error-prone process. Therefore, we developed the processing of maps (PROMAP) system, which incorporates adequate image analysis. The system can generate a symbolic description of the map that can be imported into a GIS. A color scanner generates a multicolor raster image of the map. This image is split into layers of predefined map colors. Each layer is vectorized and methods like neural network-based symbol and object recognition for the extraction of attributed structure primitives and knowledge-directed image interpretation are applied. The map scene is structured hierarchically. The interface to the GIS is represented by the map objects at the upper levels of hierarchy. These investigations described are part of the interdisciplinary projectEnvironmental Planning System. The scope of this project is the combination of data acquisition, the development of an evaluation scheme, and GIS in an integrated concept.
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Ebi, N., Lauterbach, B. & Anheier, W. An image analysis system for automatic data acquisition from colored scanned maps. Machine Vis. Apps. 7, 148–164 (1994). https://doi.org/10.1007/BF01211660
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/BF01211660