An alphabetic cone is a family of forests stable under alphabetic tree transductions, whereas we call REC-closed each family of forests closed under the operations of union, top-catenation,a-product anda-star; the sheaves are families having both the above properties.
For a given sheaf of forests ℱ, both the families of languages (ℱ) and yield (ℱ) (of branches and yields of ℱ respectively) constitute full AFL's.
Further we show that the familyK-REC of forests supporting recognizable formal power series on trees is a sheaf and so is the family OCF of behaviors of one counter treeautomata.
On the contrary, restricted one counter forests (ROCF) constitute an alphabetic cone which fails to be a sheaf; ROCF N (restricted one counter forests over alphabets with degree ≦N) is alphabetically principal generated by the Lukasiewicz forest of rankN.
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Bozapalidis, S., Rahonis, G. On two families of forests. Acta Informatica 31, 235–260 (1994). https://doi.org/10.1007/BF01218405
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/BF01218405