It is a well recognised fact that design errors in parallel systems are often hard to identify—due to their non-deterministic nature. It is therefore important that designs are analysedbefore the implementation phase begins. Even small parallel systems often have an intrinsic structure which is hard to fully understand, and the support of automated tools is therefore indispensable. In order to be of any practical use, the computations of such tools must be (polynomially) effective in terms of the system size, and furthermore it must be possible to reason about the system in terms of the properties of its (parallel) components—in order to avoid state-space explosion. Finally, the well-establishedstepwise refinement design strategy must be supported.
The tools of theTav-system fulfil the above requirements, and in this paper we present its features by analysing a simple transmission protocol. The cornerstone of the system is the theory ofmodal transition systems, which allows for efficient decidability, stepwise refinement, and compositionality. The theory also supports a unique feature ofTav, namely the ability to provide explanations in case of design errors.
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This work has been supported in part by the POTP-project at Aalborg University and by the Esprit project Concur 2.
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Børjesson, A., Larsen, K.G. & Skou, A. Generality in design and compositional verification usingTav . Form Method Syst Des 6, 239–258 (1995). https://doi.org/10.1007/BF01384499
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/BF01384499