The concurrent logic languages, of which Parlog is one, have been promoted as a new generation of software languages specifically designed for parallel programming. This paper investigates their application to a search problem commonly used as an illustration of artificial intelligence techniques, the 8-puzzle. It notes that programs written in the concurrent logic languages which do not pay attention to the parallelism can fall into two possible traps: either there is little real parallelism in them due to data dependencies, or there is too much parallelism and any practical architecture will be overwhelmed. A solution which controls the parallelism using user-defined priorities is proposed. This solution has the advantage of being architecture-independent.
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Huntbach, M. Parallel branch-and-bound search in Parlog. Int J Parallel Prog 20, 299–314 (1991). https://doi.org/10.1007/BF01408020
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/BF01408020