This research compared grasps to real surfaces with grasps to virtual surfaces, and used virtual surfaces to examine the role of cues to surface shape in grasp. The first experiment investigated the kinematics of overhand grasps to real and virtual objects. The results showed that, compared with grasps to real surfaces, grasps to virtual objects were different in the deceleration phase of the grasp movement and were more variable in their endpoint position. The second experiment used several measures to examine the relationship between the visual perception of a surface and the decision to grasp the surface with either an over-or underhand grasp. It was found that visual perception of the surface was consistent with the grasping decision. The third experiment used virtual surfaces to examine how the removal of visual cues to shape affected the decision to switch from over- to underhand grasp. Results showed that the orientation at which the decision switched was dependent on the visual information content. Overall, the results showed that subtle differences existed between the reach to grasp movements towards real and virtual surfaces and that the decision to choose between grasp types was dependent on the visual information used to depict the virtual surface. These results are discussed in relation to the design and use of input devices to enable manipulation of three-dimensional objects in virtual worlds.
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Pollick, F.E. Virtual surfaces and the influence of cues to surface shape on grasp. Virtual Reality 3, 85–101 (1998). https://doi.org/10.1007/BF01417670
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/BF01417670