The field of neural networks is being investigated by many researchers in order to provide solutions to difficult problems in the area of manufacturing systems. Computer simulation of neural networks is an important part of this investigation. This paper applies concepts from an important trend in software engineering research, namely object-oriented programming, to model neural networks.
The design and implementation of a software object library is crucial to obtaining the full benefits of object-oriented programming. In this paper we discuss the design and implementation of a foundation library of software objects for the purpose of simulating and validating different network architectures and learning rules. The library contains objects that implement various types of nodes and learning rules. We discuss the results of our experiments to illustrate the benefits of using an object-oriented approach to modeling neural networks.
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Gadre, M., Cogez, P. & Adiga, S. Object-oriented modeling and simulation of neural networks. J Intell Manuf 3, 263–276 (1992). https://doi.org/10.1007/BF01473903
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/BF01473903