Let ℒ be the language defined by some deterministick-state automaton with accepting statesF, and letG be a directed graph withn nodes andm labeled arcs. Thedynamic ℒ-path problem is to process efficiently and on-line two kinds of operations: (1) inserting arcs intoG, and (2) given two nodesu andv inG, finding a path fromu tov that is labeled by some word of ℒ, or reporting that none exists. We present a data structure that supports insertion and regular path existence queries inO(nk 2) amortized time andO(|F|) worst-case time, respectively. Deletions only (no insertions) can also be accommodated in directed acyclic graphs. Finding an ℒ-path between two nodes can be done inO(l+|F|) worst-case time, wherel is the length of the path returned. This is an improvement over theO(m) time required to answer queries in the static version of this problem, for each fixed infinite ℒ. We show how this data structure and the techniques used for building it are applicable to the area of knowledge base querying. In an amortized setting, we provide relative improvements ofO(m/n) to the time bounds for answering many one-sided recursive queries and even some two-sided recursive queries, such as the same generation query on acyclic graphs.
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Work partially completed while at Brown University. Work at Princeton partially supported by the NSF Center in Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science (DIMACS).
Work supported in part by NSF grant IRI-8617344, by an Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Fellowship, and by ONR grant N00014-83-K-0146, ARPA Order No. 4786.
Work supported in part by an NSF Presidential Young Investigator Award with matching funds from IBM, by NSF research grant DCR-8403613, and by ONR grant N00014-83-K-0146, ARPA Order No. 4786.
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Buchsbaum, A.L., Kanellakis, P.C. & Vitter, J.S. A data structure for arc insertion and regular path finding. Ann Math Artif Intell 3, 187–210 (1991). https://doi.org/10.1007/BF01530925
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/BF01530925